Well, in something like 35 hours I'll be flying off to Germany for the second summer in a row. This time, however, I will be flying alone, almost for a whole month, and with the express purpose of immersing myself as much as possible in the language and culture to further my study of the German language.
I have a few questions, especially (but not exclusively) for German CFCers:
-First and foremost, if you know of any common embarassing mistakes that students of German make, please please please let me know of them so I can avoid them... My fear of making such mistakes has gotten in the way of my studying right from the start. =\
-Similarly, I'd like to know of anything I could culturally do wrong, including clothing issues and such... Specifically, I know there was a (false) Nazi stigma attached to Rammstein early on in their career, and I happen to be a fan of theirs, and I have a sweatshirt (this back and this front) that I would like to bring along and possibly wear... But being a worrier as I am, I have some anxiety about wearing this in Germany... So I'd just like to make sure that it's okay. =X
-Any other general tips anyone could give me would be much-appreciated, even general travel trips... This will be the first time I'm ever without immediate kin for more than like a week. ._.
-I will be attending IDEC in Berlin. If anyone else here happens to be going, it could be cool to meet up there. Also, I will be speaking on two panels in the second, public, part of the conference. One is already listed here and the other should be up there soon as well. I'm Michael Sappir, my name is under the title of the panel I'll be leading. I'd be honored if anyone attends my panel(s), even more if they be CFCers. If you wanna hear about what I would call a real education, come to my panel (the one listed so far, about Self-directed Education), you're all invited.
(Please note I'm doing all this on a voluntary basis, I get nothing out of your participation besides satisfaction.)
-In theory, I should have time to travel around and see stuff, both during the conference in Berlin and earlier when I'm nearby Friedrichshafen for two weeks... I will also likely pop over to Tübingen for a day or two. If anyone has any recommendations for stuff to do and see in those areas I'd love to hear them. I also could be persuaded to meet up with any of you in a well-lit public area (;p) if you wanna... It would technically be the first time I ever meet a fellow CFCer, except for Sh3kel whom I primarily know from elsewhere (he's kinda my boss at
I have a few questions, especially (but not exclusively) for German CFCers:
-First and foremost, if you know of any common embarassing mistakes that students of German make, please please please let me know of them so I can avoid them... My fear of making such mistakes has gotten in the way of my studying right from the start. =\
-Similarly, I'd like to know of anything I could culturally do wrong, including clothing issues and such... Specifically, I know there was a (false) Nazi stigma attached to Rammstein early on in their career, and I happen to be a fan of theirs, and I have a sweatshirt (this back and this front) that I would like to bring along and possibly wear... But being a worrier as I am, I have some anxiety about wearing this in Germany... So I'd just like to make sure that it's okay. =X
-Any other general tips anyone could give me would be much-appreciated, even general travel trips... This will be the first time I'm ever without immediate kin for more than like a week. ._.
-I will be attending IDEC in Berlin. If anyone else here happens to be going, it could be cool to meet up there. Also, I will be speaking on two panels in the second, public, part of the conference. One is already listed here and the other should be up there soon as well. I'm Michael Sappir, my name is under the title of the panel I'll be leading. I'd be honored if anyone attends my panel(s), even more if they be CFCers. If you wanna hear about what I would call a real education, come to my panel (the one listed so far, about Self-directed Education), you're all invited.

-In theory, I should have time to travel around and see stuff, both during the conference in Berlin and earlier when I'm nearby Friedrichshafen for two weeks... I will also likely pop over to Tübingen for a day or two. If anyone has any recommendations for stuff to do and see in those areas I'd love to hear them. I also could be persuaded to meet up with any of you in a well-lit public area (;p) if you wanna... It would technically be the first time I ever meet a fellow CFCer, except for Sh3kel whom I primarily know from elsewhere (he's kinda my boss at