GoobNES01: Fallout - Preview and Signup thread

Oh ya. Sorry Sheepie, I forgot that your buddy, fantasmo took Australia.

And I am doing the map now. This might be up tonight.
K, Botswana then, since Egypt is Nuked.
India is fine, 'cept for New Dehli, and a bit of fallout from pakistan, Pakistan got it pretty bad, though. I am nearly finished the Map. Will be posted soon.

And, the UK got it pretty damn bad, mainly 'cause they are a small country that has really pissed off the USSR in the past.
The Map is posted, first page, second post.

I will accept any critisisms of it.
Bangaledesh is at this time part of Pakistan and known as East Pakistan. You appear to have it independent.
Other than that it looks pretty good. Looks like India got off easy. Paks go hit hard I'm happy.
Thank you silver, and, Panda, I am looking into that. That is the draft version, i will release the final version after everyone has critiqued it.
Rather than Mexico, I'll be Libya.

Europe, beware...
Ok, this starts tomorrow, hopefully. Just gotta do rules, and stats.

And give some hints, and some more research. I am not going to make this deliberately hard, I want to make this fun, but challenging.
Woooo!! I Be The Untouched!!


After this post, taht is. Do it via PMs, if you must. This is the friggen preview thread working on stats, etc.
Goober the map is good, but if its indeed 1962 some states were divided and some were still colonies
Amon Savag said:

Well, for one, the nuclear war in the game, Fallout happened in 2077.
In the game, history diverges some time after 2020.. :D

Check out No Mutants Allowed and look around for the Fallout Bible. It has everything you need about Fallout.
FOr the record, I'm a Fallout freak and have run a Fallout PnP RPG before... *evil grin*


Nice map.. :D
Glad to see Malaysia untouched. Poor Indonesia though.. I wonder what they've done.. LoL
Gelion - I realize the Map is inaccurate. If you could point out the ones that you see, that I will be fixing those. That is a draft version. I am making a shopping list of places that I should have Nuked *evil grin*, and countries to add/divide.

BL - Thanks for the Link, will read.
fantasmao let me take Australia please. This is my dream nes!!!!
Too bad! I got here first.
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