Fish out of water... clearing swamp w/fish

Fanny Brice

Feb 3, 2002
Washington, DC
I know this was been discussed... but what happens when you clear a swamp tile with a fish in it?

I was working on this in the WWII Pacific scenario, but my game ended before I completed the clear. (One occurs in SE Asia).

I have not had the opportunity in any of my epic games. Fish seem very rare in swamps.

The workers create little ponds for the wildlife, letting the fish remain in that tile. ;)
:lol: @ Chieftess! Yes, that must be what happens! :D

Fanny: The "fish" resource remains in the tile - which looks a little incongruous, but what the heck. It provides the food bonus from the fish, even though it is now solid ground. Maybe consider the "drained" swamp to be richer in natural fertilizer, to explain the food bonus.
Originally posted by Chieftess
The workers create little ponds for the wildlife, letting the fish remain in that tile. ;)

I looked up "little ponds" in the Cizalopedia and did not see it.:lol:

Thanks, Padma.

MB they'll create Rice in the future patch.
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