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Forest Spetsnaz

First time I've tried this; hope it works!


  • spetsnazattacka.gif
    81.8 KB · Views: 4,335
Great job! :goodjob: I'm definitely going to use this one!

I tried to put together a similar camo unit using the German Rifleman from PTW, trying to give it the Waffen SS smock look.

Here is a link:
Waffen SS

I simply did a palette edit, and I get an unatractive but managible "speckle effect." Any pointers on making it as neat and crisp looking as yours?

Thanks ahead of time,
Cool! You hold the word which was promised by Balou :goodjob:
that was excellent Steph...

I wonder if you could put civ-specific helmet on the unit, like the one in Balou's peacekeeper, then it could qualify as a WW2 german ...paratrooper.
I'm totally ignorant about how easy or difficult could that be...but I put in a request for this unit ( http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=1966669#post1966669)and then I realised that apart from the helmet it is very similar to you Spetsnaz conversion...thanks...
Steph, could you turn this "green" gun smoke off. Its the only thing i do not like. :(
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