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G-Major 11

Maybe just I think that industrial is needed for a good culural result?

In cultural closing to the end your 3 best cities produces 500-1200 culture while a GA adds 4000 in normal (anyway, how many in epic?). Without phi you still can produce several GA (and other GP-s, if you want to have +60 base culture from wonders).
I love industrial usually, but I am planning on staying away from most of the non-GA producing wonders, including the Oracle, so Philo is a better choice. Perhaps that is a wrong view to take?

The only wonders I was planning on guaranteeing myself are Pyramids and Parthenon, the rest of the non-GA ones I'm ignoring, the other GA ones I'll try to build in one of my 3 cities.

Finally, I'm running no barbs because in my first three attempts, I had bad luck with the RNG against barbs.
I had a game with saladin vanilla where I wasn't satisfied with the result, however I still reached 2nd position in chieftain/huge with a 1450 date.

Don't polluting your GP's has its advantages and disadvantages as well. Other GP-s (well, except GM) can be useful as well even if GA is the best for cultural of course.
I prepared myself by reading Godotnut's guide.
I'll start with the usual way with Gandhi on warlords but wanna try the Incas too.
If you have a philo-race you should build the Great Library for 3 academies.
I love industrial usually, but I am planning on staying away from most of the non-GA producing wonders, including the Oracle, so Philo is a better choice. Perhaps that is a wrong view to take?
I think that's the right view. I won't build the Pyramids. I won't build the GLib. I won't build the Oracle. I will build 1 or 0 Academies per game. I think my games will be very similar to the writeup I have just posted. Good luck everyone.
I won't build the Pyramids. I won't build the GLib. I won't build the Oracle. I will build 1 or 0 Academies per game. I think my games will be very similar to the writeup I have just posted.

i likely won't try this, it turns out the crashes on autosave that i experience which sometimes gets my games excluded are linked to the HoF mod itself and never ever happen when i don't run it, even when i autosave every turn :(. on a large map there's no way i won't get at least 3 crashes. but if i do try it, strategy #1 will be ... pay attention to every word that jesusin types! of course i wouldn't do everything the way you do, i always disagree with something in all the advice i ever get from anyone, but i'd sure listen :).
We haven't mention map type, since we can choose it.

For cultural, a map wich allows you to thread religions earlier is useful, that's for sure. I'm thinking on pangea, inland sea is maybe even better, but I already have good results from it.
ok, I finish it. I probably wont submit/play another one for this G-Major. This game is just so long, with the last 100 turns just pressing the skip turn button. :(

Overall, I would say I could have done better and I was a bit unlucky.

I chose Louis (warlords), Industrious means building wonders and Creative means 2 culture/ turn. In addition the ub salon gives a free artist.

I never play much games on large, because by the end it lags (and it did).

I play 9 opponents, 5 on my continent, and 4 on the other. Religion-wise, our continent only has confucianism, christianity and taoism. Not good.

In the early stage, I took out one opponent and found enough cities to build those cathedrals. I beat Cyrus on music (i think he has 1-2 turns left, cuz he was willing to trade that for 20 gold). I only manage to get 2 religions spread, unforunately.

I built a variety of wonders: pyramid, sistine chapel (prove to be crucial), university of sankore, angklot (sorry i forgot the name, the wonder that gives you +1 hammer for priest), hagia sofia, and couple more i dont remember

I was the tech leader after I beeline to liberalism and remain so until mass media (I probably should have stop researching after nationalism)

In the end, I was counting my investment on the great artists. It turns out I was extremely unlucky, getting other useless gp in the end.

4th last gp: I got Prophet (19%), while Artist (74%)
3rd last gp: I got Engineer (9%), while Artist (71%)
2nd last gp: I got Prophet again (17%), while Artist (70%)

my last gp was artist (finally!!!) at 70%

Note that on the turn I got cultural win, I'm pretty sure Kublan khan would win a dipolmatic victory the next turn since he has a lot of buddies (him and 4 more)

won at 1835, could have been in the 1700s
Hi all!

I won the game in 1553, I think it's pretty good.

I played with the incas in pangea. Before I established my capital at the very first turn, I saw a corn, a wheat and a gold adjacent to Cuzco, I couldn't beleive that there were two pigs as well! I didn't count, but at least 9 GS came from my capital, even if most of the wonders were at my two other legendary cities.

Wonders: oracle, stonehenge, pyramids, parthenon, sistine chapel, great library and taj mahal. Later I was quite unlucky with the wonders, I was 3-4 turn for finishing hanging g. and later statue of l. when the opponents finished it.

I founded 5 religions, that was enough (no religions came from aboard).
Hmmm, I have had three attempts at this today and have been wiped out by barbarians by 1000 BC each time. What a nightmare. I think I need a change of tactics. Or map type.
Hmmm, I have had three attempts at this today and have been wiped out by barbarians by 1000 BC each time. What a nightmare. I think I need a change of tactics. Or map type.

Or play without barbs.
Note that on the turn I got cultural win, I'm pretty sure Kublan khan would win a diplomatic victory the next turn since he has a lot of buddies (him and 4 more)

grats to both you and to kovacsflo for winning! i had to quote you tho since this reminds me of some of the "close call" games i've had myself. i'm glad you didn't give him time to get the votes in :)
grats to both you and to kovacsflo for winning! i had to quote you tho since this reminds me of some of the "close call" games i've had myself. i'm glad you didn't give him time to get the votes in :)

My english is not perfect, what do you mean in "close call game"?
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