Gold as a Resource


Oct 31, 2001
In initially perusing the game's resources, I do not see gold listed? Am I missing something, or does the game truly lack gold as a resource. In my view, gold would be one of the most important resources which one might search for in the "New World", especially in dealing with the Aztec or similiar civilizations.

If gold is indeed a resource one can search for and trade, please let us know how to access it. Does anyone see gold listed on the resource list?
Thanks in advance!

If gold is not one of the included resources, I feel it should be added and factored into the game.
Gold is a resource, it is on mountains and give +3 gold no matter what the citie's commerce is focused on. I don't know what list you are looking at, but I sure have seen gold in the game plenty of times on the 360 (but not yet on the DS)
In initially perusing the game's resources, I do not see gold listed? Am I missing something, or does the game truly lack gold as a resource. In my view, gold would be one of the most important resources which one might search for in the "New World", especially in dealing with the Aztec or similiar civilizations.

If gold is indeed a resource one can search for and trade, please let us know how to access it. Does anyone see gold listed on the resource list?
Thanks in advance!

If gold is not one of the included resources, I feel it should be added and factored into the game.

Gold is a resource that give you +3 gold as the previous speaker said, but you cannot trade the resource.

Reading what you write, I'm thinking that you are talking about Civ4 and not about CivRev, because in CivRev you cannot trade any resources, which you can do in Civ4. Sure you asked the question in the right forum?
Thanks for the responses. I was was referring to gold being listed as a resource, as is enabled for silver. I own and am referring to Civ 4 Colonization. I certainly hope one can trade resources in this game!! Gold was one of the items which helped drive the search for the new world.
1) This is the Revolution forum, not the colonization forum.
2) Gold is not a 'resource' in Colonization, like Silver is.
3) Instead, Gold is represented as Treasure, and is used as a form of currency.
Yeah, this thread is in the wrong forum. ;)

But in colonization gold is not a resource but there is silver. I thinkg they did this because it would get confusing if gold was both a resource and the form of currency and gold has traditionaly been the currency of Civilization games.
Thanks for all the info! Will post in the Colonization forum!! Nice to see members of other forums willing to help everyone!
But while we are talking about the gold resource in Civ Rev, are you sure it gives THREE money? I see only one gold icon on the tile.
I think Dom Pedro is adding gold as a map resource in his Triangle Trade mod...instead of shipping it off to Europe, you just dig it out of the ground and it goes straight to your treasury. At least, I think that was the idea.
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