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- Sep 24, 2015
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new version v2.01 work progress:
1.Major change
1.Major change
- Modify to Ice Theme Infernal civilization:
- add Frostling promotion immune to fear and Poison damage,is not alive(in order to avoid when Frostling be killed it reborn as manes and/or undead)
- remove Hyboerm Barbarian trait(in order to change wild animal/barbarian into undead,and confict with last children of forest in scenario),add Sundered trait
- [Python]decrease chances of reborn to undead on Snow terrain
- [Python]Undead raise by Wight mechanic won't add Stigmata promotion
- [Python]T4 unit died on Snow terrain will reborn as T3 undead with the same combat type
- add Hyborem,High Priest of Winter,Priest of Winter Prophecy Mark promotion
- [Python]add Hyborem Immortal promotion when summoned by Infernal Pact
- [Python]Infernal won't use Scorch spell on Snow
- Modify to Season Mechanic and new Season Concept of AC:
- [Python]when game option no global counter is on,no save and load of Season Variable
- [Python]Peak and Hill will become colder more quicker than flat terrain,especially in winter, and become warmer more slowly than flat terrain
- [Python]Marsh will become Swallow in winter
- remove free Stigmata promotion from Stigmata of the Unborn
- remove Sundered Trait from Sheaim civ
- change Stigmata promotion require race from Demon to Undead
- change Sundered promotion require race from Demon to Frostling
- remove Meshabber of Dis AC requirement and AC modify,add Divine Essence technology requirement
- remove Mithril Golem AC requirement,add Held promotion,change +60% city attack to +60% city defense
- [Python]Planar Gate now summon unit max is fixed 1 unit per Gate,non-based on AC
- remove AC modify from Rosier the Fallen,Avatar of Wrath,Beast of Agares,Eidolon,Ars,Mardero,Sphener,Valin Phanuel,change Basium AC modify from +5 to -5,add Hyborem and Ice Golem +5 AC modify
- [Python]when Ice Golem and Hyborem without Immortal promotion is killed -5 AC,when Basium is killed +5 AC
- remove buildings,such as Stigmata of the Unborn,AC modify,build Temple of Hand will add 3 AC
- Modify to New Dragon Race:
- add Dragon Race to All Dragon units,reduce Fire combat damage by 1(Dragon Race provided another 1 Fire combat damage)
- remove Dragon Race promotion Immune to Fear,Cause Fear,Roar,Breath Fire,add Dragon Race promotion +1 Fire combat damage, +20% combat on Broken Lands terrain and +25% on Volcano feature
- reduce Wild promotion betrayal chance from 2% to 1%
- add Roar promotion which can use Roar spell
- add Breath Fire promotion which can use Breath Fire spell
- add Roar,Breath Fire promotion to T4 Dragon Hero
- remove T2 Dragon certain element damage resistance promotion
- change Dragon Slaying promotion from +20% Combat vs Beast unit to +40% to Dragon Race promotion,reduce Fire resistance from 25% to 10%
- [Python]raised undead by Mokka's Cauldron won't has Stigmata promotion
- [Python]Burn Harrenhal event will also remove all five Harrenhall Towers
- Harrenhal wonder require 4 cities to build
- re-add Training Yard,Champion,Berserker,Immortal,Phalanx to Sheaim,change Pyre Zombie to swordsman
- change Daenerys Targaryen permanent trait to Philosophical
- change Sheaim palace Death mana to Entropy mana
- change Kuriotates palace Spirit mana to Earth mana
- reduce Pirate Cove and Pirate Harber commercial to 1,Pirate Port to 2
- Philosophical leader can build Academy with Sorcery technology
- change workboat to non-military unit
- Royal Guard need lv 6 Melee unit to upgrade,and won't abandon when civic changes,change unit type from Mounted to Melee,increase Combat Strength from 4 to 5,reduce move from 3 to 1,remove Horse/Nightmare resource requirement,change unit art to Paladin,change Spirit2 promotion to Loyalty,can upgrade as Champion,increase max instance of Royal Guard from 4 to 7 per player
- Champion can upgrade to Royal Guard
- Grigori can build Pagan Temple
- add more choice of great specialist to build Shrine,Great Prophet can build all 7 Shrines,Great Engineer can build Tablets of Bambur,Great Commander can build Code of Junil,Great Artist can build Song of Autumn,Great Merchant can build Nox Noctis and Dies Diei,Great Scientist can build Stigmata of the Unborn and Necronomicon
- make scenairos change corresponding to major change
- change rice which near bitterbridge to wheat
- change landmark the Thousand Islands to Drowned Kingdom on HS01
- add Dragon Urrax and Serwyn of the Mirror Shield,a lv 2 warrior of House Gardener with Dragon Slaying and Black Mirror on HS02
- add Hyborem Immortal promotion on HS03,S01-S08
- remove Undead Stigmata promotion on HS03,S02-S08
- add Faith Militant for House Gardener at Old Town on HS06,HS07
- add Faith Militant for House Hightower at Old Town on HS08
- add warrior for House Targaryen at Sharp Point on HS08
- add Feudalism technology to House Targaryen on HS08
- add 1 Hunter to Stark,Arryn,Gardener,Durrandon,add 1 Horseman to Martell,add 1 Dwarven Slinger to Lannister on HS08
- change Kingsguard/Queensguard to Royal Guard on AdvTech
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