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GAM-1 Med/Lar Mon/Emp Pangaea Cultural Victory

I'd like to keep all cities that don't have a flip risk as it saves us a settler. Don't need a dotmap, create 2 rings of cities that can grow, beyond that go ISC. War could be defensive, but let it last 20 turns for hapiness. Make sure the ai doesn't team up on us though.
Soul, if you can get a dot map out today by around 10PM GMT that would be great. I should be home from work around 5 or so and looking to play my set.
dotmap just in.
went ICS.

those should get plopped first.
dont negelect defenders there.
those are resource towns.


north east - lots immediate towns here. mostly denials.


far north. nothing much except furs.
It looks as if you need to take down the Ottomans to get some of those cities... :mischief:
Why oh why must I be still stuck at work the day before the holiday. I could be home kicking Celtic behind.

I will work at spreading our empire to the south and also to the northeast to wall off Otto and try and secure the Iron. Dyes here we come.

Finally got one, and the unit was promoted the turn before. Gotta love it when the RNG helps you out here. I'll have an update and full save up in a bit.
I ran 15 turns instead of 10. Here's the breakdown.

Some MM in Cities
Thebes Switch from ToA->Barracks
Abydos Switch from Temple->Barracks
Elephantine Temple->Barracks
Lux 10% Sci 90% Feudalism in 4 turns
Avaris founded on hills NE by Cow along River

Pi-Ramsses Library->Settler
Giza Temp->Library

War Chariot defeats Warrior (1-0)

Celt Warrior defeats Warrior (1-1)
Thebes Barracks->War Chariot
Ironside Library->Marketplace

Research 10/80/10 Feudalism in 2 -6gpt

Thebes War Chariot->War Chariot
Celtic Warrior gets a holey intervention care of our Archer (2-1)

Research 10/70/10 Feudalism in 1 +9gpt
War Chariots moving towards Richborough, workers choping in remote cities to get Temples/Libraries done

Celtic Warrior loses to WC (3-1)
Feudalism discovered->Engineering
Thebes War Chariot->War Chariot
Elephantine Barracks->War Chariot
Narmer Library->Marketplace

Settlers in place, new cities next turn

Celtic Warrior defeats War Chariot (3-2)
Thebes War Chariot->War Chariot
Pi-Ramsses Settler->Settler

Lisht founded near Iron SW of Asyut->Temple
Buto founded near SW of Pi-Ramsses->Temple

Thebes War Chariot->War Chariot
Alexandria Barracks->War Chariot

War Chariot defeats Celtic warrior (4-2)

Celtic Warrior downs War Chariot (4-3)
Elephantine War Chariot->War Chariot
Abydos Barracks->War Chariot

War Chariot downs Celtic Warrior promoted to Elite (5-3)
Science 10/60/30 Engineering 7+10gpt

Thebes War Chariot->War Chariot

Edfu Settled on Iron Hill right next to Ottomans->Temple
Elephantine Wasting Food, 1 citizen turned to Taxman, production to Duct
Science 10/50/40 Engineering 6+23gpt
Buy Temple in Tikal

Tikal Temple->Worker
Asyut Temple->Library

Scient 10/70/20 Engineering 4+4gpt

Thebes War Chariot->War Chariot
Alex War Chariot->War Chariot

War Chariot defeats Celtic Warrior (6-3) and tada, we have Ramses

Just had to show it again, ya know, a pride thing. Name the Victorius unit D-MANS Tractor in honor of my roommate Darren who has been on the road for 5 weeks and just got back today (he drives a truck for a living).
War Chariot retreats from Celtic Warrior (6-4)
War Chariot defeats Celtic Warrior (7-4)
War Chariot falls to Celtic Archer (7-5)
War Chariot defeats Celtic Archer (8-5)
Science 10/60/30 Engineering 3+15gpt

Heliopolis Courthouse->Harbor
Celtics complete MoM in Entremont

Still moving WCs towards Richborough

Celtic Archer makes War Chariot withdraw (8-6)
Thebes War Chariot->War Chariot
Pi-Ramsses Settler(North to Iron towards Otto)->Settler
Abydos War Chariot->War Chariot
The people love me, expand my Palace

War Chariot defeats Celtic Archer and is promoted to Elite
Ramses is fortified in Thebes
Science 10/50/40 Engineering 1+19gpt

Celtic Archer defeats War Chariot (8-7)
Engineering discovered, research set to Invention in 12+8gpt
Alexandria War Chariot->Aquaduct

But temple in Legartaro
Still massing troops near Richborough

Thebes War Chariot->Sun Tzu's
Legartaro Temple->Worker

War Chariot defeats Celtic Archer (9-7)
Science 10/60/30 Invention in 11+2gpt

This is where we stand currently

I think I did alright. Thinking back, maybe I shouldn't have built so many barracks. There is currently a stack of 9 War Chariots and 1 Archer near Richborough, with 3 more on the way and 1 to be completed in 2 turns. Lets take it, sue for peace (it's been 20 turns now). I don't think we'll get anything from them, we are far in front of the pack. We have a monopoly on Feudalism and Engineering, and no one has above 61 gold, so I say we hold on and continue to research.

Also, Ramses is parked in Thebes. Anyone objected to capturing Richborough, rushing the FP and setting up a second core there?

Immediate Goals
-Capture Richborough
-Figure out what to do with Ramses
-Close out our Borders (Settlers, Settlers, Settlers)
-We Need workers
-Get Libraries/Temples complete in all cities, and Marketplaces in core cities

Here is the save:

Current Order
Ansar the King
Soul Warrior-Playing
Blaze Injun-On Deck
Nice going glenmetz!

We should buy a Temple in Edfu so we can guarantee more culture than Uskudar and possibly flip it.
Turn that leader into a army and fill the army with Swordsmen (if possible, Vet Swords).
I think we should make war on Korea or Ottomans after making peace with Brennus. Both of them are starting to expand toward our land.
Is Sun Tzu a pre-build for something? Maybe Sistine's Chapel? :religion:
Nice job on getting the leader. :thumbsup:

Looks like now we need to expand more. :D
Btw, has anyone built the Temple of Artemis yet? I cant wait to capture it. :devil:
lurker's comment: (Why isn't there a "Lurker comment wrap" button) glenmetz, you did a little better than it looks- retreats don't count as losses, so you have -2 losses, and you missed a victory, so you have +1 win, so the final score should be (10-5).
Ansar, why fill them with Swords when you can make Mdvl Infantry? :p
Thats a good idea for the Leader Ansar. There really isn't much room to build a 2nd core with a FP right now, why not get an Army. I agree. Instead of Swords/Med Inf., I say we wait until we can trade for Chivalry and build a Knight army. I do quite like fast units. Plus, getting it built and filled we can build Heroic Epic.

If I had to pick whom to go after, I say Osman as we can pretty much control the northern part of the continent. Lets get some units built and start telling him to leave once when he brings units into our territory.

Sun Tzu's was sort of a toss up. It's great for Pangaea maps, but I wouldn't be opposed to switching it to Leos as well. Our people will be damn happy with all of the cultural improvements. I think Sistine may be a bit of a waste depending on whether we build Caths or not. I say no, build Uni's for the Science boost and culture.

Buy the temple in Edfu, alright by me.

ToA is still available from what I'm aware of.
Elephantine and Alexandria are supposed to be settler farms, they should not build anything accept settlers, so especially no expensive ducts. Great getting a leader, will help enormously. I think we sould focus more on culture and less on waring. Keep science on max run on deficit, get to MT and thus be able to keep small but very powerfull army. Get Ramses south, don't use elites until he is used (can't have 2 mgl's at same time).
Change production in Elephantine and Alexandria to Settlers. No need for Ducts if they are pumping out Settlers. Thanks for the reminder Nero.
i have it, but might not be able to play till monday.

- more culture, less war. temple > libs everywhere
- Elephantine and Alexandria = Settler pumps
- buy a Temple in Edfu
- leader into a army (MDI? PIKE?). a pike army would cause havoc anywhere we put it.

Great job. :)

I haven't looked at the save but is there a city near the dyes? If its a Celtic city take it before Peace. Take Richborough and use it as a base for the expansion. Push southwest toward dyes. Make Peace and multiple like rabbits.

Culture not war.

Blaze Injun
Could use leader for FP in south. Otherwise create an empty army and fill it lateron with cavs or knights, depending how long it will take to get them.
0 -
change elephantine to a settler.
same goes for Alexandria
up science a notch, cutting off 2 turns. losing money though...

elephantine settler > settler.
attack Richsboro, keep it, no loss (3-0)
peace would seem nice, and our chariots cant go over the bogs anyways. get 10g too ;)

chariots block south from errant settlers.

2- alexandria settler > temple.
Abydos chariot > MDI

UR (a SUMERIAN city) has just got TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS :scan: :borg:

Ramses is made into an army. empty for now.

Giza lib > settler.

we be busted onboth sides!
MAYAN just got the pyramids.

switch thebesinto the GLIB.
wheatus > sun tsu's.
that way it can land us SISTINES (ia a leos prebuild)

build Python > temple.
ironside market > settler

ATHENS gets hanging gardens.

alexandria temple > settler.
buto temple > worker.
build ChokDer > temple
heliopolis harbor > pike

lower sci, saving some cash. good thing as we have 1 in the bag.

elephantine settler > worker
PiRamses settler > pike
heriacnopolis lib > worker.

oSAMA demands we give him philo. we are in no way to deal with a war now. cave.

tikal worker > harbour

elephantine worker > settler.
alexandria settler > settler.
ironside settler > MDI
abydos MDI > MDI
edfu temple > lib

lower more sci. INV next turn.

8- INVENTION in > monotheism (cathedrals and sistines)

giza settler > LB
narmer > market > settler.
legartero worker > harbor
buto worker > worker

build Iceberg (north furs) > temple
build Sewage (floods and fish) > granary

heliopolis pike > worker
forced to lower sci (now at 40.) lose 3 turns, but gain 21gpt. will up it later.
build Mendes > temple
build El-Almain > temple.

heliopolis worker > settler
alexandria settler > worker
Python temple (chopped) > library
up sci a notch, cut 4 turns off.

11- to even out the turn count AND finish blocking the south.
build Dye another day > temple.


military: we are average. id like more troops though.
science: we are cool. hitties have feud, as do greeks.

legartero - if we want to can be a great jumping off point to destroy sumer.
id start planning something

lux: 20.
we will have dyes hooked up quicktime, AND
we can trade a spare iron we have to KOREA.
they have spare wines and incense!
we should plan on getting them out ASAP. (koreans ;))

we have GLIB in 13 (thebes), Sun Tsu's in 11 (Weatus)
we can get:
sistines (6 turns + 12? on theology) if need be, we can change weatus to a palace build.
thebes > leos (in 27turns, allows for time for thought)

notice we lost both wonders.
we can do without.

south is almost done. we have reached the jungle borders
north needs some more attention, but not immediately
east - grab more ASAP. lots left there.

soon we will have to start filling in the ICS. and lower sci.



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