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GAM-1 Med/Lar Mon/Emp Pangaea Cultural Victory

Ansar-You're up.

My order of preference for cities would be 3-2-1 according Souls Map. Just my preference of moving towards our rivals to the east and the south. I don't think the coast city is as important, as we already have one. But that dot labeled 1 would be nice. Also, lets get up to the furs or another lux. Our citizens need to be happy.

More workers as well.
lurker's comment: Yes, building the Pyramids is a great idea, especially if no one else is building it yet. If you do build it, great! Granary in every city on the continent (also, rename the city you build it in to "Giza" :D). If someone else builds it first, cascade to a different wonder, like ToA, GLH, or GLB. Hopefully, you can get one of them. ;)
I don't think Ansar has had a chance to pick this up because of his exams. If he doesn't get it by the time I get home tonight (around 5 PM EST) I'll play 10 turns and repost it. Assuming my road runner is fixed and I have internet again tonight. Freaking Time Warner.
Here goes


Warriors Still Scouting
Make a few trades for less then standard value for techs that are known by 3 or more civs
Iron Working->The Wheel with Ottomans (they only have 3 cities including thier capital)
The Wheel->40gp with Sumeria
IBT-Greeks are building the oracle


Fortify Archer in Wheatus
Warriors discover horsies east of Alexandria
Wheatus worker to make road and irrigate towards Elephantine
IBT-Heliopolis Curragh->Curragh
-Elephantine Worker->Worker


Elephantine Worker->Wheat for Road
Curragh heads south (north of continent not looking to promising)
Science 90 CoL still in 13 turns -1 GPT

IBT-Alexandria Worker->Archer


Workers exploring

IBTThebes Settler->Settler


Warriors discover wine!!! Send settler that way to secure.
Meet Maya-No techs or money


Meet Celts-No techs or money


Warriors scouting


Meet Korea-No techs or money


Warriors exploring

IBT-Thebes Settler (South to settle near Iron)->Settler
Wheatus Settler(SW to settle on Coast/River)->Archer
Elephantine Worker->Worker


Warriors exploring

Kind of at a crossroads here, we have 3 potentially huge settler producing cities, but maybe a good time to start a Wonder build for some Culture in one of those cities. Lots of open land to the East, South and North, and Otto may be a good target right now as his empire is small. Feel free to adjust the builds as you see fit Soul Warrior. I'm headed of to darts for the night, this ones on you guys.

Current Order
Ansar the King
Soul Warrior-Playing
Blaze Injun-On Deck


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lurker's comment: In case you're like me and want to know, I think these are the 8 civs:
The Egyptians (this you already know, of course)
The Hittites
The Ottomans
The Greeks
The Sumerians
The Mayans
The Celts
The Koreans

I'm correct, right?
Sorry all for my dissapearance! :blush:

Recently me and my family moved to a new house and internet people wouldnt come for a couple days (damn Time Warner/Comcast :rolleyes: ). Anyways, we have internet now. Got 3 finals tomorrow, and one on thursday (yes, I know I'm a freshman, but with AP classes, passing exams is a big priority).

Seems like the turns have gone by pretty quick.
Seems like the top goal is expanding.

And well, Im back. Well, thursday evening I'll be completely free! :D
I'd switch the archers to soemting else. We're experiencing no treath from the ai. Expand, improve. Wonders are very expensive just to give culture, but I still think piramids will be very usefull for our quest.

There's not just wine also furs to the north. Next city should be on coast south of improved grassland.
i have it. will try and play tonite.

agree we need (want) a wonder (pyramids or ToA), and will examine save for a suitable prebuild.

weatus settler to go on river, 1 sw.
settler ASAP to IRON.

let thebes grow back. if it is not at full size we lose out on turns churning out settlers.

there is a cow, gold and IRON up north aswell. i think ill draw an accurate dotmap tonight too.

back to work for now.
0- change builds.
alexandria > granary (with that wet wheat, its a shame)
thebes > warrior. it needs growth. we need troops.
ellephantine > warrior. worker later, so we wont lose pop.
wheatus > warrior.

find Hittites have writing. lets all pray they dont get philosophical on us...

1- Heliopolis curragh > curragh.
helio is mighty unhappy (will force me to up lux to 60), hire a geek, change to a worker.
it gains us a turn on CoL :dance:

2- thebes warrior > warrior.
build Giza > start a PALACE RUN (for a wonder)
worker roads north (furs) SE (wines), s (iron)

3- build Ironside > worker.

4- thebes warrior > worker (on growth too ;))
some are aiming at THE ORACLE.
cut sci. CoL in 1.

5- CoL is IN > PHILO MAX @ 7 turns.
wheatus warrior > granary

6- thebes worker >
heliopolis worker > curragh.
elephantine warrior > warrior.
hire a beaker in Alexandria so we dont lose 2 turns on philo. philo in 6 now.

fire beakerhead. still in 5.

8- thebes warrior > worker.
workers work.
warriors on perimeter guard, so we dont have any barb surprises.

9- road on horses. prepare for a town there.

10- thebes worker > settler.
elephantine warrior > rax.
PiRamses worker > spear.
road on furs complete and waiting for settler.
philoo in 2. continue..

11- nothing much. philo in 1.

12- we got republic for free :)
set sci for POLY (ToA)
heliopolis curragh > worker.

tech summary, we can sell to:
greece - writing (no cash)
ottomans - writing for math
maya - philo and CoL, for math, HBR, POLY, 76GP
sumer - IW, writing for POLY
Celts - philo and CoL, for math, HBR, POLY, 9GP
hittites - philo and CoL, for math, HBR, POLY
korea - philo and CoL, for math, HBR, POLY

mayas ofer the best deal. if we take it, we can run ahead.
personally, i dont think we need to.

we are second in POWER only to the MAYA.
top pop everywhere.

i say, finish that settler and worker and revolt.
scratch that.
plain revolt now, get into republic and lets start to really bring pain onto the AI.

settlers need to grab > HORSES. FURS.
others are just fillers.

GIZA seems to be too far to properly build a wonder.
i would change it to wheatus.
there do the following: MINE the plains. join as many workers as you can. shield output will sky rocket.
we have:
1 wheat (wet) = 3 food 1s
9 plains (keep mining till we pop out, the wet the others for more pop)
1 hill (mined) = 2s
3 grass (mined) = 6food 3s
thats a fair number of shields.

generic pic. no dotmap for you.
ansar, care to revolt and dot?



  • GAM-1 1300 BC.SAV
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lurker's comment:
6- thebes worker >
Worker->what? ;)
GIZA seems to be too far to properly build a wonder.
i would change it to wheatus.
But then it's not a coastal city, which means you can't cascade to GLH or the Collosus, both of which could greatly help... (Also, it's kind of funny for the Pyramids because of the RW Great Pyramids of Giza...) But, it's your choice.
Nice work Soul. I agree about Giza, way to long of a prebuild for a Wonder. I think we should build The Pyramids in Wheatus. I like your plan as well for the city. Switch the build from Granary to either a settler, military unit, barracks, in Alexandria.

Perhaps we can sell off CoL or Phil and see if we can aquire the rest of the Techs and still have a monopoly if a Civ researchs a tech we don't have.

REVOLT!!!! We might as well do it now.

Next cities should go north by the Furs and to the East by the Horsies. It would be nice to get a few War Chariots built to trigger a GA once we can build the early MA wonders like Suns, Leos, or Sistine. I saw we take out the Ottos before they can build thier UU.

Attachment shows preposed city sites.


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Got it. Will play in a few hours. Lets hear you all plans for this 10turns.

1) Revolt for Republic.

2) I think the furs and horses come first in settling.

3) Switch the build from Granary to a settler in Alexandria for horses, city 1. Thebes settler to furs, city 2.

4) What should be built in Wheatus?
A. The Pyramids
B. Palace prebuild for ToA

Blaze Injun

1- revolt to republic
2- furs and horsies first. lets keep thebes on settler duty. still lots more sites to capture.
3- alexandria > rax? we might as well get some of those.

first settler out of thebes goes for ponies, second to furs (as those are farther away from the AI.

4- wheatus. switch a palace for now. Giza should get a court (too corrupt) then a rax,then focous on troops.
my belief is that if we have to choose, we want Pyramids over ToA (it never expires)
and if we go FEUD soon, we will need all the food we can get.
Not to beat a dead horse, but I totally agree with Soul Warrior, seems like a great plan of action for the next 10 turns or so.

Once we get Literature, we should start building Libraries as well to up the culture and research.
Hmm...do we have SGLs on? (just curious, I doubt we'll get one)

I say let Alexandria pump out settlers. A rax wont help us unless we plan on attacking a AI soon.
Coastal wonders won't help much, piramids will, ToA also if we don't research uni's. Revolt asap, also to get use of foodbonuses and irrigations. Also don't think rax's are neccesary yet. We must expand.
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