GPIT 1740AD Friday Sept 6th 9:00 AM CST (1400 GMT)


HoF Quattromaster
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Jan 1, 2005
Previous GPIT: <Link>
Starting Save: 1740 AD
DP: Methos (No listed backups)

This will be an online session.

  • Any changes to instructions should be edited into your originally posted instruction post. When I play I use tabbed browsing for each officials posts, so if you add additional or modified instructions in another post it will get missed.
  • If possible use screenshots for citizen allocation. This makes it a lot easier to understand than text.
  • Unit movement is best described to me using letters (N, E, NE, etc.). Something as simple as Worker #1 N-N-NW begin mine is just great.
  • Worker instructions in the same section.
  • If possible, instructions by turn#.

Notice: I have a 4.5 month old daughter and I watch her during the day. I plan on having her changed/fed prior to the game, but those of you with, or who have had kids know, that doesn't always mean squat. Therefore there may be times during the session where I have to step away for a bit. I apologize if this is an inconvenience.

change working tile from mine (W) to farming (E) like the picture. the next citizens on irrigate tiles. (city-governor at food and out).

Build queue: university (now), National Epic


1. give tile NNW to Cumae

for the settler change farm tile (EEN) to lumber, after settler change Mine (E) to farm (NNE)

Build queue: troops or observatorium


1. take dye from Marseille

Change work tiles like picture, the next citizens work on mines

Build queue: university (now), Oxford


Change forest (SE) to farm (NNE) and the next citizen (in 3-4 turns) on the cottage (SW)

Build queue: mace (now), troops or missio


Change scientist to rice like picture

Build queue: Granary (change), galleon (now), 2 workboats the 1. for Clam and the second to Tatar, observatorium or missio


Change work tiles like picture, when forge is ready and the fishingboat is on the shell work the shell

Build queue: forge (change), lighthouse (now), granary


  • C4DG 1740- Berlin.JPG
    C4DG 1740- Berlin.JPG
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  • C4DG 1740- Xanadu.JPG
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  • C4DG 1740- Cologne.JPG
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  • C4DG 1740- Frankfurt.JPG
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  • C4DG 1740- Tatar.JPG
    C4DG 1740- Tatar.JPG
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There are 6 worker in this aimag, 3 Worker in the north (at Frankfurt) and 3 in the south (1 at Cologne, 2 at Munich)

Worker F1 (on forest hill)
chopp and mine, then to iron (NE) mine.

Worker CT3
lumber, then to forest (Berlin SE) lumber, then to forest (S) lumber and road.

Worker RS4
lumber and road, then to iron at Tatar and mine

Worker CT2
lumber (now) then to cottage (Cologne NEE) irrigate, then to cottage (Cologne NNW) irrigate

Worker EA2/RS3
lumber and road, then one to forest NE the other to forest NW, each there lumber and road.

The pictures below show it.


  • C4DG 1740- map-north.JPG
    C4DG 1740- map-north.JPG
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  • C4DG 1740- map south.JPG
    C4DG 1740- map south.JPG
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warlords Instructions

Right now our military is:

2 archers, 10 longbow;
4 chariots, 5 keshiks, 13 knights;
3 warriors, 7 axe, 22 mace, 2 spear, 6 pike, 14 cats, 3 musket;
2 caravel, 2 galleon.

Under build:

2 rifle, 2 mace, 4 galleon.

Definition: I consider "obsolete units" as promotions with Shock and Cover, and to a small extent Formations.


Upgrade only 3 promotion units first (macemen and axemen to riflemen, but not the units 1-2 XP away from the next promotion, only promote units with combat, city raider, medic - for keshiks also flanker and move)


22 cities, 22 units

Only warriors, spearmen and archer units for inland city garrison duty (7)
Only promoted city garrison longbowmen for coast and border city duties (10)
Only promoted muskets (3) for coast and border city duties (3)
The 2 new Riflemen being built promoted to double city garrison and to garrison the cities they stand in.


Even if the stacks are only 75 % or more, as long as all catapults are in, start the war, the reinforcements can tag along as the catapults do their work on the defenses.


Naval Combats, put all Galleons in a stack, choose combat promotion for all and attack the Roman Fleet on the West Coast.


Sacrifice obsolete units with only 2 promotions or less first, then score kills
(67 % odds or more) with highly promoted units with high XP and relevant promotions for future operations (City Raider, Medic, Combat).

10 Knights sent towards Dortmund


Sacrifice obsolete units with only 2 promotions or less first, then score kills
(67 % odds or more) with highly promoted units with high XP and relevant promotions for future operations (City Raider, Medic, Combat).

5 Catapults
2 Pikes
5 Keshiks
2 Knights
8 Macemen


Sacrifice obsolete units with only 2 promotions or less first, then score kills
(67 % odds or more) with highly promoted units with high XP and relevant promotions for future operations (City Raider, Medic, Combat).

5 Catapults
2 Pikes
14 Macemen


Sacrifice obsolete units with only 2 promotions or less first, then score kills with highly promoted units with high XP and relevant promotions for future operations (City Raider, Medic, Combat).

4 Catapults
4 Chariots
7 Axe
2 Pikes
1 Knight

The new Macemen (2) being built are sent here.


Given successful outcomes in DORTMUND and HAMBURG

Given we can conquer Ravenna within 12 turns (extend the turnchat 2 turns if possible just to get Ravenna).

Send the following from these cities:

Undamaged infantry units not required for garrison/pacification work towards Ravenna, plus all catapults (undamaged or not) towards Ravenna.

Undamaged cavalry units are sent into future Roman Territory (Rome, optionally Ravenna) to attack units on sight and to plunder all their tiles.


Only future type promotions are wanted, city garrison for defense infantry units (longbowmen), city raiders for attack infantry units (macemen and riflemen). Pikemen should have Formation and Medic Promotions.
Knights should get Pinch for the Dortmund Catapults and other relevant promotions.
Research Chemistry - Steam Power - Steel - Railroad


btw. This is tomorrow right? (No date listed in the thread, just Friday)

NotB: Pop. from NE to ENE. Next pop. to WSW.
Build queue: as it is.

NotA: Pop. from specialist eng. to NE. Next pops work tiles of your choice.
Build queue: worker, observatory, theater, jail.

EA: Pop. as it is. Can change to plains/river when farmed.
Build queue: rifleman, theater, jail, confucian temple.

Ainu: Pop. as it is. Change pop. to cottage/s when done.
Build queue: university, theater.

Clam Cove: Pop as it is. Next pop to SSE.
Build queue: lighthouse, forge.


The two workers in NotA finish lumbermill, then windmill the mines but the
iron ( WW, S, NE, NNE). The new worker goes to Ainu.

The two workers in EA road the place, farm the plains and windmill the mine.

The worker in Ainu stops the farm and cottage,then road the place. The new
one farms the plains (WSW) then both cottage and road the grass/jungles.

The workers in Clam Cove build a workshop over the cottage and road it
(N from their position) then farm and road the plains; then, build a road to
meet road from EA.

Good luck!
With obsolete, I mean promotions SHOCK, COVER and FORMATION.
As I've posted in my office thread I'm having some serious technical difficulties and am looking for someone to replace me for the remainer of the term as I won't be able to re-install the game untill mid october, when I go home for a weekend and will have access to the disk.

As I haven't found a replacement yet I'll only give one instruction to you and leave the rest of the Aimag to your discretion. Build a path of irrigation from Neapolis down to the southern cities, destroy the watermill north-east of the city in order to gain a water supply for the irrigation chain. Also build a lumbermill on the forest south of Neapolis to compensate for the loss in production from that watermill. Here's a picture that may help, follow the dark blue circles not the greenish ones, that plan didn't work out.

Trade: Sell wine to the Incas for 10gpt.

Tech trades in our favor or within 300 beakers of being equal may be accepted at the DP's discretion if we don't give away a monopoly tech in the deal.

Deny any demands by other civs.

If any settlers are built, settle coastal areas with resources starting from the SE going north. The first location is "city 1" from this map.

Stop if anyone other than Rome declares war on us.

Upgrade / promote and move troops into position to attack the locations identified by the Warlord. Declare war on Rome and invade when troops are prepared to enter Roman territory.
Quoted from the recent post in my office:

Good news, my computer has been fixed. However, Civ wasn't recovered and I have to dig up the vanilla disc again. Man, I don't know where it is. Hopefully, I can locate the disc and reinstall it before the next TC.

As I have no access to the save, I will have to refer to my last TC's instructions post.

The previous turnchat's (DaveShack) instructions:


Build Queue: Units requested by Warlord (catapults) and/or up to DP's discretion.


Build Queue: Observatory -> University

After that, everything else is up to DP.


Build Queue: Observatory -> University -> Confucian Monastery

After that, everything else is up to DP.


Build Queue: Buddhist Temple -> Confucian Monastery -> Buddhist Monastery

After that, everything else is up to DP.


Build Queue: Colosseum -> Barracks

After that, everything else is up to DP, though please build units/workers if they are required.

You have the freedom to allocate city tiles and specialists for all cities.

Generally, build lumbermills on all forests tiles in the radius of cities.
Any chance another DP could take this? Our daughter is very fussy today and I'm unable to play. I think I woke her up a bit early in my attempt to get her ready for my GPIT. Any available DP's?

BTW, already checked with the wife about tomorrow if she could watch her while I play, but apparently we have plans.
Not a DP, but I don't have a soccermatch tomorrow, so if you want, I could play it
I can't pick it up right now, have to go to work. Tomorrow morning I'm coaching soccer (football) but I could play tomorrow night. If we allowed a backup DP to play 14 hours later, I could play at 10 tonight.

In the chat it was suggested that players who declined nominations to DP Pool because they didn't want a dual install should post their interest in the pool thread.

Historical note:
In the past, some DPs have gone ahead and played without prepping the kids. It's perfectly OK to take breaks during the session for bottle preparation, diaper changes, and other baby related activities. :D
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