I won't harp on about the trade routes too much as that's going to get beaten to death here, but I do have a couple points I want to hammer home in case anyone from firaxis reads this. One, holy hell guys, plz nerf, did no one during the beta complain about these? First game just trying to figure out what I'm doing and I get all the achievements for having 100+ yields of everything in my capital, and that was just with 4 cities. Maybe the knowledge and industry trees helped quite a bit, but still. Two, please give us more options to sort trade routes. Previous route to the top, sort by yields, sort by delta, blahblahblah. Seriously.
Balance is a bit of a mess right now. To be fair having played CiV enough that diety didn't feel particularly challenging anymore I wasn't expecting apollo to stomp me, but I was hoping for a bit more of a challenge than this. First game first victory had to fight all of one mid-game war against a neighbour who had zip for affinity and thus vastly underpowered units even against my relatively small army. I took a city from him after a handful of turns, and that was it. The AIs who were actually scary ignored me, even while I was popping down earthling settlers for an easy win. I was way out in front as far as I could tell (highest affinity through the entire game, the AIs were all commenting on my military strength from all of 2 lev destroyers, 3 lev tanks, and a horde of purity solider dudes), so maybe I'm just that damn good or Franco-Iberia + knowledge and industry are OP, I dunno, but I was hoping for a bit more urgency.
The UI needs a lot of work. Again, who beta tested this? From little things like not telling me what I just finished building in a city, to the aforementioned unsortable trade route list, to big things like clunky ugly city management screens I'm not sure what happened between CiV and now. I've managed to buy tiles I didn't want/need more times than I'd like to admit as a result of the clunky city management screen. I've given up on trying to micro my cities because navigating around those giant intrusive icons that manage to block tile yields all too often (seriously, WTH guys) is a headache. This would have me very annoyed if not for the broken trade-routes that mean microing cities isn't really needed anyway, so I'm more just disappointed there. Gonna be downloading a mod to fix this ASAP, and that's never a good sign.
RIP specialization. There's no more winning because you played a flawless cultural or diplomatic/economic game, those are just things you can invest in to get more bonuses for your civ. I don't mind that too much truth be told, as I didn't expect a victory from overwhelming the aliens and new planet with the power of my culture/all my UN votes, but it's still disappointing to see it more tacked on because it's a civ game than because it's a core gameplay mechanic. The bigger loss is that cities don't need any specialization or thought any more. The idea of production city, science city, culture city, money city are all long gone; every city can build every building and have enough production to crank out military no problem with only minimal investment (damn you trade routes!) regardless of where you placed it. I don't mind that if I'm playing small and tall (which I generally do because I'm boring like that) but when it's possible to ICS and have super cities anywhere and everywhere? Now I'm getting concerned. Again, who beta tested this?
I freaking love being able to use satellites to produce extra resources. Big ugly lake that in CiV would have had me bemoaning 6 lost tiles for my capital? Now it's 6 tiles of algae and coral. Big flat desert with nothing on it is the only way to expand? Now it's a big flat desert covered in resources to expand on to. I haven't had a good supremacy game yet to try rushing for those satellites (stupid 18 floatstone starts) but I really want to give that a try with franco-iberia or the slavic federation. It feels way better than it should to get a quest to build a biofuel plant in your capital when your capital is on a lake with no algae, build a couple weather controllers, and 20 turns later have algae in your capital for your biofuel plant.
Quests are nice, although I have two gripes: first I keep getting a quest early to seek out some mysterious radio signal nearby that I never end up finding. Organic exploration is nice so I won't ask for a locate button but at the very least giving me some little hint of what exactly I'm supposed to do. My explorers comb the nearby area digging up everything in sight and still the quest won't progress. You win guys, where'd you hide the radio signal? Two some of the building quest options are hilariously one sided. The trade route one is the most obvious, but there are others. Please fix.
I'm liking that the AI is gobbling up all the good city locations a bit slower than in CiV. Instead of the diety rush to spam out cities I'm getting to turns 100-150 and still finding awesome places to put down cities. Part of this is that those ugly tundra/desert/small island city locations are now more viable with various buildings, improvements and satellites, but I feel like the AI doesn't expand like it did in CiV. Dunno if this is a change to the AI programming, a result of aliens eating colonists/outposts, or a mix of the two, but I like it. Even after getting forward settled by some jerk it feels good to wander down the coastline 100 turns later and see a spot with plenty of strategic resources to fuel my petty vengeance attacks against those ugly cities settled up against my capital.
This is turning into a wall of text I didn't plan to write, so I'll just wrap it up by saying for all it's flaws (and boy does it have a bunch of 'em) I'm still having a lot of fun with it. Classic Civ game, lots of bugs and balance issues on release, who woulda thunk? A couple balance patches (or expansions, who knows) and a mod or two to fix the ugly UI and I'll be pretty happy with it.