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First post for the Citizens


Looking for the door...
Mar 18, 2002
Behind you
This is the first post for the citizens. In honor of all the Demogames that went before, I mark this space for the People who all come together as one to forge ahead as a new nation. If you are checking in from around the world (to include the USA), let us know a little bit about where you're from.

Special Thanks to digitalblasphemy.com
Nice pic, Cyc.

I shall join you in celebrating the birth of and the citizens that have made and will continue to make the demogame so grand an experience.

As many of you may know already, I also am a veteran of the demogame wars. I toast my fellow veterans and wish us all the best of fortunes for another successful and enjoyable campaign.

To those of you who are new to the demogame (including those of you just considering the idea of joining), I bid you welcome and urge you to take part. Watch for a while, if you like, or simply jump right in. Your presence is welcome and appreciated. Just remember to register in the Citizen Registry.

Welcome all and Best Wishes for a Great DG IV!
The Dutch contribution for DG IV comes from me. I've been active since DG3.

I live in the city of Nijmegen, an ancient pre-roman city in the east of the Netherlands.

Roman walls in Nijmegen.

It has played a very important role in many ages and is currently known for it's 4-day marches. Perhaps the best known recent-historical role Nijmegen played was in WW II. In operation Market Garden; the crossing of the great rivers and a push to Arnhem, Nijmegen was the furthest city that was liberated. As Arnhem was "A bridge too far", Nijmegen was "A bridge just far enough".

here you see the bridge "just far enough" and the flower-coat of arms. Picture taken from Roman fortress (not visible).

Link to english languaged site about Nijmegen

Since 1909 Nijmegen holds the world longest 4-day walking event in the World. you walk 4 days 50km (~ 35 miles) (walking, it's not allowed to run). In the evening there is fireworks, bands and music on all squares, a whole band playing from the windows of a medieavel building, bars opened, a very nice party (International Nijmegen Summer Festivities), which last 8 days and nights. I've never participated in the walks myslef, but God have I participated in the summer-party ;) !!

Link to English language 4-days March
I'll chime in here. "Hi SaaM!" I'm a Southern Californian. The weather is beautiful here. Just thought I'd send you some sunshine. ;)

quoting Rik Meleet:
More later, if you are interested.
Heck, yeah I'm interested. If I'm not mistaken, I believe one of the scenarios in "V for Victory" was the Market Garden Campaign. I remember you touched on that lightly during DG3. Nice map too. In fact, the "pre-Roman" part of your post is interesting to me. I learned some interesting facts about your area when I was researching my adventures in Plexus' NES of Europe.
May this Demogame hopefully revive the "Golden Age" I miss from DG1...

I have been here since Demogame began, DG1 in my mind was the golden era of the DG though, that's when Role Playing and Political affairs were mixed. I remember rushing a Destroyer in the Great Search for the shipwreak of EA's Diplomatic mission to Greek's 1 city Island Nation (mostly thanks to the Iroqouis, darn backstabbers! Greeks weren't the only ones they tried to destroy).

Anyway, none of the other Demogames seemed to have the same Aura about them, at least in my mind, so I hope this DG finally revives that greatness.
Great to be back! I was an active player in the last part of DG3 but I don't think that this time I'll be so active because I've been and I'm gonna be very busy. :(
CivGeneral, one of The Emperor's Hand's

In Reallife, I live in southeastern Conneticut. I am currently a student at Mitchell Colege earning my degree in Marine Science. I am hoping to transfer one day to a 4 year college so that I can gaet a degree in Chemistry (Major) and Psycology (Minior)

In Demogame life. I was an active player in the last part of Demogame 1. But my role in the demogame realy exploded when I finaly became Military Leader in Demogame 2 and parts of DG 3. In Demogame 3 I finaly became President of the demogame, after I beleve 4 terms of being a perenial Vice President like Octavian. During the closing months of the Demogame, I retired to the Judicary branch. Now I would like to get out of retierment and hopefully run to become the Military Leader again :D.
This one comes to you from one holy scrap of land just between Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
In spite of all they tell us on CNN, people still live here, normal lives, and some of them even play civ.
I'm in my last year of highschool, working towards those finals. Will be recruited to the Israeli Defence Force sometime 2005.

Civ-wise I've been playing Civ for years, never on the real hard levels because I always wanted to relax and enjoy the game more than sweat for it- I'm tackling Monarch right now, since I always win Regent, and this is my first Demogame though I watched bits of DG2 and DG3.
Good luck everyone, may DGIV be the best yet :)
Ich bin studentin auf Moscow, Idaho. Up here in the University of Idaho, I am studying Political Science with a minor in Philosophy with the idea of becoming a lawyer.

In the DG's, I started Lurking back in DG2. It wasn't until a little into DG 3 and the Multi- Site Demogame that I started contibuting through the Judicial Department. Towards the end of the game, I started to become more involved as mayor and governor in Klixus- Major and Esqiline.

Let's have a good demogame!
Hello, Charon. Nice to see someone from such an interesting place. Just a question on the Israeli Defense Force. I know that it is mandatory for all people over the age of 19 (?), but how long does it take. Is it like America's bootcamp? Just a few questions, if you dont mind.

-SaaM, who feels that NYC is NOWHERE as bad as its made out to be either, but thats on no basis of comparison to Israel.
Hey, I'll post here, just for the principle.

I'm Fier Canadien, and I do come from Canada (first one to ask gets a free one-year membership to 10 spamlists). I'm from Québec City, and I'm a Macer. I've been around since DG2, and I have been Governor and Leader during the two last terms of DG3. I hope that the fourth Dg will bring back the stability of Dg2.
Yes, it is technicly mandatory for all citizen to serve in the IDF, from the age of 18 (Alcohol, Porn and voting rights are all 18 here, and nither has been changed to 21 because of the rational- if they're old enough to die for our country, they're old enough to do anything an adult can do).
The mandatory period is 3 years, after that if you choose to stay it's a career and the salary is nowhere near the modest budget you get in those 3 years.

I said "technicly mandatory for all citizen", and that's a -big- issue here. Thing is, the orthodox minority doesn't serve, it's a long story but there's lots of enmity all around that issue in the Israeli society. Lately there's more and more people avoiding the army not for religious reasons, and that's an issue to itself.
Myself, I can't say I agree with everything the Israeli government does, but I do intend to serve my country at least those 3 years.

Oh, and btw, I personally love NYC :)
I’m from Bedfordshire, England, which is around 50 miles north of London, with Cambridge a similar distance to the East and Oxford to the West (ish). Further East and you have Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft which just appear on Rik Meleet’s map (or at least they did until he changed it - they're off to the left a bit across the North Sea).

I’ve been playing Civ III at Regent level but have recently attempted Monarch with GOTM21, which I completed a couple of weeks ago (I know – rather late!). I tend to lurk rather than take part, and lurked throughout most of demogame 3. I hope to change that this time although time constraints due to work will probably prevent me from being more than a Citizen or possibly a Mayor.
Another Britisher, I reside in West London (or, more specifically, in the unlovely People's Republic of Hounslow) and work for the Evil Forces of Global Capitalism, in this instance represented by a fairly huge American IT outsourcing firm. I've been involved with the demogame here for quite a while, and have held various offices at various times throughout its three incarnations thus far with varying success.
I am from Alberta, Canada. MST. In the sub zero temperatures, I still get outside and run 5 times a week. I ran a Marathon on November 30 in Seattle. Not all CIVers sit in the dark in their underwear 24-7 :)

I saw the ad-blitz on the main CIVFanatics forum during DG3 and decided to take a look. I received a warm welcome from Zorven and have been returning for a fix ever since. I was the Mayor of Alexandria in DG3. Alexandria was a city captured from the Egyptians and destined to be a 'fishing village'. Zorven and I managed to tweek city, quite distant from the capital, into a powerhouse of production and culture (for a captured fishing village, anyway :) )

I would encourage any new players to consider being a mayor, as the townships become available. It is a great way to be a part of the game without a huge time commitment. If you have a good Govenor, like I did in Zorven, you will be able to play a role in making Fanatica (or whatever we decide our new country will be called) great.
I don't really know what this is (all the posts seem to be for people who do) but it sounds interesting.

I go to boarding school in Massachusetts, I whitewater kayaking...um...yeah.

Cool english_cracker, my dad whitewater kayaks.

Me, I'm just an *almost* 14 year old that lives in the outskirts of a speedtrap called Auburn, Georgia.

I've been lurking since Demogame 2 Term 7, and I first became active Demogame 3 Term 3. This demogame I hope to be Science Leader, maybe governer or judiciary, and I might run for president sometime.
I currently live in Silverlake, Los Angeles, California, USA. I move around a lot and never server jury duty.

I have a Bachelor Of Science in Chemistry from the University Of South Florida. I'm currently a Product Manager for a software company, before that I was a Telecommunications Engineer for a large optical systems vendor.

I have travelled extensively for work and I'm really interested in history. I've been all over Japan, England, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the US.

I lurked around the second half of DemoGame 2 and the first half of DemoGame 3. I then became involved as an active player and have served briefly in the governemnt.
I live in a small town in southern Indiana. I'm 14 years old and a high school freshman.

I joined CFC on March 2 of this year, making my first post a week later. I saw a front page ad (that happened to be a few days old) on March 28 (the end of Term 7, DG2), and by the end of the day I was Public Defender-elect. I've been an active citizen ever since. I held the post of Public Defender for three full terms (DG2 Term 8 and DG3 Terms 1-2) and the beginning of a fourth. I became Governor of Quirnial Province following my resignation as Public Defender, and I held that post for the rest of Term 3. In Term 4, I was elected Foreign Affairs Leader, a post that I held for the next two terms. In Term 6, I was elected President and was the one that pushed the button marked "Launch" on the rocket, bringing DG3 to a close.
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