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Game Crash Problem

Your units_32 files is probably not indexed correctly.

see example units_32.pcx image and the units_32.pcx Game palette.

Your Images should be pasted onto the units_32.pcx file and keep the Original Palette. The Magenta color is the Transparent color and you need to maintain the same Game palette indexes for all colors. So as Pounder said, after you work on your images and are ready to place them, Just copy and paste them onto the units_32.pcx file and apply the Original Palette so you keep it the same.


  • Example_units_32.png
    13.6 KB · Views: 61
Hi, i'm having the same computer problem only I am less computer saavy than the OP.

Could someone edit my units_32 so it can work please? I've been trying different things to get this to work for days now.

Here's the link to it: http://rapidshare.com/files/220547167/units_32.pcx.html

I understand that it is rather large, I used the palette (am i using it in context correctly? sorry, i dont know exactly what a palette is) from WW2-Global and added my units under the original icons, the one with a lot of ships and tanks in it, its right above the Death Star/Starwars stuff.
Ares de Borg... That is not the correct units_32 Palette.

There will be a problem applying the correct units_32 Palette so the CIV Specific Colors are correct because each image needs to be adjusted for the correct colors before pasting them onto the units_32 file. As it is, if the correct palette is just applied to the file, there will be many colors in the images that pick up CIV Specific Colors where they are not suppose to be and other colors that are suppose to be CIV Specific Colored will have a Non CIV Specific Color.
This is the same units_32 file with the Correct Palette.
I replaced the Original Images for the first 15 rows so they have Correct CIV Specific Color placement.

The Other Images need to be placed separately to insure correct CIV Specific Color placement.


  • Correct_Palette_units_32.zip
    309 KB · Views: 38
Sorry about that, I forgot that there was this feature :/

Here she is


  • units_32.rar
    806.1 KB · Views: 59
Promethesus1992... Your file would be the same as what I uploaded above in post #26 with the Correct units_32 Palette. Note that I did replace the Original Images so they would be correct.
You need to take each image and adjust it then paste it on your file again to have the CIV Specific colors be correct.
...as it is, you will have many shades that are not suppose to change color that will and those that are suppose to change will now. This is fromnear color matches that happen when just copy and paste is done. The palette colors that are the nearest color to what you are pasting will gain that color and this causes problems.

You can easily correct the images... I wrote a tutorial about CIV_Specific_units_32_pcx_files Zulu's Thread: Tutorial: Making a units_32 pic.here
My Tutorial: End of Page One, Post #20.
My Examples of Corrected units_32 images: Page Two, Post #21.
Thank you kindly, sir.
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