GOTM 84 - First Spoiler


Lentils have feelings too
GOTM Staff
May 4, 2007

GOTM 84 First Spoiler

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  • You have reached at least 1 AD in your game, OR
  • You have submitted your entry

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  • Please do not disclose ANY events or information gained post 1 AD.
  • Please do not reveal your final result if that happened after 1 AD.
  • Please do not discuss the location of resources that may not show up before 1 AD.

Where did you settle?
Any problems so far?
Played as a distraction while stuck at home with a cold. Unfocussed, but fun and distracting... I am not used to Epic, so I cant really assess if I am progressing at a reasonable pace or not...

SIP, and expanded for a while. I am currently well past 0BC and I have no recollection of what happened before of after the cut-off date, so I will not say anything about how my empire develloped.

I will comment on one thing... I saw the "Toku Surprise" sign not from the very begining, but sometime well before 1AD. I have to say it has my interest.
No idea what a "Toku surprise sign" is...

Warrior 1N1W to northern tip to look for second fish. There was, so I settled 1S1E on PHF, allowing for both fish to be worked by the second city.

I felt this game has gone pretty poorly. The Asoka seemed to swarm across the lands as if he were Joao and take all the spots I wanted. I could not get either luxury resource site. Thankfully, there was copper nearby. Due to my settle pattern, I needed a second border pop to get it. I declared on 910 BC and finished my war in two installments on 295 BC with axes only. One city auto razed. Asoka settled like an idiot, so the cities are not that great. During a cease-fire, I took a barb city.

At 5AD, I have:
10 cities
33 pop
105 :science:pt at 100%. Teching overall slowly!
Lost 16 Axes, 11 still alive.
Starting to build Elephants and cats to take down a weak Roosevelt.
Edited to reflect BC play, a quote from the final spoiler:

sjwaste said:
So can I ask what your strategy was? From basically turn 1, I was way behind on tech, but I built some stacks of swordsmen to take out Asoka. From there, I never expanded any further than having my whole subcontinent. By the time I got Asoka out, I was still stuck with swordsmen as my best unit and ...

My first question was where will I get my :science:? They can and will come from several places:
  • Cottages (slider)
  • Luxury resources (slider)
  • Non luxury commerce tiles (slider) *early on, coastal seafood, lakes, oasis, fur
  • Wonder fail gold (slider)
  • Religious shrine (slider) *weak and often a diplomacy nightmare
  • Pillage (slider)
  • City capture gold (slider)
  • Slider multipliers (library, market, monastery)
  • Specialists (Food, representation)
  • Trade routes (TGL, currency)
  • Direct hammer conversion [research (or wealth) build after alphabet (or currency)
  • Tech trades/peace treaty demands
  • Begging/demanding
My thought process and method of proceeding:
I strongly dislike a capitol with seafood. Basically, this is because there is a lower return on hammers spent on workboats vs. workers. Essentially, your workboat dies giving you a seafood improvement. Whereas a worker lives on after building a floodplain cottage. This in amplified in the capitol and not as important for subsequent cities.
So I moved my warrior to the NW tip of the continent and saw a fish that wouldn't be worked from my continent if I SIP'd. Since there was a PH with 2:hammers: that would still be able to net the clams and I could fog-gaze two FPs, I moved 1SW to settle on PHF. This set me up with two great city locations. Now you will see that Cactus Pete, based on his comments here Pre-Game, disagrees. To each, his own! (I am sure he will do better than I, but I play to my strengths!)

At this point, I see :science: from seafood and FP cottages. As I explore, I see juicy gold mines to the SW with seafood or corn and a gems to the SE with corn. Unfortunately, the next three potential city sites require a border pop to pay dividends. Paris's second border pop will help a NW 2 fish city (with copper popping up) and the gems site. So I underestimate Immortal AI and Asoka nabs the gold site before me, grabbing the corn, not the fish. He already has a religion and will probably take the corn before I can get there, so he has effectively foiled two great early commerce cities with one brilliant and moronic settling location.

I consider TGL. Too late. I have copper and have to put it to use. So I whip the crap out of my two cities and declare on Asoka in 910 BC with Axes and a spearman for protection. I take heavy losses, but get the gold and gems cities. I also get the southern horses city before taking peace. I am still shamelessly whipping in my two original cities and now chopping axes too. I migrate and take a barb city before turning on Asoka again in a final push to take all his cities. During this time, I am researching HBR and then construction with plans to take on the next neighbor with Cats and Elephants. I am neglecting all wonders, and trying to work two specialist in my first two cities to add to research.
My first question was where will I get my :science:? They can and will come from several places:
  • Cottages (slider)
  • Luxury resources (slider)
  • Non luxury commerce tiles (slider) *early on, coastal seafood, lakes, oasis, fur
  • Wonder fail gold (slider)
  • Religious shrine (slider) *weak and often a diplomacy nightmare
  • Pillage (slider)
  • City capture gold (slider) My recommendation in this game.
  • Slider multipliers (library, market, monastery)
  • Specialists (Food, representation)
  • Trade routes (TGL, currency)
  • Direct hammer conversion [research (or wealth) build after alphabet (or currency)
  • Tech trades/peace treaty demands
  • Begging/demanding

Settled in place; founded no cities other than the capital and went to war; have eliminated Asoka; reduced Egypt to one city and made peace; and have just set about conquering America.

Have 11 cities and research is one turn from Machinery.
Settled in place > work boat, worker, warrior, settler
#2 Osaka S (2200 BC): 1 corn, 1 sugar, 1 cow, 1 gems
#3 Tokyo SW (1690 BC): 1 cow and 1 cooper (shared)
#4 Edo S (625 BC): 1 corn shared and 1 gold

My intention in this game was to have Construction and war with Cats. But Asoka expand very fast and my fourth city was very poor. With a terrible management, Construction came very late. I only declared against Asoka in 100 BC with 17 cats and 4 spears. Took two cities in 85 BC and I'll try to finish with him... A terrible beggining...
Interesting game!

I founded my Capital two east and one south. I expanded very slowly and focussed on building the GLH. I only had three cities and one was taken over by barbarians at about 1100 BC. Across the water Hatsutshep was putting cultural pressure on my capital with a holy city. It looked pretty hopeless.

The barbarians were brutal, but I conquered the two barbarian cities with axes then turn on Asoka's seven cities. He was in the lead and had four times my score. He fell quickly. He had only archers and never did hook up iron.

Asoka had some very nice cities and the GLH kept me afloat financially. BY 1 AD, I was back in the game.
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