Fixing AI should be Easy

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In korean wiki call namuwiki they actually criticized on how bad civ 5 Ai is.
Here I'll translate:
"For diplomacy and Military Ai are horrendously bad and waste their time doing some stupid stuff. For example an allied civ would denounce you on the next turn and declare war on you for no reason. "

so yeah it is pure nostalgia talking to say civ 6 has worst AI... Civ 6 had same old AI and hasn't been improved from civ 5. and that's the problem.
I know enough to judge their work: I know their product, and beat it much easier than any previous one.

So, you find the Civ 6 AI good enough but claim that the Civ 4 AI was bad? Something does not compute there. Anyone that really knows both can attest to your inconsistency. Sorry.

It’s ridiculous. I remember the Civ4 AI at least being a challenge

The Civ6 AI literally might as well not exist. Outside of a very early Diety rush it doenst pose a threat at all and even with the grindy walls if you want to, you can overrun the whole world.

Oh, come on. Really? The worst AI by every possible measure? That's insane. Have you seen how bad the AI is in Endless Legend, for instance? Almost 7 years after release, it still can't do quests!

Yes it is. It can’t even do basic math like “don’t bankrupt yourself and force you to disband your whole army” or “spam so many resource consuming units you end up running out of it”

It absolutly cannot wage war. At all.

It’s district placement is bad. It barely makes any improvements, and will bankrupt itself trading inflated prices for a resource that lies unimproved in it’s own territory

so yeah it is pure nostalgia talking to say civ 6 has worst AI... Civ 6 had same old AI and hasn't been improved from civ 5. and that's the problem.

It’s not. I just played some Civ Revolutions and the AI was far far better. That is a mobile game from how many years ago?
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