[GS] Getting promotion and attack/move same turn possible?


Jan 1, 2009

I find it really annoying that when receiving promotions I can't move or attack the same turn.
Is it possible to somehow make it move/attack when getting promotion same turn?
You can move so long as you don't use up all your movement points before selecting a promotion.

But the basic game mechanic of attacking or selecting a promotion ending a unit's turn can't be gotten around so far as I am aware. The promotion that lets a unit move after attacking or to attack twice doesn't actually get around this mechanic -- selecting an available promotion always ends the unit's turn. The game-mechanic makes a player think more about when to use an available promotion, although the AI seem pretty bad about that part of the mechanic.

The change to this system from the one used in Civ5 where selecting a promotion had no effect on the unit's turn is I think an improvement in general gameplay. In Civ5 an AI would always seem to select the "heal" promotion, and then attack you again on the same turn where if they had to end the turn for the unit when healing, they wouldn't have been able to essentially super-unit you.
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