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Gods from the Sky (development)

Anything else, Gelion?
No, I still didn't get to asking NK for a map...
silver 2039 said:
Sounds cool. It's similar to a book I read about Spiders on a planet that have WWI technology and then a spacefaring race comes and trys to speed up their development to nukes so they can destory each other quickly so the space race people can take the planet. Unfourtnaley for them their development is speeded up too fast and they discoer the space farng race people and attaack them. Similar idea?

Unfourtnaatley my warmongering, genocidal tendencies don't allow me to do this.

uh?, why wont the aliens come and invade?, w/ superior tech, it would be piece of cake.....who wants a nuked planet anyways :crazyeye: :confused:
Hmmm maybe I should just pick any random map....
Very original, very interesting.
The elimination of total war (or just a limitation?) is a clever move, it removes the cliche of players leading their factions to success of ruins in a mere quarter-generation. The game is open-ended and allows for creativity.

Kudos for navigator Gelion!
YES GELION YER THE BEST!Now I would like control of an evil galactic megacorporation.I shall call it Preston Industries.
No really? :) If you can post it that would be great as I could finish it or let you do the honors.....
I can handle making maps now.
Well, Gelion? Where is the current version of the rules?
Hmmmm...sorry :)
Will come up after I stop watching a great film ...
Gelion, you're like most of us moderators (well ok, I am not certain if I can spout that ex-title). The NESes you run have limited age to them. Perhaps you should recruit a few co-Mods if you ever start this game.

I'm not offering myself up, but if you need someone to crunch numbers I can help out. 's almost a hobby.
I know that and I will try to overcome that...having a second mod almost always complicates things....
Less than a week if I decide to launch it. Updated rules coming up.
Faction Name: The Religious Society of St. Felix the Martyr (Felicians)


In 2401 Earth discovered its first ‘primitive’ human world [Orleo XI). The Law of the Virgin Worlds would not exist for another 120 years, and so anyone could land on this planet, without much regulation, to fill their own agenda. One of the first shuttle pods onto this new world was a band of Catholic missionaries (specially commissioned by Pope Innocent XXVI), there to convert the populace to the ‘true faith’. The band was lead by one Felix Mbeko.

Upon planetfall [into the iron-age kingdom of Tez], the missionaries quickly shed most of their advanced technology, and immediately began to evangelize. They wandered about the countryside, doing good works and begging for their keep, and of course, preaching at most opportunities. Slowly, most of the southern lands of Tez were converted (at least nominally) to Christianity, with Mbeko the de facto leader of the infant church there.

However, this newly-Christian land was filled with untapped resources (such as petroleum, and many valuable metals) deep in the planet’s crust. Preston Industries, (a massive conglomerate and most powerful corporation in the Confederacy) desperately wanted to tap these resources, even though it would have to be done with permanently land-scarring deepcrust strip mining. This, as well as Preston’s typical bombastic behavior, would no doubt lead to potent cultural contamination of the Tez, and perhaps the entire planet. If the Orleos advanced too quickly, it was feared, they would destroy themselves with newly-acquired atomics, or gauss weaponry.

Felix Mbeko would have none of it. He sent impassioned datamails with the Confederate Senate, the Pope, and even a ‘Letter to the Right Minded Citizens of the Confederacy’ (Now required reading in most classrooms). Nevertheless, Preston Industries had too much influence, and their project continued. And so Mbeko took matters into his own hands (What he exactly did, I’m not sure of yet… It’ll surely come up later on in the NES).

In the end, Preston operatives infiltrated the Tez government, and convinced the king the Christians were dangerous to the well-being of the state. They told the king that the less support for the traditional gods of Tez there was, the less strength it would have as a nation, the weaker it would be in wars and foreign affairs. Preston claimed that Tez could easily be subjugated by neighboring realms if the conversions in the south were allowed to continue.

And so the king of Tez ordered a genocide of the southerners (Christian or not). Few people escaped the massacres, and Feliz Mbeko was not one of them. He was captured and taken to the capital, where he was slowly publicly tortured, and then executed.

When the strip mining began, the King thought it was a sign of divine disapproval of the Southerners. He thought that Tez had regained the approval of its gods. How wrong he was. Within 3 years, the entire planet was made a much less hospitable place, thanks to the poison fumes and dusty atmosphere produced in the mining. Those Orleos who remained now had full knowledge of Preston Industries, and some even knew of the Confederacy. Raids of angry natives on Preston mining bases provided them with advanced weaponry, and in two generations, Orleo XI felt its first atomic war.

It was this, and several other similar events that eventually prompted the passing of the Law of Virgin Worlds. While the Felicians had unofficially existed since the first group landed on Orleo, it was with the passing of this law that the Vatican felt the need to make an official organization within the Church for the evangelizing of virgin worlds. And thus the Religious Society of St. Felix the Martyr was confirmed.


The Felicians are a Catholic religious society whose primary goal is conversion, secondary goal is ‘advancing’ the natives of a new primitive world. Their third goal is to maintain the spiritual health of the populace even after the world joins the Confederacy somewhere down the line. Much like Mbeko’s original group, the Felicians try their best to avoid advancing a society too quickly. As such, a Felician band do not overtly make display of their advanced technology, and in fact, rarely take much advanced artifacts onto a native world anyways.

Faction Equipment

The Felicians try to live simply. Although a usual set of equipment for the First Contact Team of Felicians would be:

-A subspace communicator
-Individual hand-held scanner/computers
-Advanced medical equipment
-Stunning energy-pistols (for a non-lethal defense mechanism)

Faction Income

The Felicians try their best to maintain self-sufficiency on the planets they minister to. This self sufficiency is seen in the form of charity from the faithful, and from the farmlands they are apt to cultivate. If in desperate need, it is not unheard of for the Vatican to send aid, as well.
hmm this Sounds a LOT Like 'Forign Legions' and 'Ranks Of Bronze' By David Drake. hmm Gelion..
*Insert Sappy puppy Eye dog look*
Can I have a Bolo! pretty please?
*end Sappy puppy dog look*
sorry, had to get it out of my system.

Frespacer Marines (AKA: Confederate Expermental System Recon and Development.)

The Freespacer Marines are a Long and hardy Coperation. For almost as long as the Confederation has Existed, they have to. Formed durring the early days, they started out as a small mercenary corperation who heired out to Traders and various shipping companies. they were often serving one ships at the frofront of exploration, and searved as the frofront defense in protecting shipping from Piriates. and they were VERY good at thier jobs. their forces grew, and eventually they started their own trade ships, dealing with high risk goods, shipping them without a care, weather in the core-worlds, or the outer rim, they didint care, for only the insane would dare try and take them on. they wer constantly exploring backwater systems for pirate groups and even travelign byond the fringe.
Today, they are one of the great Corperations that exist in the Confederation, and one of the most Loyal. they are always on the lookout for new products to sell to the mass, and new markets to sell to. they have Offices on every major world int eh confederation, and outmost on ever minor, even the underdeveloped worlds (though they limit the trade there to Organic goods, selling exotic food's to the locals and using the cash made to buy native food to sell as exotic goods to the poulous of the Confederation)

Spoiler TRUTH :

The Freespacers Marines are infact Confederate Expermental System Recon and Development, a part of the Confederat Intelgence Services. The entier board of directors are CIS agents, and the fact that they are is only known to Director of the CIS himself. They were initialy formed to agument the Confederat space forces In protecting the growing # of merchent ships from Piriats, and covertly provide information about trader activity. as tiem progressd, less and less budget could be alocated to them. the CIS decided to make them Fannacily independent from the Confederat and help them set up their own trade ships. they Also asked them to explore the oncharted reaches byond the confedercy. and so, the rest progressed form there. the corperation grew, thought the board of directors still retain their aligence to the CIS to this day.

Agenda on Alania
Scout out the natural Resorces and Organic potintile of the planet. they seek a tradeing partner, and will make one if they need to, and push toward Capotlisim, with a heavy measure of Disiplin and self defense. they will also hier themselves out to other factions it the price is right.
Spoiler TRUTH :

They seek to keep an eye on the other orginizations, and will help the native nation maintain their sovergnty. (in the inters of keeping as many posibilites for trade open ^_^).
Spoiler :

Income: Subdizied by the profits from the coreworlds. while a small amount is alocated to the outpost, it is very limited at the start. if a profit can be turned, this amount will, of course, be incressed. services rendered to other factions will also augment this amount.
hmm this Sounds a LOT Like 'Forign Legions' and 'Ranks Of Bronze' By David Drake. hmm Gelion..

If you mean the main concept, it is inspired by Strugatsky brothers.

Why are you joining if he didn't finish the rules yet?
Meh. I'd still wait for the map, at least.
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