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Fionn's PBEM Game: Napolean

Have left home but am still stuck in Texas for the next few days.
I thought this was as good a time as any to provide a status description of our game.

Western Europe is mostly the place and aim of war between two old ennemis : France and England. But France has grown lavishly in the decade following the 1789 revolution and annexed states (Western Germany,...) or allies (Denmark) make up a strong holding on the mainland.
England, well protected by the Channel, had dropped its isolationism, thinking it could easily operate on the continent too. But its encircling theory (Amsterdam, Italy and Portugal) may have caused weakness more than brought strength. Indeed Italy is on the way to become French, and the agreement with the Russians allowing for an English naval base in the Black sea means little as far as influence in the Med is concerned. The quest for allies has started but apart from Austria that sided with the French in the Med, few monarchs seem tempted to go looking for glory on the battlefield. The bloody exemples of France and Britain might scare a few actually.

Spain's King is a trouble-maker, at war with many countries such as the Ottomans (for religious reasons as usual) or Austria (whose leadership among the catholic monarchs it tries to challenge).

Prussia and Russia seem to be very much "waiting and seeing" ( ;) ), strengthening their grip on their holdings. Maybe waiting for France and England to weaken.

That is all for now.
I have the game but am stuck in Germany for the moment without access to my laptop and the C3C CD.
no i hadnt sent the save yet, i didnt get to it til today
sending tonight
Has anyone contacted Wildfire? He was booted from another PBEM game that I am involved in for not responding. How long will we wait?

Suprises Lou? Now you have my attention. Care to elaborate?
Originally posted by Norlamand
Has anyone contacted Wildfire? He was booted from another PBEM game that I am involved in for not responding. How long will we wait?

Suprises Lou? Now you have my attention. Care to elaborate?

Well, it seems it is not blocked with you, nor with Eric-A, and obviously you did not get the turn I sent :)p ). So it is either Wildfire or Fionn (I sent him a message) or worst, both.

If Fionn reacts I propose we replace Wildfire. What do you think ?

Care to elaborate ? Well, maybe not but maybe I should :D . I will send you a PM.
Fionn has replied so it must be Wildfire. I propose we get a replacement player, except if someone knwos his whereabouts. I have already posted an "advertisement" for the position !
No PM. The suspence is killing me.
If nobody applies for the game I have a friend that is new to CivIII but would like to play. He is inexperienced but reliable.
I'd say go for him !
Eric_A has said he was kicked from another PBEM as well for not replying so.

Yep sorry I will send something....
If you still need a stand-in for Prussia, I'd be available.
rubberjello at yahoo dot com
Sent to Eric A.

Errr.... Is there any outstanding "agreements" Wildfire had going with anyone that I should be aware of?
(And please, not the usual smarta$$ comments about "giving all their cities to xxxx country!)
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