[MOD] Game of Thrones

Because of not familiar to make a mod,this is a long-time schedule work.
Work will be done in following order:

[done]1.make diplomacy music which cutting from [HBO]Game of Thrones OST for major houses.
[done]2.make new leaders for major houses,add to Scenarios.
[done]3.collect leaderhead pic and make new leaderhead for new leaders.(I need help/guide to make those dds,I think Mod Tutorials sub-forum has some,I'll try to find it.)
[done]4.make Dragon update route(T2 Griffin->T3 Manticore->T4 Agares Beast),and add them into the Tech tree with techs which has right Ties and Sense(Magic Line perhaps).add fly to Agares Beast and reduce their strength.
5.find some unit art for special character.
6.find the way to pack mod resource into a modpack for install.
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3.collect leaderhead pic and make new leaderhead for new leaders.(I need help/guide to make those dds,I think Mod Tutorials sub-forum has some,I'll try to find it.)
6.find the way to pack mod resource into a modpack for install.

3. You can find below a note that I made starting from a post I found here on CFC some time ago:
Spoiler :
Proud to be Russian

Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 606 http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=4119747&postcount=22

03-06-2006, 00:03

Hi Houman,

I use DXTbmp utility for dds conversion and consider it more suitable than DDS Convertor.

As for static religion images, here is my plan.

1. Get the basic picture (in my case it's a 720x480 crop of in-game screenshot).

2. Resize it to 768x512, and then bump it to 512x512. Note: Simple 720x480 to 512x512 resizing makes a less quality picture after dds conversion, I have no idea why.

3. Convert 512x512 image to DDS format. I used DXT1 (no alpha) and I prefer DXTbmp but DDS Convertor also can do the trick.

Hope, it will help. And good luck in making your mod.


Conclusions of Isenchine:

A LH pic should be a dds file of 512 x 512. The guy (gal) should look bloated in the dds as the game will resize the pic in-game to an height of +/- 640 (and a width of 512).

The start for a new one should be a good image of Height 640 and a Width of 512.

Then, with GIMP, re-scale the image to 512 x 512 (note: you have to "de-link" it).

Compression to dds: BC2 / DXT3.

For existing LH, the 256 x 256 dds file should be re-scaled to W: +/- 640 and H: 512 (also, you have to "de-link" it). Then, the image should be cropped to 512 x 512.

P.M.: Last test was with a ratio of 1.25 (H: 640 / W: 512). That's better!

6. People around here use Pakbuild which was developped by Firaxis for Civ4.
3. You can find below a note that I made starting from a post I found here on CFC some time ago:
Spoiler :
Proud to be Russian

Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 606 http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=4119747&postcount=22

03-06-2006, 00:03

Hi Houman,

I use DXTbmp utility for dds conversion and consider it more suitable than DDS Convertor.

As for static religion images, here is my plan.

1. Get the basic picture (in my case it's a 720x480 crop of in-game screenshot).

2. Resize it to 768x512, and then bump it to 512x512. Note: Simple 720x480 to 512x512 resizing makes a less quality picture after dds conversion, I have no idea why.

3. Convert 512x512 image to DDS format. I used DXT1 (no alpha) and I prefer DXTbmp but DDS Convertor also can do the trick.

Hope, it will help. And good luck in making your mod.


Conclusions of Isenchine:

A LH pic should be a dds file of 512 x 512. The guy (gal) should look bloated in the dds as the game will resize the pic in-game to an height of +/- 640 (and a width of 512).

The start for a new one should be a good image of Height 640 and a Width of 512.

Then, with GIMP, re-scale the image to 512 x 512 (note: you have to "de-link" it).

Compression to dds: BC2 / DXT3.

For existing LH, the 256 x 256 dds file should be re-scaled to W: +/- 640 and H: 512 (also, you have to "de-link" it). Then, the image should be cropped to 512 x 512.

P.M.: Last test was with a ratio of 1.25 (H: 640 / W: 512). That's better!

6. People around here use Pakbuild which was developped by Firaxis for Civ4.

Thanks isenchine,you are always kind for helping me.
I'll try this some time later,now i'm busy for working.
[HBO]Game of Thrones Original Sound Tracks will be used as mod Music

Sound use Ramin Djawadi's Tracks as original sound Track.These sounds' Copyright belongs to him and this [Game of Thrones] Civilization IV BTS modmod is made for fans playing,it means no commercial use.

Add Sound:
After download,you should unzip rar and copy all the mp3 into
\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2\Assets\Sound
and then restart game exe to load them.

New sound will overwrite ffh's,so you should back up original sounds before copy new sound to this document.if you don't want use them in other ffh game,just use your backup sounds to overwrite these sounds.

These files are for vanilla and other FFH2 mod,If you have Game of Thrones Mod,then you don't need download them.

Religion Sounds(play when new religion found and religion spread)
you can download from attachment

Diplomacy Sounds(play in diplomacy screen and when camera approving city)
you can download from link below,due to oversized

Other Sounds
Sounds other than Religion/Diplomacy will pack into modpack,not provide download standalone

Opening Menu
Sound Name|OST
OpeningMenu|S1 Main Title
OpeningMenuCiv4|S6 The Winds of Winter
OpeningMenuWarlords|S3 A Lannister Always Pays His Debts

Diplomacy Sound:
FFH Civ|House|Cut of OST
Doviello|House Stark|S1 Goodbye Brother
Khazed|House Lannister|S3 A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
Lanun|House Greyjoy|S2 What Is Dead May Never Die
Bannor|House Tully|S2 The Old Gods and the New
Ljosalfar|House Tyrell|S6 Maester
Malakim|House Martell|S5 Jaws of the Viper
Grigori|House Baratheon|S1 The King's Arrival
Elohim|House Arryn|S3 Chaos Is A Ladder
Kuriotates|House Targaryen|S6 The Winds of Winter
Mercurians|Night Watch|S3 Wall of Ice
Illians|Wildling|S4 Thenns
Infernals|The Other|S3 White Walkers
Calabim|House Bolton|S6 Let's Play a Game
Clan of Embers|House Frey|S3 The Lannisters Send Their Regards
Sidar|Braavos|S2 Valar Morghulis
Sheaim|Lorath|S1 A Golden Crown
Luchuirp|Norvos|S1 Fire and Blood
Svartalfar|Qohor|S1 Love in the Eyes
Hippus|Dothraki|S1 To Vaes Dothrak
Balseraphs|Meereen|S4 Meereen
Amurites|Asshai|S2 Warrior of Light
Eastessosi|Yi Ti/Leng/Trader Town|The Last Emperor

Religion Sound:
FFH Religion|Cut of OST
Fellowship of Leaves|S1 Goodbye Brother
Runes of Kilmorph|S3 A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
Octopus Overlords|S2 What Is Dead May Never Die
Council of Esus|S4 Meereen
Empyrean|S2 Warrior of Light
The Ashen Veil|S1 A Golden Crown
The Order|S6 Light of the Seven

Sound Tracks:
The Order

S6 Light of the Seven
S5 High Sparrow
S3 Chaos Is A Ladder
S5 Jaws of the Viper
S2 The Old Gods and the New
S1 The Wall
S6 Maester
S1 The King's Arrival
S3 The Lannisters Send Their Regards
S2 Warrior of Light
S6 Lord of Light
S6 The Red Woman
S6 The Winds of Winter
Rune of Kilmorph
S3 A Lannister Always Pays His Debts
S1 You Win or You Die
S3 Kingslayer
S6 Hear Me Roar
Fellowship of Leaves
S1 Goodbye Brother
S1 Winter Is Coming
S2 Winterfell
S4 Three Eyed Raven
S6 My Watch Has Ended
S4 You Know Nothing
S4 Thenns
Overlord Octopus
S2 What Is Dead May Never Die
S6 Coronation
S6 Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
S6 The Winds of Winter
Council of Esus
S1 Love in the Eyes
S1 To Vaes Dothrak
S2 Valar Morghulis
S2 Pyat Pree
S4 Meereen
The Last Emperor
The Veil
S1 A Golden Crown
S3 White Walkers
S1 Fire and Blood
S3 Dracarys
S1 The King's Arrival
S2 Warrior of Light
S4 Thenns
S1 Love in the Eyes
S3 Dracarys


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These are new leader for this mod

Main Leaders
Leader Name|FFH Civ|Alignment|Traits|Add to Mod
Robb Stark|Doviello|Good|Organized,Raiders|done
Mance Rayder|Illians|Neutral|Charismatic,Barbarian|done
Balon Greyjoy|Lanun|Evil|Raiders,Creative|done
Edmure Tully|Bannor|Good|Expansive,Foolish|done
Lysa Arryn|Elohim|Neutral|Defender,Guardsman|done
Tywin Lannister|Khazed|Evil|Financial,Industrious|done
Stannis Baratheon|Grigori|Neutral|Organized,Aggressive|done
Mace Tyrell|Ljosalfar|Neutral|Expansive,Organized|done
Doran Martell|Malakim|Neutral|Spiritual,Philosophical|done
Jeor Mormont|Mercurians|Good|Defender,Ingenuity|done
The Other|Infernals|Evil|,|
Illyrio Mopatis|Calabim|Neutral|,|
Roose Bolton|Calabim|Evil|Aggressive,Creative|done
Rickard Karstark|Doviello|Neutral|Aggressive,Raiders|done
Walder Frey|Clan of Embers|Evil|Expansive,Creative|done
Daenerys Targaryen|Kuriotates|Good|Philosophical,Adaptive (Creative)|done
Khal Drogo|Hippus|Evil|,|
Tall Trees Town|Ljosalfar|Neutral|,|
Azura Emperor of Yi Ti|Eastessosi|Good|Expansive,Philosophical|done
God Empress of Leng|Eastessosi|Neutral|Expansive,Spiritual|done
Jogos Nhai|Hippus|Evil|,|
Orange Emperor|Eastessosi|Evil|Expansive,Aggressive|done
Lotus Point|Ljosalfar|Neutral|,|

Scenario Leaders
Leader Name|FFH Civ|Alignment|Traits|Add to Mod
Eddard Stark|Doviello|Good|Organized,Ingenuity|done
Lady Stoneheart|Doviello|Neutral|Aggressive,Raiders|done
Jon Snow|Mercurians,Illians,Doviello|Good|Organized,Charismatic|done
Sansa Stark|Doviello|Neutral|Creative,Expansive|
Wyman Manderly|Ljosalfar|Good|Financial,Philosophical|done
Tormund Giantbane|Illians|Neutral|Raiders,Defender|
Euron Greyjoy|Lanun|Evil|Raiders,Charismatic|done
Asha Greyjoy|Lanun|Evil|Raiders,Expansive|
Brynden Tully|Bannor|Good|Defender,Charismatic|done
Beric Dondarrion|Bannor|Good|Aggressive,Raiders|done
Jon Arryn|Elohim|Good|Organized,Philosophical|done
Petyr Baelish|Elohim|Evil|Creative,Adaptive (Financial)|done
Kevan Lannister|Khazed|Neutral|Organized,Industrious|done
Cersei Lannister|Khazed|Evil|Arcane,Aggressive|done
Robert Baratheon|Grigori|Neutral|Charismatic,Aggressive|done
Renly Baratheon|Grigori|Good|Expansive,Organized|done
Gendry Baratheon|Grigori|Good|Industrious,Defender|
Olenna Tyrell|Ljosalfar|Neutral|Expansive,Philosophical|done
Ellaria Sand|Malakim|Neutral|Aggressive,Raiders|done
Alliser Thorne|Mercurians|Good|Defender,Organized|done
Eddison Tollett|Mercurians|Good|Defender,Guardsman|done
Ramsay Bolton|Calabim|Evil|Aggressive,Raiders|done
Tyrion Lannister|Kuriotates|Good|Philosophical,Adaptive (Financial)|done
Aegon I Targaryen|Sheaim|Evil|Arcane,Industrious,Tolerant|done
Aegon II Targaryen|Sheaim|Evil|Arcane,Expansive,Tolerant|done
Rhaenyra I Targaryen|Sheaim|Evil|Arcane,Raiders,Tolerant|done
Aerys II Targaryen|Sheaim|Evil|Arcane,Creative,Charismatic,Insane|done
Princess Nymeria|Lanun|Good|Spiritual,Charismatic|done
Pearl Emperor of Dawn|Eastessosi|Good|Expansive,Charismatic|done
Scarlet Emperor of Yi Ti|Eastessosi|Neutral|Expansive,Raiders|done
Yellow Emperor of Yi Ti|Eastessosi|Neutral|Expansive,Arcane|done
Sea Green Emperor of Yi Ti|Eastessosi|Good|Expansive,Creative|done
Maroon Emperor of Yi Ti|Eastessosi|Good|Expansive,Defender|done
Purple Emperor of Yi Ti|Eastessosi|Good|Expansive,Spiritual|done
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These are new A Song of Ice and Fire leaderheads art for original FFH Leader

This file is for vanilla and other FFH2 mod,If you have Game of Thrones Mod,then you don't need download this file.

These Art copyright belongs to
Marc Simonetti
Mathia Arkoniel
Jordi Gonzalez Escamilla
Magali Villeneuve
Felicia Chris Dien
René Aigner
Karen Petrasko
Fantasy Flight Games

Spoiler :

Leader Name|FFH Leader|FFH Civ
Robb Stark|Mahala|Doviello
Mance Rayder|Auric|Illians
Balon Greyjoy|Hannah|Lanun
Edmure Tully|Sabathiel|Bannor
Lysa Arryn|Ethne|Elohim
Tywin Lannister|Kandros|Khazed
Stannis Baratheon|Cassiel|Grigori
Mace Tyrell|Arendel|Ljosalfar
Doran Martell|Varn|Malakim
Jeor Mormont|Basium|Mercurians
The Other|Hyborem|Infernals
Illyrio Mopatis|Flauros|Calabim
Roose Bolton|Alexis|Calabim
Rickard Karstark|Charadon|Doviello
Walder Frey|Sheelba|Clan of Embers
Daenerys Targaryen|Cardith|Kuriotates
Khal Drogo|Tasunke|Hippus
Summer Islands|Amelanceier|Ljosalfar
Jogos Nhai|Rhoanna|Hippus


  • LeaderHeads.rar
    5.4 MB · Views: 1,656
  • LeaderHead Main.jpg
    LeaderHead Main.jpg
    138.5 KB · Views: 1,137
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sorry for a one-month-length break(playing C*2 game of thrones mod). during this break modding is still doing but with slowly progress,MNAI modmod has some addtional feature for map edit which gave me more space to mod,so modding will consume more time than I supposed.
New forum style does not have <table> tag,need find a new way to replace old table
If you don't have Fall From Heaven II mod in your mod document,when load this mod from BTS will get this error and then crash.

'GFC error: failed to initialize the primary control theme'

this is because content of 2 mod files still link to Fall From Heaven II mod,you can change manually or use patch to replace old file.

for changing manually you can follow this guide to change.
Game of Thrones\Resource\Civ4.thm
change all 2
'Fall from Heaven 2' to 'Game of Thrones'
after change ,this file content will like this:

// *** Control Bitmap Theme file

// Set the resource
resource_path "Mods/Game of Thrones/Resource";

// Setup common properties
include "Mods/Game of Thrones/Resource/Themes/Civ4/Civ4Theme.thm"

Open the file "Assets\XML\Art\CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.xml" and search for "DEFAULT_THEME_NAME". In the next line, change the "path" to :

<Path>Mods/Game of Thrones/Resource/Civ4.thm</Path>


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new version v1.02 work progress:
  • add missing flag art to S07
  • several special characters(Jaqen,Mountain,Oberyn) have wrong strength when both strength and defense is more than common unit and equal,need fix.
  • remove Jogos Nhai unit orc promotion,add missing settlers and worker
  • clear leader traits and alignment
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several scenarios.now re-add them.
  • re-add Hyrkoon to HS07-11,S02,S04,TS01,TS02
  • re-add Jogos Nhai to HS08-11
  • re-add Leng to HS08-11
  • re-add Wildling tribes to HS02,HS04-10
3.Major change
  • due to AI Grigori doesn't adopt state religion,Scenarios need set Grigori civ adopt state religion from beginning.
  • set most of civs state religion from beginning to avoid after start 2 rounds adopted state religion change their leader's alignment,and balance to Grigori's state religion preset(see above)
4.Minor change
  • change HS11 Mance Rayder'promotion Channelling2 to Channelling3 in order to get Command2-3 promotion.
  • add House Martell to playable Civ to HS09
  • add corresponding disciple to no start city civs to HS02,HS03
  • move S06 Stark Bear from Bear Island to Wildling Settlement due to lack of ship
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Reading World of Ice and Fire,get more informations.
new version v1.03 work progress:
  • [done]remove too many Bright leaving only one
  • [done]remove Summer Isles wrong TeamReveal on HS01
  • [done]remove Vaes Leisi wrong team culture on HS02-HS05
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several scenarios.now re-add them.
  • [done]add Giant to Ib on HS01
  • [done]add Drowned Kingdom to Thousand Island on HS01
  • [done]add Frost Giant on HS01
  • [done]add Ax Island on HS01
  • [done]add Isle of Tears on HS01
  • [done]add Adakhakileki on HS01-HS02
  • [done]add Ancient Myr on HS01-HS03
  • [done]add Yeen on HS02
  • [done]add Seal Rock on HS02
  • [done]add Ancient Norvos on HS02-HS03
  • [done]add Vaes Leisi on HS02-HS05
  • [done]add Lotus Point&Ebonhead on HS03-S07
  • [done]add Andal of Norvos on HS04-HS05
  • [done]add Stone Giant on HS04-HS06
  • [done]add Sarnor lesser kings on HS05
  • [done]add Norvos free city on HS06
  • [done]add House Martell on HS06
  • [done]add Trader Town-Yi Ti rebels on HS10-S07
  • [done]add House Flint on S06
  • [done]add House Glover on S06
3.Major change
  • [done]change Hykroon to Major civ and make peace with other civs
  • [done]add New Great Empire of Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng leader
  • [done]change Rhoynar FFH2 civ to Lanun
  • [done]add Nymeria Leader to Rhoynar
  • [done]change Dorne first men petty kings to Malakim
  • [done]change several scenario playable civs
4.Minor change
  • [done]change Trader Town's owner to Yi Ti on HS04-09
  • [done]change Jogos Nhai to Great Empire of Dawn's Vassal on HS02
  • [done]add new leaderhead to Giant,Frost Giant and Centaur
  • [done]add new leaderhead to Great Empire of Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng
  • [done]change Great Empire of Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng flag art
  • [done]change Jogos Nhai permanent war against Yi Ti and Hyrkoon
  • [done]Add Ice Dragon to Shiving Sea
  • [done]Add ACHERON Flying Promotion
  • [done]Add Sailor's Dirge and pirate cove near Basilisk Isles
  • [done]add MARGALARD and Gurid near bottom of Sothoryos
  • [done]add horse near Trader Town
  • [done]add 2 Mushroom near Vaes Leisi
  • [done]change Rhoynar Fish to Crab
  • [done]Rename Summer Islands & leaders
  • [done]remove Staff of Soul from Shadow Lord
  • [done]remove Summer Isles religion,hawk,teamreveal to make it isolate on HS01-HS03
  • [done]change several ancient civ population & culture on HS01-HS03
  • [done]Remove Carcosa Sorercer and warrior darkelf promotion on HS01-HS09
  • [done]remove K'Dath Wizard,move Carcosa Sorcerer to K'Dath on HS01-HS09
  • [done]add imp with all tie1 spell to Carcosa on HS01-HS09
  • [done]change North and beyond Giant civ to Frost Giant civ
  • [done]change Dayne's religion to Rune on HS02-HS04
  • [done]change Yronwood's religion to Fellowship on HS02-HS04
  • [done]change Asshai state religion to Esus,add Asshai Esus religion
  • [done]add stepstones barbarian pirateer/warrior/pirate cove
  • [done]add Ax Isle,Talon barbarian warrior,ship and pirate cove
  • [done]move Empyrean holycity to Shamyriana on HS04,HS05
  • [done]move Empyrean holycity to Volantis on HS06-S07
  • [done]move Esus holycity to Asshai on HS04-HS06
  • [done]add Vaes Dothraki market
  • [done]Add held promotion to Lich near Valyria ruins
  • [done]add held Goblin Archer to Goblin Fort near Valyria ruins
  • [done]rename Volantis leader to Elephant Triarchs of Volantis on HS08-S07
  • [done]improve Pentos-Dothraki relation and remove 1 melee unit from Pentos on HS10-S07
  • [done]rename Ghiscar leader to Grazdan the Great on HS01
  • [done]remove Permanet War from Sarnor on HS01
  • [done]Add Barbarian Dragons to Ib,Westeros,Sothoryos on HS01
  • [done]Rise Thousand Island to Plains on HS01
  • [done]move Centaur to Eastern grassland on HS01
  • [done]change Jogos Nhai to Great Empire of Dawn's Vassal on HS02
  • [done]rename Durran to Durran Godsgrief of Durrandon on HS02
  • [done]rename Sarnor leader to King Huzhor Amai on HS02
  • [done]add 1 Giant Spider to Barrowton of Others on HS03
  • [done]add tundra to the joint of Selhoru on HS03
  • [done]change Jogos Nhai permanent war against Dothraki on HS04
  • [done]add missing Permanent Peace between Hardhome and Children on HS04
  • [done]rename Jogos Nhai's Leader to Zhea the Barren on HS04
  • [done]rename westeros leadername on HS04
  • [done]make Summer Isles contact with Ghiscar on HS04
  • [done]change Lotus Point&Ebonhead to Tall Trees Town's Vassal on HS05
  • [done]change Jogos Nhai permanent war against Stone Giant on HS06
  • [done]change Rhoynar Gally to Caravel with Expanded Hull & Skeleton Crew on HS06
  • [done]rename several leader(Princess Nymeria of Rhoynar,King Durran III of Durrandon,King Greydon of Gardener) on HS06
  • [done]add Garin of Chroyane Great Commander to Chroyane of Rhoynar on HS06
  • [done]add 1 more Warrior to Rhoynar and Volantis on HS06
  • [done]change Uller to Yronwood with leader Yorick Yronwood on HS06
  • [done]rename Jogos Nhai leader to Gharak Squint-Eye on HS06
  • [done]add road between Norvos to Essaria on HS06
  • [done]rename Sarnor leader to Mazor Alexi on HS07
  • [done]rename Leng's leader to Khiara the Great on HS07
  • [done]move Yi Ti capital to Jinqi on HS07
  • [done]rename Dothraki leader to Khal Mengo on HS07
  • [done]rename Volantis leader to Tiger Triarchs of Volantis on HS07
  • [done]add great commander Horonno to Volantis on HS07
  • [done]add great commander Moro son of Mengo to Dothraki on HS07
  • [done]add adept Doshi the Witch Queen to Dothraki on HS07
  • [done]move Yi Ti capital to Tiqui on HS08
  • [done]delay destruction Ibbish and build of New Ibbish on HS08
  • [done]rename Lys leader to Black Swan on HS09
  • [done]Change Triarchy leader to Lys on HS10
  • [done]move Guild of Nine from Pentos to Tyrosh on Advanced Tech
  • [done]remove Pentos mercenary and add 1 Vampire on Advanced Tech
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Download all files.
More Naval AI v2.63 Patch.exe
Patch v1.02.rar

...Unzip to /Beyond the Sword/Mods/Fall from Heaven 2

Get "GFC error: failed to initialise primary control theme... "

any ideas? :undecide:

Had to rename mod folder to "Game of Thrones" (to match ini) - and works :smoke:

Add to installation instructions?
Download all files.
More Naval AI v2.63 Patch.exe
Patch v1.02.rar

...Unzip to /Beyond the Sword/Mods/Fall from Heaven 2

Get "GFC error: failed to initialise primary control theme... "

any ideas? :undecide:

Thanks for replying!

only need BTS v3.19
Patch v1.02.rar

unzip to /Beyond the Sword/Mods/
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v1.03 is finished
I have changed my schedule,push some changes to further version
Contains early patch changes. Bug fix,add 13 new leaderhead,10 new leader and many minor changes


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new version v1.04 work progress:
  • [done]re-add Night Watch unit missing Loyalty promotion on HS03
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several scenarios.now re-add them.
  • [done]add Giant of Velvet Hills on HS01
  • [done]add Skagos on HS02,HS04,HS05
  • [done]add New Ghis on HS07-S06
3.Major change
  • [done]change Guild of Nine to National Wonder and reduce defense bonus to 10%,reduce culture per turn to 2,add 2 gold per turn
  • [done]add Stoneborn Technology for Giant in order to produce Giant unit on HS01-HS11
  • [done]add Dragontaming Technology for Dragon in order to produce new base dragon unit(Hatchling)
  • [done]add Hunting Lodge +2 exp to Beast unit,add Grove +3 exp to Beast unit
  • [done]change Valyria Planar Portal and Grove to Hunting Lodge on HS04-HS06
  • [done]add Hunting Lodge to Dragonstone or King's Landing on HS07-HS09
  • [done]add Dragon upgrade route(T1 Hatchling->choose one of T2 Juvenile(Black,Red,Yellow,White)->T3 Wyvern of that color->T4 Dragon of that color)
  • [done]replace old dragon unit(Griffon,Manticore,Beast of Agares) to new dragon unit on HS01,HS04-HS09,S02-S07
  • [done]add new Dragon unit
[table=head]Unit Name|Tier|Strength/Defense|Move|Enable Technology|Upgrade Requirement|Promotion
Hatchling|T1|4/1|1(2 with Flying)|Dragontaming|can build|Flying
Juvenile(Black)|T2|5/2 +1 Death|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Poison,Entropy 1
Juvenile(Red)|T2|5/2 +1 Fire|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Fire,Fire 1
Juvenile(Yellow)|T2|5/2 +1 Lightning|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Lightning,Spirit 1
Juvenile(White)|T2|5/2 +1 Cold|1(2 with Flying)|Knowledge of the Ether|Hatchling,Lv 3+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment mana|Flying,Channeling1,Resistance of Cold,Ice 1
Wyvern(Black)|T3|7/5 +2 Death,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Necromancy|Juvenile(Black),Lv 5+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth mana|Flying,Resistance of Poison,Shadow 2
Wyvern(Red)|T3|7/5 +2 Fire,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Elementalism|Juvenile(Red),Lv 5+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature mana|Flying,Resistance of Fire,Fire 2
Wyvern(Yellow)|T3|7/5 +2 Lightning,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Divination|Juvenile(Yellow),Lv 5+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit mana|Flying,Resistance of Lightning,Sun 2
Wyvern(White)|T3|7/5 +2 Cold,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Alteration|Juvenile(White),Lv 5+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment mana|Flying,Resistance of Cold,Body 2
Dragon(Black)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Death,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(Black),Lv 8+,has Death,Entropy,Shadow or Earth mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Poison,Entropy 3
Dragon(Red)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Fire,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(Red),Lv 8+,has Fire,Chaos,Mind or Nature mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Fire,Mind 3
Dragon(Yellow)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Lightning,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(Yellow),Lv 8+,has Air,Sun,Life or Spirit mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Lightning,Air 3
Dragon(White)|T4,National|10/9 +4 Cold,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|2(3 with Flying)|Arcane Lore|Wyvern(White),Lv 8+,has Water,Law,Body or Enchantment mana|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Resistance,Resistance of Cold,Ice 3
Abashi the Black Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Death,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|3(4 with Flying)|Divine Essence|Sheaim only,can build/Dragon(Black)|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Disease
Acheron the Red Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Fire|3(4 with Flying)|-|Barbarian only,can build|Dragon,Flying,Sentry,Sentry2,Magic Immune,Immune to Fire,Stoneskin
Eurabatres the Gold Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Lightning,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|3(4 with Flying)|Divine Essence|Kuriotates only,can build/Dragon(Yellow)|Fear,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Lightning
Drifa the White Dragon|T4,World|14/14 +7 Cold,Collateral Damage,City Bombard,Don't receive defense bonus,Withdraw|3(4 with Flying)|Divine Essence|Illians only,can build by Ritual|Dragon,Flying,Sentry,Magic Immune,Immune to Cold,Vulnerable to Fire[/table]
4.Minor change
  • [done]change unit with hero promotion's AI to unitai_hero
  • [done]add barbarian held Deep Ones(Drown) on Iron Isle,add held Kraken near Cape Kraken,add held Sea Serpent near Sea Dragon Point on HS01
  • [done]add Giant 1 hill giant with held at Massey's Hook on HS01
  • [done]move Ib Dragon 1 square southwest,move beyond wall Dragon 1 square west on HS01
  • [done]remove Skagos Ogre and dungeon on HS01
  • [done]change Giant of Ib leader to Anagantios on HS01
  • [done]move Stark start units 1 square north on HS02
  • [done]change Griffin King's FFH civ to Clan of Embers on HS02
  • [done]change Winged Knight's FFH civ to Clan of Embers on HS02,HS03
  • [done]change House Royce's FFH civ to Clan of Embers on HS02-HS04
  • [done]add barbarian held Lunatic on Leng's Bradelines Well on HS02-HS06
  • [done]change Skagos dungeon to goblin fort,add Goblin Archer on HS03,HS06-S07
  • [done]rename Bolton leader to Lord Rogar the Huntsman on HS04
  • [done]change Seal rock to Wolf's Den on HS04
  • [done]add 1 more barbarian Mountain clan on HS04-S01,S03-S07
  • [done]change griffin at Yin owner to Yi Ti on HS05
  • [done]rename Justman leader to King Benedict the Just on HS05
  • [done]add Riverrun Fellowship of Leaves religion on HS05-S07
  • [done]rename Gardener leader to King Perceon III Gardener on HS06
  • [done]rename House Justman to House Teague rename leader to King Humfrey Teague on HS06
  • [done]remove Saltspan,Duskendale,add Maidenpool as Teague on HS06
  • [done]rename Durrandon leader to King Arlan III Durrandon on HS06
  • [done]change House Tully master from Justman to Durrandon on HS06
  • [done]add 1 Lannister Mountain tribe to King's Landing on S02,TS01
  • [done]add Flint 1 beastman with held at Widow's watch on S06
  • [done]rename 1 Wildling War Elephant to Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg,add Sentry on S01-S04
  • [done]rename 1 Wildling giant to Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun on S01-S06
  • [done]replace 1 Stark worker to Hodor(Mud Golem) on S01,S02,TS01
  • [done]add Meera Reed as Bran Stark's Heroic Strength promotion on TS02,S07
  • [done]add 10 turns Immobile to Stannis army on S05
  • [done]add 10 turns Immobile to Ayra Stark,remove Charmed,Slow on S06
  • [done]rename Ghiscar to New Ghis,change start unit on S07
  • [done]change Wildling warrior to Tormund Giantsbane with Raider,Winterborn for Wildling&Stark on HS10-S04,S06,S07
  • [done]add Yohn Royce(Warrior with Bronze Weapons) for Arryn&Baelish on HS10-S07
  • [done]change Wildling Warrior to Lord of Bones with Fear,Heroic Defense,Winterborn for Wildling on HS11-S04
  • [done]add Ygritte(Scout with Drill I,Winterborn) for Wildling on S01-S04
  • [done]add Eddison Tollett(Warrior with Homeland,Loyalty,Defensive) for Watch on S01-S05
  • [done]replace 1 axeman to Orell(Hunter with Spirit Guide,Winterborn) for Wildling on AdvTech
  • [done]change all Night Watch combat units to Angel on AdvTech
  • [done]add All free cities expcept Pentos/Selhorys and slavery bay's city Guild of Nine wonder on AdvTech
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V1.04 Alpha is out for playtest.
see above to get list of V1.04 Alpha changes which was done.

Hatchling can upgrade to Juvenile or Wyvern; Juvenile can upgrade to Wyvern;
Hatchling,Juvenile or Wyvern can't upgrade to T4 Dragon(all requirements below are met but ungrade button doesn't appear,so can't ungrade).Need help to locate the reason of this problem.
To Upgrade T4 Dragon,Hatchling,Juvenile or Wyvern unit need:
  • Unit within owner's culture border
  • Player has researched Arcane Lore Technology
  • Unit Lv is 8+
  • Player exist that color Dragon's count is less than 4(each color Dragon type is a national unit type,like Immortal)
  • Player's city has 1 of 4 mana resource depend dragon's color
    • Black: Death,Entropy,Shadow,Earth
    • Red: Fire,Chaos,Mind,Nature
    • Yellow: Air,Sun,Life,Spirit
    • White: Water,Law,Body,Enchantment
I want to add a new Game Option to add New Dragontaming technology(Which is disabled so can not choose to research in regular game) to every civ from beginning of game,and add this tech to Mercurians and Infernals after they entered game.
Need know which line of which file need edit.
Ah...search modiki,found this change need SDK,which domain is out of my ability currently.:(


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Wow I am glad someone is still out there modmodding FFH2! :thumbsup:
Thanks for replying!
My work is busy,only have a little time to play or mod.Currently I don't want learn to play some new games and only concentrate to FFH2 modmoding or playtesting.
FFH2 is over 10 years,but I'm still a new modmoder now,only doing some map/xml edit,not entering the world of Python/SDK moding yet.
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