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Full Screen diplomacy, is that really what we wanted?

it wasn't in civ 3, but it was in Civ 2. It was one of the (many) things people complained about in Civ 3

Edit: Profanity

I felt I could have a conversation with them in the earlier games, you know. In civ3 you could only trade with them by placing things on the table(like we still do), and little else. You could declare war, and ask how he felt about other leaders I think. In Civ 2 you had a more cumbersome system with conversation trees. And I loved that. It was far more immersing, and for people like me who like to roleplay that's very important.
I thought it was ironic how they explained that there new notification system stopped annoying popups, and then we saw several in a row. (in the stream)

I guess you missed the bit (quite early on) where they said that they hadn't selected the option that turned off those popups.
No! No we don't want that! At least I don't.

Things like full body leaders talking in their real languages are cool, the first time you experience it. The problem is that civilization is supposed to be played repeatedly. That's one of the main strengths of the game, its replay value. So you're bound to get tired of the "flash" features quickly.

Development effort should be directed towards strengthening the features that enhance replayability, such as increased strategic options, map variety, modability and customizability. Features that helps make every game a new one instead of features that outlive their awesomeness by the third game.

Also, the immersion-factor gained from meeting the leaders of famous civilizations face to face is immediately dispelled by a rudimentary knowledge of international politics. Besides the fact that it's Bismarck talking to Montezuma! :rolleyes:

But that's just my opinion.

So then you do like it, its just not the most important thing in the world, no one will disagree with you there.

I guess you missed the bit (quite early on) where they said that they hadn't selected the option that turned off those popups.

And i guess you imagined it.
I read an article that quotes this:
"They've been asking for full-screen leader screens for a while. They want to be part of those moments. They want to be part of that realism. They want to believe that they're in the scene. That is definitely fan-driven."

I've just got to ask the fans, us, is this what we really wanted?

I can say with near certainty that no thread (and perhaps with a little less certainty that no post) has been made in the Civ Ideas & Suggestions forum regarding leader screen size.
Personally I have no interest in the full screen leaders, I would be quite happy with a static 2D picture, however...if, by putting this sort of eye candy in, Civ5 sells more copies and is more successful then I am all for it.
The more successful Civ5 is the better chance we have of seeing more investment in the franchise. Some of that investment will go on more eye candy that doesn't interest me, but some, perhaps most, will go to adding more core features and improvements to the game.
I think that is a good trade off.
I can say with near certainty that no thread (and perhaps with a little less certainty that no post) has been made in the Civ Ideas & Suggestions forum regarding leader screen size.

They've finally received the telepathic signals I've sent to them the past ten years.
Then you guess wrong. I watched it just last night. They might have been talking about some other popups, but they did indeed say something about turning off some popups.

Nah ah. I watched that begging bit about 3 times in total, not once have I heard anytihng about turning off pop ups.


I like 3d leaders, living backgrounds, and foreign lingo speak, but i can see it being a problem getting extra civs in mods that can meet that level of sophistication. Which means all new civs we want will have to be Dlc, unless you can live with 6 civs having washingtons face and voice, in one game.
They've finally received the telepathic signals I've sent to them the past ten years.

Well, kudos to your internal musings, because I'm quite happy with full screen leaders. :D
It's just that, for an inclusion deemed to be very fan-driven, there seems to be a distinct lack of visible fan-driven suggestion or complaint on the subject, at least for the last seven years.
Nah ah. I watched that begging bit about 3 times in total, not once have I heard anytihng about turning off pop ups

It was to do with the science advisers popping up - he was actually saying that it wasn't popping up for everything (which implies you can turn off some of the adviser popups). It was at 16:28.

Possibly this wasn't the popups you were talking about.
the thing that i dont like about the full screen diplomacy is that it is going to put moding in a new civ beyond the reach of (most?) the modders
Yes, the fact that another leader wants to talk to you should be a notification icon too.

Yes this is exactly what I would prefer. I've always disliked the structured what that Civ IV works, I know there is a toggle to let me have those things wait in Civ IV on the sideline until all my units are moved, and I would expect in Civ V or the leaders that want to talk to me to also be a notification icon.

And quite honestly, I can't even imagine having to go into these full screen diplomacy screens more than a couple times for each leader, if we are meant to replay Civ V, then the last thing I want is to have to go into these full screen diplo screens repeatedly.

It would be like having to sit through a games opening movie without the ability to ESC out of it. For my tastes they are going to have to add back in the web cam like diplomacy screens so that I don't have to view these full screen diplo screens for the next 5 years repeatedly.

Cool at first, not so much after you've had to view it 6,429,205 times.
It was to do with the science advisers popping up - he was actually saying that it wasn't popping up for everything (which implies you can turn off some of the adviser popups). It was at 16:28.

Possibly this wasn't the popups you were talking about.

it was not, i'm talking about the full leader diplomatic pop ups, which is what this topic is on afterall.

@city builder

The civ 4 webcam screens as you put them are just as imposing, and the fact that they are smaller is more annoying because when i get one i want to be able to click on the diplomacy overview to see my current deals or whatever before agreeing to anything, but i simply can't.
Think the point is once you are in the screen, there is no way to consult your advisers. Or is there?
You couldn't do that in civ 4 either, so no big suprise there, that would have been a nice feature, a useful feature.
I agree with several other people in this thread. Diplomacy, along with other things, should be changed to open-able notifications on the right side of the screen just like research and production. I don't like things popping up in my face. And once I open it, I still want to be able to minimize it to check other things during diplomacy.
In my opinion the big diplomacy screen is a rather useless feature that will quickly get boring, and finally annoying if it costs to much time or performance to load.
I'd imaigne that in a few weeks or months you will barely even notice the leader, i had completley forgotten that civ 4 leaders change thier facial expersiions, because i stopped looking at them, as thats not where i get my info from, i read the text and see what stuff they have thats all. In the big diplo screen, you'll be mostly looking at the buttons on the right after a while.
You couldn't do that in civ 4 either, so no big suprise there, that would have been a nice feature, a useful feature.

In Civ4, when you are in diplomacy, you can consult any of the advisor screens by using the function keys to access them and then they appear over the diplomacy pop-up.
The biggest catch is that hitting the esc key (which I kept doing out of habit) dismissed the underlying diplo screen rather than the advisor popup. So make sure you dismiss the advisor popup with the mouse.
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