new version v1.04 work progress:
- [done]re-add Night Watch unit missing Loyalty promotion on HS03
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several re-add them.
- [done]add Giant of Velvet Hills on HS01
- [done]add Skagos on HS02,HS04,HS05
- [done]add New Ghis on HS07-S06
3.Major change
- [done]change Guild of Nine to National Wonder and reduce defense bonus to 10%,reduce culture per turn to 2,add 2 gold per turn
- [done]add Stoneborn Technology for Giant in order to produce Giant unit on HS01-HS11
- [done]add Dragontaming Technology for Dragon in order to produce new base dragon unit(Hatchling)
- [done]add Hunting Lodge +2 exp to Beast unit,add Grove +3 exp to Beast unit
- [done]change Valyria Planar Portal and Grove to Hunting Lodge on HS04-HS06
- [done]add Hunting Lodge to Dragonstone or King's Landing on HS07-HS09
- [done]add Dragon upgrade route(T1 Hatchling->choose one of T2 Juvenile(Black,Red,Yellow,White)->T3 Wyvern of that color->T4 Dragon of that color)
- [done]replace old dragon unit(Griffon,Manticore,Beast of Agares) to new dragon unit on HS01,HS04-HS09,S02-S07
- [done]add new Dragon unit
[table=head]Unit Name|Tier|Strength/Defense|Move|Enable Technology|Upgrade Requirement|Promotion
Hatchling|T1|4/1|1(2 with Flying)|Dragontaming|can build|Flying
Juvenile(Black)|T2|5/2 +1 Death|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Poison,Entropy 1
Juvenile(Red)|T2|5/2 +1 Fire|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Fire,Fire 1
Juvenile(Yellow)|T2|5/2 +1 Lightning|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Lightning,Spirit 1
Juvenile(White)|T2|5/2 +1 Cold|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Cold,Ice 1
Wyvern(Black)|T3|7/5 +2 Death,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Necromancy|Juvenile(Black),Lv 5+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth mana|Flying,Resistance of Poison,Shadow 2
Wyvern(Red)|T3|7/5 +2 Fire,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Elementalism|Juvenile(Red),Lv 5+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature mana|Flying,Resistance of Fire,Fire 2
Wyvern(Yellow)|T3|7/5 +2 Lightning,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Divination|Juvenile(Yellow),Lv 5+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit mana|Flying,Resistance of Lightning,Sun 2
Wyvern(White)|T3|7/5 +2 Cold,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Alteration|Juvenile(White),Lv 5+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment mana|Flying,Resistance of Cold,Body 2
Dragon(Black)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Death,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(Black),Lv 8+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Poison,Entropy 3
Dragon(Red)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Fire,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(Red),Lv 8+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Fire,Mind 3
Dragon(Yellow)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Lightning,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(Yellow),Lv 8+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Lightning,Air 3
Dragon(White)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Cold,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(White),Lv 8+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Cold,Ice 3
Abashi the Black Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Death,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|3(4 with Flying)|Divine Essence|Sheaim only,can build/Dragon(Black)|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Disease
Acheron the Red Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Fire|3(4 with Flying)|-|Barbarian only,can build|Dragon,Flying,Sentry,Sentry2,Magic Immune,Immune to Fire,Stoneskin
Eurabatres the Gold Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Lightning,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|3(4 with Flying)|Divine Essence|Kuriotates only,can build/Dragon(Yellow)|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Lightning
Drifa the White Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Cold,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|3(4 with Flying)|Divine Essence|Illians only,can build by Ritual|Dragon,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Cold,Vulnerable to Fire[/table]
4.Minor change
- [done]change unit with hero promotion's AI to unitai_hero
- [done]add barbarian held Deep Ones(Drown) on Iron Isle,add held Kraken near Cape Kraken,add held Sea Serpent near Sea Dragon Point on HS01
- [done]add Giant 1 hill giant with held at Massey's Hook on HS01
- [done]move Ib Dragon 1 square southwest,move beyond wall Dragon 1 square west on HS01
- [done]remove Skagos Ogre and dungeon on HS01
- [done]change Giant of Ib leader to Anagantios on HS01
- [done]move Stark start units 1 square north on HS02
- [done]change Griffin King's FFH civ to Clan of Embers on HS02
- [done]change Winged Knight's FFH civ to Clan of Embers on HS02,HS03
- [done]change House Royce's FFH civ to Clan of Embers on HS02-HS04
- [done]add barbarian held Lunatic on Leng's Bradelines Well on HS02-HS06
- [done]change Skagos dungeon to goblin fort,add Goblin Archer on HS03,HS06-S07
- [done]rename Bolton leader to Lord Rogar the Huntsman on HS04
- [done]change Seal rock to Wolf's Den on HS04
- [done]add 1 more barbarian Mountain clan on HS04-S01,S03-S07
- [done]change griffin at Yin owner to Yi Ti on HS05
- [done]rename Justman leader to King Benedict the Just on HS05
- [done]add Riverrun Fellowship of Leaves religion on HS05-S07
- [done]rename Gardener leader to King Perceon III Gardener on HS06
- [done]rename House Justman to House Teague rename leader to King Humfrey Teague on HS06
- [done]remove Saltspan,Duskendale,add Maidenpool as Teague on HS06
- [done]rename Durrandon leader to King Arlan III Durrandon on HS06
- [done]change House Tully master from Justman to Durrandon on HS06
- [done]add 1 Lannister Mountain tribe to King's Landing on S02,TS01
- [done]add Flint 1 beastman with held at Widow's watch on S06
- [done]rename 1 Wildling War Elephant to Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg,add Sentry on S01-S04
- [done]rename 1 Wildling giant to Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun on S01-S06
- [done]replace 1 Stark worker to Hodor(Mud Golem) on S01,S02,TS01
- [done]add Meera Reed as Bran Stark's Heroic Strength promotion on TS02,S07
- [done]add 10 turns Immobile to Stannis army on S05
- [done]add 10 turns Immobile to Ayra Stark,remove Charmed,Slow on S06
- [done]rename Ghiscar to New Ghis,change start unit on S07
- [done]change Wildling warrior to Tormund Giantsbane with Raider,Winterborn for Wildling&Stark on HS10-S04,S06,S07
- [done]add Yohn Royce(Warrior with Bronze Weapons) for Arryn&Baelish on HS10-S07
- [done]change Wildling Warrior to Lord of Bones with Fear,Heroic Defense,Winterborn for Wildling on HS11-S04
- [done]add Ygritte(Scout with Drill I,Winterborn) for Wildling on S01-S04
- [done]add Eddison Tollett(Warrior with Homeland,Loyalty,Defensive) for Watch on S01-S05
- [done]replace 1 axeman to Orell(Hunter with Spirit Guide,Winterborn) for Wildling on AdvTech
- [done]change all Night Watch combat units to Angel on AdvTech
- [done]add All free cities expcept Pentos/Selhorys and slavery bay's city Guild of Nine wonder on AdvTech