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GameReactor Civ4 Video from E3

Did anyone notice the hot blond chick?

Back to topic, looks nice. But the guy obviously has not alot experience in giving demo's he almost sounded bored a few times :-(.

And i hope they will get bigger maps, i read that maps will not be as big as in civ3 which really bums me, offcourse i will still buy the game.
Great hint, I would definetly have missed it. I like the more detailed information to modding possiblilities and what specifically is coded in python.
He mentioned that terain types can be altered by modifying the XML files. I wonder if that affects only production rates and defense/attack bonuses or if 3D data is (can be) possibly stored in those files. :confused:

Because this is my first post here at cfc (I was lurking for months now :) ) I'd like to mention one thing to all the comments I've read so far concerning what players already do not like in cIV: Hey, they promised us full modding possibilities. Let's change what we don't like ... after a looong time of test-playing it! :D
Poisos said:
Great hint, I would definetly have missed it. I like the more detailed information to modding possiblilities and what specifically is coded in python.
He mentioned that terain types can be altered by modifying the XML files. I wonder if that affects only production rates and defense/attack bonuses or if 3D data is (can be) possibly stored in those files. :confused:

Because this is my first post here at cfc (I was lurking for months now :) ) I'd like to mention one thing to all the comments I've read so far concerning what players already do not like in cIV: Hey, they promised us full modding possibilities. Let's change what we don't like ... after a looong time of test-playing it! :D

Welcome to CFC. :)

Well, it definitely sounded like Jesse was really excited about Civ IV's modding capacities. I think we will see lots of awesome stuff from the modding community when the game is released. :D
Robbert said:
Did anyone notice the hot blond chick?

:D Are you sure its a SHE? If you mean the the person obvious sitting right of the presenter ... I had to look twice ... but I'm pretty shure its a guy :) .
the game seems ready to be releasd tomorrow ;)
I love the sneak peek at the civics screen. If only more previews would highlight that. :(

And as long as Python is just as simple as someone scripting me an easy-to-use simple scenario editor/debugging tool like he was using at the very end, I'll be happy. I just want to be able to make scenarios as relatively easy as I could in Civ 3 + expansions.
Python isn't particularly difficult :) I've started teaching it to myself in anticipation of Civ4 :)
*Wishes there was a drooling smiley*
Xen said:
the game seems ready to be releasd tomorrow ;)

Alot of stuff seemed very much incomplete, mostly the info screens and artwork
Robbert said:
Did anyone notice the hot blond chick?

Umm...dude? That was a guy going for the "elf look" :p

But, more on topic, I'm more psyched than ever!
maybe you have to forgive an old stupid man here, but I can't seem to find the video, all the videos at the side don't seem Civ4 videos :confused:
Just click the link in the first post and the video will play automatically at the left.
things u can do/build in heliopolis:

examine city
worker (3)
library (6)
settler (6)
scout (1)
sword---- (3)
axeman (2)
spearman (2)
archer (1)
war chariot (1)
horse archer (3)
work boat (2)
galley (4)
barracks (4)
granary (4)
walls (?)
lighthouse (3)
jewish temple (3)
jewish monastery (2)
the parthenon (30)
angkor war (19)
the spiral minaret (26)
a couple of thoughts - notice how the roman/indian map was virtually identical to what was shown on gamespot - the outcome of the battles seem to be the same (correct me if i'm wrong) - yet at the same time we know it's not the same game, since in gamespot, he traded resources w/ gandhi while in this game, he gives a city as a gift - so if the game is the same... i'm guessing it's a seeding thing (like in past civs where the outcome is always the same, if u were to make the same moves - hence the time travel saved game cheat) - maybe there's an option to change the seed

nice how the borders follow the contours of the river/mountain
coastlines seem to be more natural (not boxy)
dc82 said:
things u can do/build in heliopolis:

examine city
worker (3)
library (6)
settler (6)
scout (1)
sword---- (3)
axeman (2)
spearman (2)
archer (1)
war chariot (1)
horse archer (3)
work boat (2)
galley (4)
barracks (4)
granary (4)
walls (?)
lighthouse (3)
jewish temple (3)
jewish monastery (2)
the parthenon (30)
angkor war (19)
the spiral minaret (26)

Did you see that! Work Boat!! :eek: Workers on water... seems interesting
Civrules said:
Well, it definitely sounded like Jesse was really excited about Civ IV's modding capacities. I think we will see lots of awesome stuff from the modding community when the game is released. :D

Indeed he did. I'm not much of an artist, but I sure like changing various aspects of the game. His comments about using a dll which could in a sense make a whole new game sounds very exciting. I think that many concerns that have been posted will quickly fade away as we get our hands on this editor.

CPoisos said:
I'd like to mention one thing to all the comments I've read so far concerning what players already do not like in cIV: Hey, they promised us full modding possibilities. Let's change what we don't like ... after a looong time of test-playing it!

Here Here!
*Wonders why so many people have asked for a drulling smiley and never got it*

Theirs a couple of things that CivRules will have to add...
Work Boats, the spiral minaret, weird music...

any way I looked up the spiral minaret on google. It is some mosque in Abu Dulaf. Don't know what it does though. I imagine that it is one of the more culture-heavy wonders. Here is a picture:


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