Yumbo? Yumbo!
You (or the system) turned off the advanced buttons on the preferences.
Oh!! Ok, thanks, I'll double check that.Originally posted by warpstorm
You (or the system) turned off the advanced buttons on the preferences.
Originally posted by Arizona_Steve
Quick comment on the "replanting forests" issue:
I would suggest, if anything, that the time required to replant a forest is constant, irrespective of the number of workers working that tile. After all, a forest doesn't spring up overnight, just because there are a thousand people planting seeds.
If we place a constant value (say, 25 turns) on planting a forest, it might be practical to allow every forest chop to return 10 shields to the city.
For one thing the map looks nicer with trees on it.
Originally posted by Bamspeedy
Prettier for 1 turn, then they are chopped right back down again.
About the only compromise I'd consider is perhaps you could get the shields from that tile once per age.
There are some who make sure EVERY tile in their empire has been harvested once (even tiles that never did have a forest, or ever will have a forest other than to immediately chop it), and if they want to do this 3 extra times (at most), then more power to them. But I don't want to see them doing this continously non-stop throughout the game. It already sickens me that some competitors will do this (one chop of every single tile), but at least put a limit on it. Otherwise you would also HAVE to be doing that non-stop forestry operations to compete, otherwise the other player has thousands, or tens of thousands of shields worth of production edge on you, which would be very hard to overcome.
Originally posted by dog
I think you forgot to mention the upcoming "building specific units" editor change though.
Originally posted by Sparrow3
Regarding the the chopping and replanting of trees.
I would like to see the forests replanted and reharvested as follows:
1)Worker would replant the forest in 10 turns. Worker moves on to new job.
2)Forest grows for 10 - 20 turns. At this point it is 1/2 mature. If chopped, it yields 1/2 shield value (5 shields). Chop time 10 turns.
3)Forest grows for 20 -30 turns. At this point it is fully mature. If chopped, it yields full shield value (10 shields). Chop time still 10 turns.
4)Forest grows for 40 - 50 turns. At this point it is old growth forest. If chopped, it yields 1.5 times full shield value (15 shields).
This way you don't tie a worker up for the entire regrowth process and still delay the reharvesting process. Sort of like in real life.
This occured to me right after I made the post. I thought the solution would be to ask Sn00py, WarpStrom, or one of the other terrain GURUs to make the needed terrain overlaysOriginally posted by planetfall
This is a good idea for enhancing the realism of the game, BUT what about game play? Issues that might detract from gameplay are:
1-- how does player know how long the forest has been growing?
2-- would the AI use this or is this only an advantage to human?
3-- how much longer would each turn take as player has to decide how to harvest or not?
The best visual solution might be:
1. Immature tree crop, Turn after forest planting, 1..19, 1/2 height tree graphics
2. Mature tree crop, turns after planting 20..39, normal tree graphics
3. Quality tree crop, turns after planting 40..59, redwood/sequoia tree graphics
4. Overplanted tree crop, turns after planting 60+, overcrowded/burnt tree graphics
I think you are right this way of implementing forest replanting would be better added in Civ4.Originally posted by royfurr
Sparrow3 I think your suggestion is too complex for us to expect from Firaxis at this point, maybe in Civ4. I had considered something like that at first and dropped it. But great minds think alike!