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GGF4: French


Oct 12, 2003
Plane Of Fish Sticks
Well, the French now have an updated, and IMO more useful UU than they did pre C3C. With defensive bombard, the Musketeer is now argueable the best defensive unit compared to it's age. Also, there don't seemt to be many (or any) French SGs (until now).


Victories (on): Conquest (a very aggresive game)
Level: Emporer
Accelerated Production: Off
Patch level: 1.15b
Map: Temperate, 4 Billion, Continents, Large
Barbarians: Random

Team (in order):

Commander Bello
Back to continents again? :D I'd be honored to continue my part in serving as a helping hand in the GGF series, count me in.

1.15 until my other SG finishes :mad:
Okay, 1.15. Now, how exactly do I uninstall the patch?

Anyone else interested?

I just realised, this should be GGF3 :lol:. Well, I'll eventually get CT to change it.
i'll play :) can do 1.15 or can upgrade to 1.22 if i can figure out how to do a dual installation. i think there's instructions around here that tell us how, just need to find it later tonight...

edit: any thoughts on demi-god instead?
I would be interested, but can play only at weekends for most of the time.
Also, could you be more precise about game settings and victory conditions?
As far as I understand it, there is only the Conquest condition turned on?
So, no Domination, Space Race, Diplomacy, Cultural, Wonder, Regicide or Mass Regicide, no Capture the Queenie?
What about Cultural conversions? And what about AI aggression level?
Furthermore, I found it to be very useful to have the Victory point scoring on (which I alway set to 987654 pts - it is just another means of intelligence, then)
Not a sign up.

Maybe an easy fix for the patch situation would be to install Conquests a second time into a different directory, then patch that one to 1.15b.

Haven't tried it personally, but have seen a few people say they do it that way.

Good luck.
Best way to do it is to rename your 1.22 directory, then unistall 1.22, conquests, 1.29 and civ III. It'll generate a few things under the original directory name, but these can be deleted.

Then install civ III, 1.29, conquests and 1.15 into a different directory.

I used this method to run 1.22 and 1.15, and have had no problems so far.
I'll just reinstall C3C.

I don't know about VP scoring... that way sounds sort of odd :p.

AI agression is set at normal. All rivals are random.

Yes, Conquest is the only victory.

Okay, I'll get 1.15b installed soon, and play the first five turns. I'm sure by the time we get to the fifth person, someone else will sign up.
well, if you figure out any way other than what Arizona Steve posted, please let me know :)

edit: found arizona steve's method sounds harder than it actually is. very easy, just some cut and paste and voila, 2 versions :)
Well, I just installed C3C, and reinstalled the patch. I'm about to play the game.

Now, a whiel ago either Tavis or Gobi Bear posted an idea:

Copy all of the files in your /Conquests directory into a file called "release." Install the patch, and copy the patched files in your /Conquests directory into a folder called "Patch." Now, when you want to switch between patched, and unpatched, just copy either the release, or patched files, and say yes to the overwrite message. I haven't tried this, so I'm not sure if it works, but it sounds good.
Okay, we are doing ten turns a piece, 20 for the starter (sorry, forgot to say this).


1: Found Paris, we have wines right next to it (seems French...)
Begin to research Writing on a path to Philosophy
Start work on warrior (explore)
2: zzz
3: zzz
4: zzz
5: Paris Warrior >> Settler
6: zzz
7: zzz
8: Pop a hut and get barbs, but see ivory (SoZ)
IBT: Barb warrior attacks our warrior, is killed (2/2), our warrior
promotes to veteran
9: zzz
10: Attack a barb warrior with our warrior, kill it (1/2)
11: Paris culture expands, getting a hut, gives us a map
12: zzz
13: zzz
14: zzz
15: zzz
16: zzz
17: zzz
18: zzz
19: zzz
20: Paris Settler >> Warrior
Move settler north toward ivory

Start Screenshot:


  • start.jpg
    74.3 KB · Views: 572
Thanks! I downloaded an image from CT that looks like that, and manually wrote in the numbers. Do you have PSP? You need it. If you do, I'll post it here.
nice start. fresh water everywhere! :)

any reason not to settle next to the pond to the east? saves us an aqueduct later. imho, maybe #3 1tile north and #4 NE 1 or 2 tiles so we get the river. the extra gold will help the early game research. i don't mind sharing tiles between cities, especially early since we won't get over size 12 anytime soon.
Got it. I'll go for dot 2 (SoZ start) and 3 (for expansion), but I'm more curious to learn about what we're missing by not searching the south. For the first time in awhile, I might not fight something on my turns.
How about #3 1 tile N, and 1 tile NW? #4 is fine, IMO. Why would we move it?

@Barb: PSP is Paint Shop Pro. And yes, you can change the opaqueness.

EDIT: Crossposted with Cizzlewalk. Sounds good.
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