new version v1.05 work progress:
- clear leader traits promotion after civ leader trait change
- change Wyvern(Black) from National unit to common unit
2.Due to vanilla version map's total team num limit to 35,had to remove certain already added civs from several re-add them.
- add Essaria on HS06,HS07
- Dothraki civil war on HS06,HS08-HS11,S0,S02-S06
- add Sarnor lesser king on HS07
3.Major change
- add more music
- change enable Ocean trade technology to Optics
- change Dragon Slaying promotion to +40% vs Beast
- rename Juvenile,Wyvern,Dragon with their color
- change Achorn/Drifa Dragon promotion to Fear
- change Dragon(Red) requirement technology to Feral Bond,change Dragon(Yellow) requirement technology to Mercantilism,change Dragon(White) requirement technology to Religious Law
- Add Raised in Volcano promotion,add to hatchling
- Increase Grove's beast unit free exp to 8,add Raised in Cage to beast unit,and unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Raised in Volcano
- add Dungeon building:unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Raised in Volcano
- reduce Juvenile minlevel requirement to 2,reduce Wyvern minlevel requirement to 4,reduce Dragon minlevel requirement to 6,Tweak AI Flavor
- change dragon unit exp on HS01,HS04-HS09,S05-S07
- add grove to King's Landing,and add Raised in Cage promotion to all dragon unit except Vhagar,add exp at least to 10 on HS09
- add New Eastern Essos Civ Eastessosi
- add New Eastern Essos Civ unit style Eastessosi
- add New Eastern Essos Civ diplomacy sound,soundtrack
- change Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town leader to Eastessosi leader
- change Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town civ to Eastessosi
- remove Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town unit Dark Elf race
- replace Carcosa unit's Dark Elf to Jungledweller
- change Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town palace and mana resource
- replace Dawn,Yi Ti,Leng,Trader Town new unit
- add New Eastern Essos Civ Eastessosi unit/hero and buildling
[table=head]Civ Name|Block Unit|Block Building|Special
Eastessosi|Mage,Archmage,Immortal|Pagan Temple,all religion temples|Jungledweller default race,can build improvements over Jungles,so no need waiting for Jungle remove technology[/table]
[table=head]Unit Name|Base Unit|Ability Change
Terracotta Warrior|Hero,Immortal|Eastessosi only,Combat Strength 20,1 move,Golem,Earth2,Stoneskin,Resistance to Fire,Magic Resistance
Swordman|Axeman|Common Swordman,+Jungledweller
Aggressive as Fire|Champion|Eastessosi only,+2 First Strike,Drill1,Jungledweller
Steady as Mountain|Longbowman|Eastessosi only,-1 combat attack,+1 combat defense,Jungledweller
Swift as Wind|Horse Archer|Eastessosi only,ignore terrain movement cost,+1 First Strike,-Immunity to First Strike,Jungledweller
Gently as Woods|Ranger|Eastessosi only,+25%Jungle attack,10% Withdraw chance,Jungledweller
Quietly as Shade|Assassin|Eastessosi only,Hidden,Stealth,Jungledweller
Devastating as Thunder|Catapult|Eastessosi only,+50% vs Melee
Twilight Brotherhood|Monk|Eastessosi only,-Demon Slaying,+Shadow2,+Sun2,change required technology to Fanaticism,Jungledweller
Eastessosi Medic|-|Eastessosi only,require Medicine Technology/Temple of Spirit building,Medic1,Medic2,Medic3,Jungledweller,only defend,can move impassable plot,50% Withdraw chance
Repeating Crossbowman|Marksman|Eastessosi only,+1 First Strick,+Collateral damage,Jungledweller[/table]
[table=head]Buildling Name|Required Technology|Description
Eastessosi Palace|-|Eastessosi only,National Wonder,Spirit,Mind,Body,+2 Great Commander Rate,+15% great people rate,+8 Commerial,+1 Production,+1 Happyness,+2 Culture
Five Forts|Masonry|World Wonder,+25% City Defence,+1 Great Commander Rate,+8 Culture,Teams'all cities free Wall,Prevent barbarian unit from entering Culture border
Temple of Spirit|Religious Law|Eastessosi only,free Valor,,unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Withered+2 exp to Disciple unit,+1 Culture,+1 Priest slot
Temple of Mind|Divination|Eastessosi only,free Loyalty,unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Charmed,+2 exp to Disciple unit,+1 Culture,+1 Priest slot
Temple of Body|Alteration|Eastessosi only,free Courage,unit which end turn in the city with this building will remove Poisoned,+2 exp to Disciple unit,+1 Culture,+1 Priest slot[/table]
[table=head]Promotion Name|Description
Jungledweller|+20% Jungle defense,+10% workrate,-25% Fire Resistance,unit with this promotion will use Eastessosi unit artstyle
Marshdweller|+20% Marsh strength,+10% Poison Resistance,no penalty attack across river
Giant|Race,+30% Strength,+1 First Strike,+1 terrain move cost,+1 vision sight
Giantsized|+20% Strength,+1 First Strike chance,can be granted by mutate
Raised in Cage|only for beast unit,-20% combat strength,-25% exp get by combat,reduce heal rate
Raised in Volcano|only for beast unit,+10% combat strength,+25% Volcano feature defense,3% chance per turn grant Wild promotion to this unit
Wild|+20% combat strength,Immunity to Fear,5% chance per turn become barbarian,10% chance per turn to wear off
Giant Slaying|+40% vs Giant,require Combat1 or Dwarf[/table]
Giantsized|add Melee,Recon unit Giantsized promotion
Marshdweller|add Melee,Recon unit Marshdweller promotion[/table]
4.Minor change
- change several civ colour
- unit with Winterborn will use Illians unit artstyle,unit with Nomad will use Malakim unit artstyle
- change Stannis diplomacy sound to Asshai
- change Rickard Karstark trait to Aggressive,Giantsized
- add House Umber Giantsized trait,add House Mud Marshdweller trait
- add Copper near Yin
- add Incense near Tiqui
- add Reagents near Jinqi
- add Cotton near Trader Town
- add Tiger,Gorilla Jungledweller,add Scorpion Nomad
- add Giant promotion,change Hill Giant&Wilboman Sentry to Giant promotion
- add Giantsized Promotion,add to Umber,Karstark,Mountain that Ride,The Hound,Brienne of Tarth
- add Giant Slaying Promotion,add this promotion to Dwarven Slinger and Tormund Giantsbane
- add Fear promotion immunity to fear
- remove Avatar of Wrath on HS01,HS02
- add Marshdweller promotion,add to unit of Oldstones Mud king and unit of Greywater Watch on HS02-S07
- move Yi Ti's capital Si Qo 1 square north on HS04
- add Andal 1 disciple of order at Gates of the Moon,change all warrior to Axeman with Iron Weapon,change Scout to Hunter on HS04
- add Valyria Freehold permanent peace to Astapor,Meereen on HS06
- add Dungeon building to Meereen on S05,S06