• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

First post for the Citizens

Hi, I'm Ravensfire, and I'm a Civ-addict! (Thanks SaAM!)

I'm a Java developer specializing in JSP's in St. Louis. I'm in my early 30's, but still manage to play volleyball at a competitive level (USAV B+/BB). I'm a huge sports fan, supporting the Cards, Blues and Rams (Buh-Bye JD Drew - we'll miss the whining!).

I've beem active on the 'net since the early 90's. Yes, I've used Gopher and WAIS before. I can remember when saying wustl meant ftp.wustl.edu. Frightening, isn't it? I've been using the name Ravensfire since '00 or so - this is only the second name I've actively used on-line.

I started playing Civ when the first one came out, using a "functional remote-backup". Yes, I did eventually purchase the game. I've bought just about every Civ title when it came out since. I usually play at Monarch or Regent level though. I play Strategy games (Civ, Harpoon series), (Neverwinter Nights) and FPS (Tribes II, BF 1942 and Delta Force: Black Hawk Down). The last two titles I can usually be found at 500 meters out with a sniper rifle. Say "Cheese", you're in my scope!

I started lurking in the demogames some time ago, initially as a pure lurker (end of DG1). I actually voted through most of DG2, starting to participate towards the end. In DG3 I was semi-active at the beginning. Something then happened that set me off on a rant. I was then challenged to "put up or shut up!"

In Term 4 of DG3 I was elected to the office of Judge Advocate. I developed, proposed and saw passed a revised PI process that fortunately was never used. With a platform of change and personal responsibility, I was elected President in Term 5. I oversaw the development of Fanatica from a nation of potential into the powerhouse of the world, overtaking all. I returned to the Judiciary in Term 6 as the Public Defender.

I'm an outspoken advocate of trusting our officials and of citizens demanding accountability and responsibility from their elected leaders.

The beginning of a new game has brought a few old names from the woodwork (still hoping to see some others ...), and many new faces. I'm excited to see the numbers, and hope that all citizens participate in discussions and/or voting. This game is for you, after all!

-- Ravensfire
I do not yet know how involved I will be in this DG, but I have joined, and will post a little here.

The obvious things that everyone (or almost everyone) should know about me are: I am a moderator here, in the Civ3 forums (Not the DG - this is Donovan Zoi's demesne). I retired from the USAF about 7 years ago as a Master Sergeant. I still work at HQ US Strategic Command, programming in several languages, and doing Software Configuration Management for the Plans and Analysis division.

I've been happily married for almost 30 years (this coming May! :love: ), have two adult children, and 4 grandchildren living in my home.

I lurked in much of DG1, but was elected as FA Deputy near the end. I served several terms as Culture Leader during DG2, as well as running the Heraldry and Acroama Homes in the RPG. I pretty much skipped DG3, due to my work schedule and moderation duties.

Like some of the other old-timers here, I'm glad to see the new faces, as well as the old, and hope this game is something special.

:) Just relocating this thread in case some of of newer Citizens would like to post in it. Thanks to everyone who has posted here already.
Hey Cyc, I'd love to "holla".

I'm a native New Yorker who "survives" in the bronx, yet I manage to be just about every where in the City. I'm a full time college student, part time worker, full time boyfriend and my life as of recently has become obsessed with the R.A. Salvatore novels.
My first experience with civ was way back in I believe 5th grade, or some time when I had a squeaky voice (hey wait a second I think I kinda still do :p ) my friend introduced me to civ 1. It seemed appealing to me then but alas it wasn't until civ 3 came out that the idea of creating a nation truely caught on. After playng Civ 3 for a while I stumbled upon civfanatics and well here I am. Eagerly awaiting new posts in DG4 when i get out of work at night. And trying to reclaim my name due to my sudden absence as FA at the brink of war in DG3 (shows me to keep up with paying my phone bill ;) ).

Been a pleasure playing with you fellas (and ladies :) ), and I look forward to much much more.
I just realized that I missed this thread when it first began... ;)

For those of you who don't know me, I'm a 16 year old high school sophmore, who's been involved in this game more or less since DG1. It all started in the fateful Term 4 of DG1, when I was appointed governor by then-President Chieftess. Those good old days in Scythia were nice...

Since then, I've been everything from governor, to Trade Minister, Public Defender, Chief Justice, Vice President (five terms in a row, in fact, due to my consistent coming in second place in Presidential elections in DG2), and even President (once, T7 of DG2). Actually, my interest in this game dried up in DG3, due to my participation in the CFC team of the Multi-site Demogame, as well as some other games at Apolyton.

In real life, I'm just a boring kid with too much time on his hands, and with an aversion to doing my homework. :)
Raven1er here- I've been around for DG's 1 and 2. New York here- NO SNOW

i was domestic department deputy in DG 1, and in DG 2(I think) i was Foreign Department deputy for two terms.

Ah, back in the day.
I’m new here, so I want to say "Hello" to everybody. I live in Estonia (if you know where it is). I go for Capoeira, its my biggest hobby after PC's and everything connected to them, and I study at school. Also I know VB and learning PHP. I prefer RTS but easily play anything...
Basically I understand how the game works but I will need time to learn it completely.

Any ideas what must i do next? :D
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