• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .



CFC Dinosaur
Retired Moderator
Oct 28, 2000
Tampere, Finland
The main site is down, but that doesn't stop me from presenting the GOTM 07. :D

It's time for the first Deity game now. I've made the world completely random, yet I've played some turn and I think it's quite doable. And if it isn't, you certainly won't be the only one who loses. ;) So just give it a shot, ace.

Here are the detailed Game Parameters:

  • Civilization: Iroquois
  • Leader: Hayawatha
  • Difficulty Level: Deity
  • Land Form: Random
  • Land mass: Random
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Rivals: 7 Random Rivals
  • Climate: Random
  • Temperature: Random
  • Earth: Random
  • Barbarians: Random
  • Victory Conditions: All

I trust on the fact that you all know the rules. Otherwise wait until the main site is back up. Most important is not to reload.

Download GOTM VII here.

Have fun and good luck. :king:
:cry: :cry: :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry:

(How can it be *EASY*!?!?!)
I'm only holding my own in the warlord GOTM (very frequent game stoppages were occuring, so I called it quits early, and sent an unfinished submission)). Any tips for a Chieftain mode player? :p I do know about the buying techs more often in Monarchy and above levels. Or, are we playing with the new patch?
Originally posted by IronKnight
Wow, Diety!!!

This will make my tournament game easy ;)

I hope you guys are happy who complained about last months Warlard game:D

I'm ready...bring on the world!

Easy??? :crazyeye:
I don't expect to win, Chieftain. And I don't expect to be the only one. In fact, I think it's fun when about half the players don't win. It brings a whole different challenge... :)
Originally posted by Chieftess
(very frequent game stoppages were occuring, so I called it quits early, and sent an unfinished submission)
Can't be done. You need to finish your game, so you can only retire by reaching 2050 AD. Sorry...
Originally posted by Matrix

Can't be done. You need to finish your game, so you can only retire by reaching 2050 AD. Sorry...

Can I send mine in next month? :p
j/k! (I know that's probably not allowed) Well, there goes a fine Warlord game where I had over 1200 points!
A Deity game? :eek: Well we probably had this coming... :lol:

Maybe all those who complained about the last one being too easy should be careful what you wish for!

Actually I think it's a good idea. Sure we'll almost all lose, but that's part of the game. And this will get a lot of people who have never played Deity (like me) a chance to see what the game is like at its most rampantly unfair form. Cheers! :beer:

Note: If I can survive to the AD years, I will consider my game a success.
Originally posted by Sullla
Note: If I can survive to the AD years, I will consider my game a success.

I only did that once. It was in Civ1 - I was the Americans (probably why I survived so long.. no one else was on the continent!). I survived until Greece won by a Spaceship Victory.
Diety? :eek:

Thank you very much, I did'nt have the guts to try it by myself. :cool:

This is the official song of Gotm 7: I will survive
Unless we don't have horses nearby, then things are just all bad. I've been attempting Diety for a month or two now, and I will survive, conquer, rule all, and win! However I doubt I will place too HIGH, but mark my typing I will not die in this game, but most likely have too wage full scale nuclear war to prevent the AI from space race victory. Does this game count pollution as negetive score like the older games??
I noticed that the rules require patch 1.17f, but I have installed the latest patch.
Does this mean that I am a bad person or can I still participate in this GOTM?
um I have never played Diety lvl , well i'm sure I'll finish the game, but doubt I'll win.
But then in real life if your land lasts over 6000 years that is a major acheivment
Originally posted by Pelman
I noticed that the rules require patch 1.17f, but I have installed the latest patch.
Does this mean that I am a bad person or can I still participate in this GOTM?

Actually, I'm pretty sure the plan was to requre 1.21f for this GOTM7 -- I think that the rules page on the site just hasn't been updated.

While someone's updating the rules, might also be good to remind everyone what the new (as of GOTM6) victory condition awards are.

Not that there will be much concern of milking on a Deity level game, no? As others have asserted -- I'll be happy to make it to AD. Considering how quickly I was wiped out on GOTM5 Emperor...

In preparation I'm trying to squeeze in a quick Emperor level game as the Iroquois right now before I tackle the GOTM. :D

Well im looking forward to this game.. so far i have survived 4 deity games to AD and one till 2050... dam romans left me with 1 city.. to bad for them it was time to retire :lol:

As far as the patch question.. I seem to remember it being posted in the GoTM 6 thread that if there's a new patch out.. that is the version the new GoTM is supposed to use. Now the mac patch isnt out yet.. which is maybe why the page hasnt been updated yet ???
Hey Matrix, are you going to make a Mac compatible GOTM using v1.17? I don't have a Mac myself but I have heard someone complaining.
Originally posted by Pelman
I noticed that the rules require patch 1.17f, but I have installed the latest patch.
Does this mean that I am a bad person or can I still participate in this GOTM?
You must play with v1.21f. Indeed the rules page hasn't been updated yet. ;)
Originally posted by PaleHorse76
Hey Matrix, are you going to make a Mac compatible GOTM using v1.17? I don't have a Mac myself but I have heard someone complaining.
I already replied there. ;)
Are there are any chieftains and warlords playing this month's deity game? If there are, then their exceptional courage should be rewarded. :crazyeye: :king:
ROFL...survival is easy, just don't be ambitious, greedy or have any self-respect!

At this moment my Mounted Warriors are charging Riflemen...go my pretties!

Moderator action: This is not the spoiler thread.
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