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Give Bad Advice: CIV Edition

Bears are cute and friendly. Pet the bears.
51. When exploring, make sure to end your moves on flat open terrain like Ice or plains as much as possible. That way, you can see animals and hostile bow wielding natives at great distance. Jungles and forests are dangerous, and have all manner of critters lurking in them. Hills suck to walk up and down...

Therefore, FORESTED hills are doubly awful and should be avoided at all costs.
An excellent way to generate a long thread: post a long, meandering, diatribe that criticizes the game itself
Spoiler :
in simultaneous turn multi player, when i end my turn it should end everybodies; this is the worst RTS evar
and then refuse to acknowledge the legitimate points of others
Spoiler :
well, it works but I think this still qualifies as bad advice
53. A good way to get the attention of the Admins is to insult other posters.

Spoiler :
OK, these last two were about the Forum and not the game - maybe i should post something about going off topic
54. Combat odds/results even out eventually.
So, if you want to be sure of winning a battle: first attack with all your weakened units (they were going to die anyway) then attack with the units you want to win.
The odds gods will say "Oh, he just lost four in a row, let's let him win a couple".
(not counting forum advice...)

53. Your workers can tame animals and put them in a zoo for a culture bonus.
53. Your workers can tame animals and put them in a zoo for a culture bonus.
No, I think the FFH bonus for tamed animals is happiness not culture. And you can't use your workers - you have to use military units to capture them. Bad Advice.
No, I think the FFH bonus for tamed animals is happiness not culture. And you can't use your workers - you have to use military units to capture them. Bad Advice.

:cringe: what do you think you're doing
55. Do not use auto-save, & only manually save every 1500 years. It takes up too much time/
56. Espionage is worthless, avoid building spys at all costs
57. The best way to defend you cities from a SoD is to fill it up with all your naval units, they have cannons right?
but she can be bribed to DOW you any second :p

I mentioned "keep her at Friendly"... assuming we are talking in that framework, well...

58. When learning Noble, spend more effort on learning to specialize your cities than on learning to avoid working unimproved tiles.
51. When exploring, make sure to end your moves on flat open terrain like Ice or plains as much as possible. That way, you can see animals and hostile bow wielding natives at great distance. Jungles and forests are dangerous, and have all manner of critters lurking in them. Hills suck to walk up and down...

Therefore, FORESTED hills are doubly awful and should be avoided at all costs.

lol, that is almost good advice in PIG mod at the moment. Long story short, scouts get Sentry promotion for free and it is usually well in their best interest to stick to the flat ground where they can see animals two tiles away instead of venturing into the forest where they'll likely encounter an animal and have a moderate chance of dieing anyway.
59. Always play the leader as they were meant. So if playing as Montezuma, spam old useless units. As Isabella, go hard for an early religion and always try to build stonehenge. If friendly with an AI, never consider going to war, unless if playing as Cathy and bribed into it. It works for the AIs - it can't fail for a human!
60. If you're a backward nation. the last thing you want to build is the Internet. Lolspeaks, Wikipedia and forum arguments truly make your backward nation even dumber!
61. NEVER, under any circumstances, Open Borders for any civ, no matter how friendly you are to them. They can get valuable recon of where your cities are!

62. The first basic civics are the best in the game. They're all low upkeep, so you don't need to spend commerce on civics. Every commerce that goes to research is better!

63. If you are warmongering, always use Pacifism. Why not get some GPs while you warmong?

64. Siege weapons are for the weak! All you need to win are endless streams of units! Especially those Horse Archers, they are the best for attacking cities!
Especially those Horse Archers, they are the best for attacking cities!
They actually are pretty good...

65. The AI knows best! Always do whatever the computer recommends you to do, in tech, city placement, builds, etc...

66. Three words: Divine Right beeline.
67. "Play the map."

(to clarify, many people say this thinking it is good advice, but if it isn't followed up with context specific examples etc., it's very unhelpful advice.)
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