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GGF4: French

We have our war and it goes well.
- Pikes break under knights and MI die to all sorts of attacks.

The Save, 900 AD

Pre-flight: Much to do. I’m going to take Gahamians advice and build up the knights for the attack up the middle. I’ll send what foot soldiers we can w/ cats after the diamonds. We’re getting silk from the Inca so we’ll probably have to push the lux slider up before this is all over.

I’m going to build the FP in Avignon. It has a nice group of cities around it that cold use the reduction in corruptions and it will be done in a reasonalble amount of time. It won’t be finished by the time I’m done w/ this set so it’s up for input.

If a city has a barracks it’s making military. If not, MP’s. We can get along w/ one MP in a size six city. Cities that can grow to 12 must be watched.
Hurry courthouse in Toulous. Too many shields to switch to an MP unit or build a barracks.
Hurry barracks in Poitiers
Pulling back research to 50% which brings in Invention in 12 turns.
Grenoble switches library to barracks. We loose 4 sheilds.

Battle zones…
NW - The fight for gems;
S - Clear our southern boarder of 2 swords, 6 archer, scout and a warrior.
CM (Center Middle) – That’s where well get a counter attack over the mountains.
Victos – Well, the battle for Victos J

24 workers – Goals: chops and minimal over development. Will pump out a workers from bigger cities that are getting grumpy.

F1 – make ‘em smile. F2, F4 – no deals to be had.
Sumeria and Maya are up Rep, Theo & Invention. Inca up Rep and Theo but don’t have Eng. Not going to trade ‘em.
We’re moderately advanced. That’ll get worse before it gets better.

IBT: Nothing
Turn 1: 192, 770 AD
Rouen, barracks to knight; Grenoble, barracks to worker; Dijon MI to pike; Cherbourg, galley to worker; Poitiers, barrack to knight; Toulouse, courthouse to archer; Bayonne, archer to archer; New Paris, pike to worker; New Orleans, spear to spear; New Rheims, something to archer; NoBarbsHere, archer to worker.

IBT: Barb galley runs towards galley out of Cherbourg

Turn 2: 193, 780 AD
Amiens, pike to treb; Breast, barracks to MI; Bordeaux barracks to MI, New tours, archer to archer. Troop movement, roads and chops.
Invention in 9 turns
F1 - Everyone’s happy.
F2, F4 – No deals but the Arabs are saving a bit of cash.

IBT: We meet the Aztecs. They’re clones of the Maya and Sumerians. Barb galleys pulling w/i range of NW cats.

Turn 3, 194, 790 AD
Paris, knight to knight; AC pops; Lyons, knight to knight; Strausbourg, pike to pike.
4 for 4 on the barb galleys bombards. :)
Move swords into mountains over NE cities.
Upgrade horse to knight for 120g. Ouch. One more horse to go.
Road and chop.

IBT: Accidentally hit spacebar and didn’t make checks but nothing happened.

Turn 4, 195, 800AD
Rhiems, archer to treb; Marseilles, knight to knight; Grenoble, worker to treb
Galley dies to a 1hp barb galley! :mad:
Pompei switches to treb because they’re going to get a chop
8 knights, 9 AC’s, 6 cats, 3 MI, none of which are elite, near Victos. Six more knights due in the the next 6 turns. Once they are in place its throw down time! Turn 201 or 202.
Nine units in the south to combat our 10 friends. Need three more.
Push research down to 40% to increase cash for horse upgrade. Would also like to get the 50% upgrade in bombardment from cats to trebs but am unsure of the cost.
F1 – Everyone’s happy
F2, F4 – Our ivory and wine to the Inca for silks is on cruise control. I’ll call that off just before it’s time to deal death.

IBT: Ha! Spoke to soon. The Inca cancelled the deal first.

Turn 5, 196, 810 AD
Toulouse, archer to archer; Bayonne, archer to archer; Johnstown, barracks (poor choice on second thought) to archer; Bloomsberg, archer to archer; Forest city, archer to treb.
Well, Paris already has its 3 MP’s but is going to need happy gas. I turn the lux slider up to 10%. Grenoble, Strasbourg, Avignon, Lyons and Cherbourg could all use another MP.
Brennus will give 4gpt and 17g for ivory. I take it as this is the most the fool has had in a long time.
Friends to the east are still up the same visible techs. Science guys says we’re backwards. No shocker there.
MP’s headed towards Strasbourg, Lyons and Grenoble.
30g to upgrade cats. I upgrade 3 or 4.
Road to Pompei is finished so clown goes back to work as a fisherman.
F1 – All happy; F2, F4 – No deals

Arabs and Celts are still at each other’s throats. Iroquois are best suited to help attack the Inca. Hmmm, wonder if I should give ‘em horses.
Invention in 9.

IBT: Woohoo! The Inca demand horses and I decline. They back down. I demand Theology and they tell me to stuff it. Inca units headed to the front.
Pacachewme is not comfortable w/ our relationship all of a sudden. Good instincts. Celts and Arabs kiss and make up.
Volcano barfs on Inca territory. I weep.

Turn 6, 197, 820 AD
New Lyons, archer to treb.
Archer heads to Cherbourg for MP duty and defense in the NW.
Road, upgrade, reinforces, etc.
Galley swinging around east coast is going to get off’ed by barbs.
Will wait until next turn to offer goods to Abu and Hiawatha

IBT: I was wrong, the barb gallies died! Oght to rename that galley Nimitz, Trafalger, or something of the like.

Turn 7, 198, 830 AD
Dijon, pike to barracks; New Tours, archer to barracks.
Archer heads to Avignon for MP duty. Last one needed for the time being.
Pike to relieve a sword for the northern front.
Worker actions, mostly roads and a few chops
Lots of Inca pikes headed towards the gem territory. Yep, they know.
Pulling back research again to upgrade remaining cats and single horse.

IBT: Cherbourg riots. MP on its way.

Turn 8, 199, 840 AD
Didn’t record builds. Got a knight and a pike.
Abu still isn’t coming up with the cash for our ivory.

Paris, Besancon, Rouen, Marseilles and Orleans all knight to knight
Toulouse; archer to barracks; Besancon, archer to thingy; Bayonne, archer to treb.
Some knights have another turn to get to the front and I need a few more gold to upgrade the horse. D-Day looks like turn 202, 870 AD.
Abu’s still only offering 20g, 2gpt for ivory. That sucks.

IBT: Order restored in Cherbourg. Jerks.

Turn 9, 200, 850 AD

Lyons & Tours, knight to kight
Whaleville, spear to warrior

IBT: Nothing

Turn 10, 201, 860 AD
A few troop movements. Lets take a look at the Inca. We’re vulnerable in the middle but forces in NW and outside Victos can reach in time. Would like to have a reaction force but I really want to make sure and crush both objectives.
We tell Pacha to get the heck off our front porch and he capitulates. Too bad. Now we declare!

We lose a vet AC and kill 2 sword, 1 scout and 3 archers. Three archers remain. We get two AC promotions to elite.

Forces move into position against Riobamba. Riders reinforce trebs, will bomb next turn.

5 bombards from trebs yield two hits on pikes. Peachy.
3 AC retreats to Tours to heal, no kill
2 AC dies
5 AC pike kills, units retreat to Tours to heal

Knight retreats to Tours to heal
3 Knight kills pike, retreats to Tours to heal
Knight kills pike, flawless
Knight slaughters scout, takes 3 settlers hostage and occupies Victos!
Zero promotions. :confused:

Position 4 knights in mountains above Marseilles to prevent easy route for Inca archers approaching iron. Shores look secure but weak. Thus is our risk for the time being.

Almost forgot to invite the Iroquois to the party. They agree for some wines. I’ll look at selling them horses next turn.

Could make the next city target Ica and slowly make a path into Pacachewme's territory or could move through unimproved land with riders and pick off those that come to great us along the way. We’ll hold the center middle for now and decide once south is secure, NW is under siege, by us, and center middle has been cleaned out of counter-attack units.

With 12 units healing in Tours, 3 knights & 3MI garrisoned at Victos soon to be joined by an AC, knight and 5 trebs I’ll send the remaining knights to the center middle and play a little to the west to react to any strong counter attack in the NW. Now, lets see what the Inca can muster. My bet is a boatload of MI.

I seem to have lost a luxury. (Turns out I lost the sea route when war was declared.) Towns are going to riot if I don’t push lux to 20%. Need to keep researching Invention as we’ll not be able to extort it from the Inca. 40/20 split has Invention in 5 with near breakeven cash flow.

IBT: As expected Inca troops are moving into the middle to a little place I like to call the killing zone. Archers in south turn away and head to attack “South of France”. They will never make it or see home again.

Turn 11, 202, 870 AD
Brest, MI to MI; New Marseilles, archer to courthouse
Poitiers, Cherbourg, and Cincinnati are rioting. I guess 20% wasn’t enough for all towns. Bad assumption on my part. should have done "eyes on" F1 check. Doh!

Three AC kill off the archers in the south. Time to swing those troops north to a barracks city for healing and then to join in against the Inca.

Knights come down from mountains north of Marseilles to kill two archers and a warrior. Again, no losses and no promotions.
Knight attacks and kills archer in mountains to support Poitiers. Three more knights follow. MI and warrior in mountains above Poitiers are going to get attacked but better there than down on the plains in the town. Bringing over pike from iron to garrison Poitiers. Iron is safe and still guarded.
Sword from Rennes steps out to kill a foolish archer in the desert. His blood runs into the sand and buzzards circle overhead. Makes me think that units that get encircled and are outnumbered and/or outclassed have the option of surrender.

Knights are in the queue but are coming in slowly. Must conserve the ones we have. Keep pinging w/ arty and luring units into open without allowing for counter attack.

Forces kill off two pikes and an MI at the loss of an archer. 2hp pike left standing on Riobamba

Invention in 3. (Turns and events got jumbled but this is close.)

IBT: MI and warrior in mountains take out archer, sword and warrior. They do fall leaving two redlined swords in their wake. One sword advances w/ pike escort to mountains over Poitiers. We wont give him the chance to heal to reinforce.

Turn 12, 203, 880 AD
Builds, workers, etc.
Knight takes out pike in mountains north of Poitiers and promotes. Finally!
Massive attack force moves out of Victos into the desert. No enemy units near and we’re off the road. We have the option of bearing NNE to kill Ica or continue N towards the Incan capitol.

IBT: We meet Jerksies. He’s not happy about our wandering galley. Persia up Theo, Invention, Republic. MI and sword take out two of our AC near gem battle. Sword dies to our pike in the mountains above Poitiers.

Turn 13, 204, 890 AD
Builds, workers, etc.
Forces move on Ica.
Elite archer attacks Rioamba and creates our first GL! :beer: It’s army time. Forces w/ trebs up by Riobamba are very shabby at this point. The knights need to get there last turn.
We sell Abu ivory for a ridiculously low price (2gpt) but that’s all we’re going to get out of him as his price has been dropping as his treasury has been rising.

IBT: We lose two AC in the interim. There are many red troops running about. Invention comes in and I set research at 40% for Gunpowder in 12 turns.

Turn 14, 205, 900 AD
(Last turn as this seems like a nice place to jump off.)
Paris, Marseilles build knights to knights; Dijon, barracks to knight
Cherbourg is rioting again.

Knight army created. After bombard army takes out two pikes at Riobamba.

Regular sword kills MI north of Victos.
We attack and take Ica. No losses, no promotions.
Three Knights head into the mountains around Ica to scout the situation
AC’s attack and kill 2 MI near Vilcabamba.

Summary: We have our war w/ the Inca and are kicking the snot out of ‘em! Military advisor says we're strong compared to all but Sumerians.

The Save, 900 AD
np grahamiam.

Didn't get a response to my invite. Want to broadcast in the SG thread?
Id love to play if thats ok.
I am on C3C v.1.22.
BigNHuge said:
Id love to play if thats ok.
I am on C3C v.1.22.

More than OK. It's needed if we want to keep the spirit of a SG. Of late this has been the Gahamian and jb show.

Shoot me any questions you would like. This forum is easiest for me.

New Roster Order

jb1964 <= Anxious to slaughter more Inca.
grahamiam <= Up (BTW, we're switching to v1.22 after you or you can do it now.)
BigNHuge <= On deck
Commander Bello <= Dormant
Great thank you. Just a quick question.

I dont really want to go back through and try and notice all details of the sg.

Just would you give me a feel of whats going on in it please? thanks.
Also if grahamiam would like to join the sg me and you are doing jb, he can. More the merrier.
welcome bnh, this sg is in a bit of a crisis with player drops/no-shows but hopefully, that will change now.

thanks for the invite but i'm in already 1 huge map game (BZ9 -Sid Space) and that's really enough for me :) the time between turns is pretty brutal. i'm also slotted for 2 more new ones that are starting in a couple of weeks or so, making me pretty full atm. good luck with your game :) being emperor, you should get a few more hits soon as there's not enough games at that level right now.
BigNHuge said:
I dont really want to go back through and try and notice all details of the sg.

Just would you give me a feel of whats going on in it please? thanks.
kill the inca :hammer: after that, you should feel perfectly in the flow ;)
Excellent. thank you. Well is this converted to 1.22 yet or is it still lower?
Can either of you two give me a link to wear i can get the mod to put the name of the civilization at the end of the name of a city.

I.E. Paris (France)
thank you
grahamiam said:
kill the inca :hammer: after that, you should feel perfectly in the flow ;)

:lol: :lol:

Agreed! Our supposedly powerful neighbor to the north lacks horses so we're in the middle of expoiting that to the maximum. Pacu has, or had, quite a few pikes and MI but he's just screwed.

We waited to get a good set of fast movers up and running, Knights and Ancient Calvalry, and then unleased a world of hurt on Pacu this last set.

Flips are off so keep all cities captured.
We need the diamonds and silks in the Incan territory. Our people are grumpy and at times I long for Fuedalism so I could make sacrifices.
We'll make peace w/ the Incans long enough to extort them for all their tech before we usher them into the great beyond.
We also share the continent w/ the Arabs, Celts and Iroquois. They are all stupid, poor, and weak. Killing them will be easy and a huge pleasure.
I hate being in Monarchy but it was our first best option out of despotism. I think Republic would greatly increase our cash flow but I'm not sure of this.

For a commercial civ like France what government best suits that trait?

The other continent contains future victims that are up on us a few techs.

Hey, with Gunpowder we can trigger our GA. Any opinions on triggering the GA?
I think with France, definant best gov't is republic to democracy, but the upkeep would be high w/ rep. As for a GA, it can go a few ways.

An option would be trigger asap and use it to switch to republic
Or, trigger later then get peace and build infastracture/more military.
Or trigger even later and use it to build late wonders. (I.E. Smiths)

There are others but i dont want to go into detail in a game i haven't played yet
do not trigger a GA and then swap gov't. we will probably draw a long anarchy period (7-9T) and it will be wasted.

imho, forget about switching for right now. trigger as soon as feasible and maximize our research rate. go for MT, then astronomy. upgrade the knights, and wipe out all civ's on our continent. then load up the caravels (or galleons if we have to wait till mag) and start on the other continent. no need to wait for anything. peddle to the metal, as they say. the goal of this game is conquest. at some point we may even turn off research to rush build cav to speed up our conquests of the other continent.

edit: link to the 1st post
So whos turn is it and have we switched to v 1.22 yet?
BigNHuge said:
So whos turn is it and have we switched to v 1.22 yet?
my turns but I can't get to it till Sunday. If your itching for it, then go ahead. just please be done by Sunday. 10T each player. You get to switch it to 1.22f ;)

build more knights and capture more incan towns. i think jb left a decent plan that can be followed. good luck :thumbsup:

edit: btw, i'm away on July 16 and 17th partying. will be away on business on the 19th thru 23rd. not sure about internet access during the business trip. will check in if possible.
Ok consider this my "got it"
How do you switch a pre- 1.22 save to 1.22? i cant seem to load it.
BigNHuge said:
How do you switch a pre- 1.22 save to 1.22? i cant seem to load it.
i couldn't load it in 1.22f either. very strange. normally it works fine. i've seen players have to redo turns because of this. looks like we're stuck @ 1.15b :(
no no no its the save.
i loaded a 1.15b file to 1.22 and it worked fine. so it is the save.
(1.1 Ancient Age file)
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