Firaxis: BETA Patch Info

Originally posted by Tavis
MP: PBEM Reveal Map/Cheat, MP Specific Map Generation for more competitive maps (including tiny/small maps w/8 players), MPTournament Update, Aircraft Bombardment Messages displaying, Balance Adjustments (??? necessary - Enkidu 15??)

This all sounds very good. Thank you :D. But what about the bug that allows you to load a PBEM game in single player mode (SP) and reveal EVERYTHING of your opponenent? Is it possible to always have a PBEM save password protected or something (or to not allow to load it in SP)?
Maybe I should not be asking this question but I got the feeling Tavis is kind of doing that on his own free will with agreement but not much support by Firaxis. Am I right ?

In which case Tavis I all the more thankful to you and it is sure nice to see someone who enjoys his product so much.
Eer... on the sidenote, I really wonder whether it would be hard to implement this (I know everyone is asking for more :o ) :

When trade between two civs cross through your territory, you could get a percentage (or fixed amount of money) for the use of your transport network...
That was important for civs such as the Byzantines or during the Arab-Muslim golden era period when they controlled trade between Europe and Asia.
Planting Forests not returning shields

:confused:, was this a bug I hadn't heard about? I hope this is just worded wrong and isn't what I think it is. You can only harvest a forested tile once to get the 10 shields to prevent people from continuosly planting and chopping forests for 10 shields/turn from the same tile. People could have cities producing 100+shields/turn in the ancient era just by having many workers.

Anarchy Limited to 8 turns (weighting the roll for 3-5 turns), Religious requiring only 1 End Turn for gov't switch,

It's good that non-religious have max of 8 turns instead of 9, but why go back to giving religious only 1 turn?

worker gangs,

Great idea, but I suspect many problems implementing this. Why not some sort of stack command? If I have a stack of workers and press ALT-R, then every worker in that stack is told to build a road. The game then starts at the top of the list and tells each worker to build a road and when the road is complete and I still have excess workers then they are now active and I can hit Alt-M to tell the left over workers to start mining, etc. It will be the player's responsibility to isolate slaves from normal workers and to have the proper # of workers in the stack to avoid worker inefficiency.

Note: I used Alt as an example, since I know many Control commands are already used.
Maybe the techs could be the things that improve your workers speed anyway. Like Democracy would allow 1 more units, Facism could load 2 more units, Industrious could load 1 more unit, and replaceable parts lets you load 2 more units. However doing this would make a slight problem as by the time you have all of these you don't need 5 workers to build a road.
I'm very happy to see active post-development, though I share Bamspeedy's opinion on worker gangs. This can cause much more complications than advantages. On the other hand, that idea for stacked worker commands seems simple and good.
All the rest targeted issues, especially editor improvements, sound really neat.
Originally posted by Chieftess
Speaking of the Enkidu... let's just say, after a game with Friedrich, and playing them myself, I think a 15 shield enkidu just might be better...
No, no, not again !!! :( Please keep the enkidu at 10 shields ! Hoplites cost 20 shields, not more than a spearman, so why should it be changed for those nice units ? At least make warriors available for Sumeria, so that I can have the choice to build either enkidus or warriors.

More generally, as I have already said many times (sorry, Chieftess) : a nice option would be to allow every civ to build both their UU and the standard unit it replaces. Some civs won't need this option obviously, ie. all the civs that have a UU that is better than the standard unit in any way : hoplites, immortals, riders... But a lot of civs need this option : Mongols (the Keshik is feeble in defense), Arabs (ditto with the Ansar warrior), Celts (Gallic swordsmen cost more than swordsmen), Sumeria (Enkidus replace the warrior but (fortunately but crazily) upgrade to the swordsman, so no swordsman massive upgrades for Sumeria), Incas (no comment)... and so on...

I'd like a designer to comment on this subject. Thank you very much. :)
Originally posted by Bamspeedy

:confused:, was this a bug I hadn't heard about? I hope this is just worded wrong and isn't what I think it is. You can only harvest a forested tile once to get the 10 shields to prevent people from continuosly planting and chopping forests for 10 shields/turn from the same tile. People could have cities producing 100+shields/turn in the ancient era just by having many workers.

Maybe it's replanting a forest decreases shields from your city??? I'm just as confused by that one...

Also, here's another suggestion for the worker gangs and worker jobs in general:

When right clicking a stack of workers, show what the workers are working on. This would be great for those times you hit "i" once too often, and mean to build a road on a mine instead. Maybe even put the number of turns it will take.


Worker (irragating - 1)
Worker (irragating - 1)
Worker (French) (irragating - 1)
Worker (Zulu) (irragating - 1)
Worker (road - 2 )
Worker (road - 2 )
Originally posted by Bamspeedy
:confused:, was this a bug I hadn't heard about? I hope this is just worded wrong and isn't what I think it is. You can only harvest a forested tile once to get the 10 shields to prevent people from continuosly planting and chopping forests for 10 shields/turn from the same tile. People could have cities producing 100+shields/turn in the ancient era just by having many workers.

I think he meant : not getting shields for forest you've planted and harvested on a terrain were there never was a forest. You could only get the 10 shields once, of course, since after that the terrain is not "virgin" anymore.
Originally posted by Chieftess

Maybe it's replanting a forest decreases shields from your city??? I'm just as confused by that one...

Also, here's another suggestion for the worker gangs and worker jobs in general:

When right clicking a stack of workers, show what the workers are working on. This would be great for those times you hit "i" once too often, and mean to build a road on a mine instead. Maybe even put the number of turns it will take.


Worker (irragating - 1)
Worker (irragating - 1)
Worker (French) (irragating - 1)
Worker (Zulu) (irragating - 1)
Worker (road - 2 )
Worker (road - 2 )

At the moment I just change the names e.g. "Worker-Roads" then I dont have to click at all :)
Quick comment on the "replanting forests" issue:

I would suggest, if anything, that the time required to replant a forest is constant, irrespective of the number of workers working that tile. After all, a forest doesn't spring up overnight, just because there are a thousand people planting seeds.

If we place a constant value (say, 25 turns) on planting a forest, it might be practical to allow every forest chop to return 10 shields to the city.
Tavis - As far as the new enslave capabilities will work, I would like to have the ability to capture the horse of a horse-based unit. In other words, my rifleman shoots down an enemies knight, and I would get the Riderless Horse unit in return (this is a unit you can download from this site). I would probably create a Horse Wrangler unit for this though.

Currently we do not have this capability. Would we be able to in this upcoming patch?

BTW, I think the fact that Firaxis employees have continued to interact with the gaming community to improve upon your already great products is a testament to your loyalty and dedication.
Originally posted by The Last Conformist
Gotta agree with Bamspeedy: Worker gangs might be cool, but what I really want is stack commands. I'd also love stack bombard.

Agreed. Stack worker command applies to all workers on the tile until the action can no longer be done (e.g. the mine is already built, pollution already cleared, etc.) and stack bombard until target can no longer be bombardment (i.e. all defenders redlined, no more terrain improvements to destroy, etc.)
I am very impressed at how Tavis/Firaxis are trying to address requests for changes and fixes. Awesome! I think you forgot to mention the upcoming "building specific units" editor change though. ;)
My suggestion about the planting forests issue, if it is not to complicated to impliment that is, would be to have the forest harvesting shield bonus to only apply to one construction project at a time.

example: you are building a temple and you have your workers out clearing the forest, and once their task is complete and the 10 shields are returned to the temple building city, they could replant the forest and start chopping it again. the city would only recieve the 10 shield bonus if it had completed the temple and had been switched to a different project (other than Great Wonders, etc. etc.)
Originally posted by Lord_all_Mighty
My suggestion about the planting forests issue, if it is not to complicated to impliment that is, would be to have the forest harvesting shield bonus to only apply to one construction project at a time.

example: you are building a temple and you have your workers out clearing the forest, and once their task is complete and the 10 shields are returned to the temple building city, they could replant the forest and start chopping it again. the city would only recieve the 10 shield bonus if it had completed the temple and had been switched to a different project (other than Great Wonders, etc. etc.)

What about military units? With enough workers, you could build 1 unit/turn, regardless of the shield cost for the unit.

I like the 1 harvest/tile rule. Harvesting multiple times would make this game all about setting up a lumber company (over, and over, and over...). Basically, boring and tedious.
However forest planting/chopping is implemented, it should be a maximum of one shield perk per tile per game, otherwise a decent stack of workers could turn even the most corrupt of cities into a 4 turn Settler factory.
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