Graphics: QueueMod for C3C


the Counsellor
Nov 8, 2002
The Netherlands
Description This graphics mod enhances the building queue by showing various details about the units or buildings you might build. This makes it easier for you to select what you want to build next.

Credits This mod uses the same symbols as "NemosQueueMod Version 2.1.21, compatable with Civilization version 1.21f". The vanilla Civ3 and Play the World versions are also available in their respective threads.

Compabitility This mod is made with C3C 1.00. The files for both units and buildings have been made epic games and now also for all Conquests Scenarios.

Screenshot This composed screenshot shows what a build queue might look like with this mod. The small up-arrows indicate the number of upgrade steps for this unit, the number indicates the carrying capacity. Buildings show the maintenance cost and culture added per turn.

Download The mod can be downloaded from these links:
Update 1 Small bugfix in Numidian Mercenary: (epic games only).
Update 2 Now including buildings for all Conquests Scenarios:
Update 3 Now including buildings and units for all Conquests Scenarios:

Note for Conquests users If the Conquest doesn't have a Units directory, simply create it and place the units_32.pcx file in there. The game will look in that path before looking in the main dir.
Example: Civiliazation III\Conquests\MesoPotamia\Art\Units\units_32.pcx

Feedback Do you want more information? Presented in a different way, more info? Did you find a bug? Comments are greatly appreciated. Please send me a PM. :)
Nice mod, I'm using it now :D
One thing however, I've noticed the number next to the army is '3'. If you build the pentagon, does this change to '4' ?
Originally posted by royb
Nice mod, I'm using it now :D
One thing however, I've noticed the number next to the army is '3'. If you build the pentagon, does this change to '4' ?
Glad you like it, RoyB. To answer your question: no, it does not change to 4 when you build the pentagon. These images are created pixel by pixel, and remain static throughout the game. Also, if you make any changes to transport capacity, maintenance cost or upgrade paths in the editor, this does not propagate into the queue image unless you manually edit it using a picture editor.
UPDATE 2: Now also with maintenance and culture for all Conquests Scenarios!

In addition to the build queue for epic games, I have now also made the buildings-small.pcx file for all Conquets Scenarios, meaning that the maintenance costs and culture ratings are indicated properly for all Conquests Scenarios. The New Alliances introduction and WWII in the Pacific scenario do not modify the maintenance and culture costs, so no new files are required there.

The unit files take some more time to complete, because for that it is necessary to unravel the upgrade paths for all units in those scenarios.

Please download the file from the top of this thread.
Originally posted by Taé Shala
Now C3C is becoming better and better.... :goodjob:
... and it even was a top game at the beginning. :lol:

Hehe, right. We seem to forget that and that's why we make it better and better! :D
Thanks for your kind words. It's encouragement to also muddle through the unit upgrade paths of all Conquests Scenarios.

Btw, in the original release there also was a small bug in the epic units_32.pcx. It was in the example, even: Numedian Mercenary has only 4 upgrades, not 5. That's been fixed too now.
UPDATE: In addition tomaintenance and culture, now also with units files for Conquests Scenarios!

In addition to the build queue for epic games, and the maintenance costs and culture ratings for all Conquests Scenarios, the Units_32.pcx is now also available for Conquests Scenarios!

The New Alliances introduction is the only one I skipped, because the makers kept all other tribes in the BIQ file, on top of the only 4 that are in the scenarion, so I didn't feel like trying to unravel the upgrade paths.

Two scenarios have a small caveat in the units file because the maker of the scenario used the same image for two different units that have properties. You'll notice those easily. Of course the unit upgrade paths are for the common units. There may be some detail deviation because of Unique Units.

Please download the file from the top of this thread.
Thank you for both updates. :goodjob:
I always liked your mod. However, since I made an extended version of the build queue icon file, with all Conquests buildings including those from the scenarios, maybe you could make this part of your mod as well? I know that I could copy and paste your graphics into the file myself - but it would be nicer to have an 'official' version. :)
Pawel: I'd be happy to add the QueueMod icons to your extended version of the icon file. However, the question is which icons to use for which building. The different scenarios have different properties for the buildings. To give two examples: the library gives 3 culture in most scenarios, but only 2 in others; there are scenarios giving two culture to the police station, but others give it no culture. It's the same for the wonder buildings, and also for the maintenance charged on the various buildings. Since there is no standard value for culture and maintenance for all buildings throughout the scenarios, I wouldn't know which properties to use.
I see your point. This is why I will adapt your mod specifically to my scenario in the next version. However, in general I think it would be nice to have the standard values (that is up to the Templars) unchanged, and a 'best guess' for the others. In any case, the scenario buildings are just of the single icon type, so you could actually put the original version one step to the right. This will make the file only slightly bigger. Who knows, it might be useful to anyone who wants to use your mod with the new buildings in a scenario that still retains all the old ones (instead of replacing some as in the Conquests scenarios). :)
Looks Great, Thanks.
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