Read an article today about how to fix the Civ AI:
This article talks about deep learning like in DOTA, but the truth is Civ combat is nowhere, nowhere, near that complex. The vast majority of Civ combat setups aren’t even as complicated as a chessboard.
IMO, correcting the Civ combat AI should be remarkably simple. Run an algorithm that checks to see if you can:
1. Kill any enemy units without losing any of your own
2. Kill any enemy units while losing units of lesser value than the ones you kill
That’s what I do whenever I’m at war, every single turn. Can I kill any units while minimizing my own losses. The AI simply fails to do that. After that rather simple calculation, add in some more complicated rules, like positioning and such.
Frankly, a computer should be able to do that sort of calculation WAY better than a human. And maybe that right there is the problem - if Firaxis actually programmed the AI to kill enemy units without losing their own, they might just be unbeatable. Or they might be so good at it the game wouldn’t be fun.
It’s just inexplicable to me how the AI fails time and again to finish off enemy units, when that is the cornerstone of any effective combat strategy. And furthermore I find it unbelievable that skilled AI programmers would be unable to program the computer to finish off units, in fact, the computer should be incredibly skilled at that.
Is the problem that Firaxis can’t program a good combat AI, or is the problem that they can program exactly that, and that it would make the game less “accessible”?
This article talks about deep learning like in DOTA, but the truth is Civ combat is nowhere, nowhere, near that complex. The vast majority of Civ combat setups aren’t even as complicated as a chessboard.
IMO, correcting the Civ combat AI should be remarkably simple. Run an algorithm that checks to see if you can:
1. Kill any enemy units without losing any of your own
2. Kill any enemy units while losing units of lesser value than the ones you kill
That’s what I do whenever I’m at war, every single turn. Can I kill any units while minimizing my own losses. The AI simply fails to do that. After that rather simple calculation, add in some more complicated rules, like positioning and such.
Frankly, a computer should be able to do that sort of calculation WAY better than a human. And maybe that right there is the problem - if Firaxis actually programmed the AI to kill enemy units without losing their own, they might just be unbeatable. Or they might be so good at it the game wouldn’t be fun.
It’s just inexplicable to me how the AI fails time and again to finish off enemy units, when that is the cornerstone of any effective combat strategy. And furthermore I find it unbelievable that skilled AI programmers would be unable to program the computer to finish off units, in fact, the computer should be incredibly skilled at that.
Is the problem that Firaxis can’t program a good combat AI, or is the problem that they can program exactly that, and that it would make the game less “accessible”?