taking over the world
PTW 1.27f - Monarch level
Standard map, 8 civs
Continents, wet, warm, 70% water
Sedentary barbs
The game will follow the same rules and restrictions of any submitted GOTM.
Intro (and nothing else for the moment)
Game 41 has been my 1st GOTM attempt. It's been a quite fun challenge, although i did i lot of mistakes and the end result could have been much better than the game i submitted. The scenario has a lot of potential, and different paths can be followed. I have decided to replay the game, just to see if and how much i could behave better... and at a certain point i found myself undecided: i could go for the usual world domination path, but an early spaceship attempt was also appealing. Then i come up with the idea that a detailed log of the game would have been quite interesting (maybe...), but i didn't have it. So i quitted the game and decided to replay for a 3rd time, with a precise strategy in mind: i'll play as usual at first, then the game will split in two. In the 1st timeline i'll go for world domination, in the 2nd timeline i'll go tohell Alpha Centauri. The available UU (Immortal) and the civ traits (scientific, industrious) make Persia good for both a warmonger game and a peaceful one.
The game is already in progress, but obviously i'll refrain from posting anything about it before the submission deadline is reached. It's 2 days and 12 hours at the moment i'm writing this intro, so expect the 1st part to be posted next sunday or monday. In the meantime, if someone is interested in this "double challenge", feel free to post suggestions, encouragements, specific requests or what else.
Remember: submissions are still open, so DON'T POST ANYTHING THAT CAN BE USED AS A GAME SPOILER PLEASE!
That's all for now. Seeya soon dudez!
EDIT: blunder the game i submitted was played in vanilla. This game is played in PTW. Corrected.
PTW 1.27f - Monarch level
Standard map, 8 civs
Continents, wet, warm, 70% water
Sedentary barbs
The game will follow the same rules and restrictions of any submitted GOTM.
Intro (and nothing else for the moment)
Game 41 has been my 1st GOTM attempt. It's been a quite fun challenge, although i did i lot of mistakes and the end result could have been much better than the game i submitted. The scenario has a lot of potential, and different paths can be followed. I have decided to replay the game, just to see if and how much i could behave better... and at a certain point i found myself undecided: i could go for the usual world domination path, but an early spaceship attempt was also appealing. Then i come up with the idea that a detailed log of the game would have been quite interesting (maybe...), but i didn't have it. So i quitted the game and decided to replay for a 3rd time, with a precise strategy in mind: i'll play as usual at first, then the game will split in two. In the 1st timeline i'll go for world domination, in the 2nd timeline i'll go to
The game is already in progress, but obviously i'll refrain from posting anything about it before the submission deadline is reached. It's 2 days and 12 hours at the moment i'm writing this intro, so expect the 1st part to be posted next sunday or monday. In the meantime, if someone is interested in this "double challenge", feel free to post suggestions, encouragements, specific requests or what else.
Remember: submissions are still open, so DON'T POST ANYTHING THAT CAN BE USED AS A GAME SPOILER PLEASE!
That's all for now. Seeya soon dudez!
EDIT: blunder the game i submitted was played in vanilla. This game is played in PTW. Corrected.