Guided missiles


Jun 12, 2007
Would be so, so much more effective if they could be brought in a stack. Or even if you had to build a mobile launcher to bring them. To prevent overpowering they should take more :hammers: to build
I agree. Right now I barely use them because they are just to limited in range. They are good for costal cities launched from a sub, but that's it. They do not reach far enough to go from one city to another (mostly) and building a fort during war time is just plain stupid because it takes so long and you reach your goal much faster with other methods. Right now I rather think they are underpowered due to the range.
Actually I think the damage should be reduced though. I mean one missile is not meant to destroy a lot of units. Usually they are use for very strategic operations (e.g. to take out a general or something).
Maybe allow them to be targeted speciafically at a building? Like in Road to War... you could target one to take out a factory or forge or something...
This a question or statement?
A statement, I think one way to improve them would be toallow them to be specifically targeted, like Stealth bombers could be in C3
The range on cruise missiles is pathetic too, considering real life range.
The range on cruise missiles is pathetic too, considering real life range.

Dead right. They should either increase the range hugely, or introduce a unit which can transport several, sort of like a Katyusha, except for missiles
Something that is being overlooked is the Air Unit Capacity of Cities now (well if you don't count the exploit to get more than allowed in).

No longer can you take a city and rebase a huge bomber / stealth bomber stack there to be in range of your next target city.

I find it useful to be able to take an enemy city, and be able to rebase a stack of missiles there right away, with no airport. Especially with an intercontinental invasion.

With interception chances much higher now, if the enemy has aircraft I am usually going to rebase at least 2 fighters to the conquered city, that leaves room for 2 bombers. Having an extra 20 guided missiles or whatever can make a difference.

Also they Can kill.. not just damage but sink a ship.

I've put them on subs and launched on enemy oil wells / uranium mines when the enemy had way too many fighters to use a carrier without alot of casualties. Sure you can use spies, but they get sent home to capitol after you destroy the improvment.

In summary, with being able to pump them out in 1 turn in any decent production city, the high mobility of them being able to rebase to any city worldwide, no limit on how many you can have in a city like conventional aircraft, can't be intercepted, can actually kill a unit after it's been damaged enough, I think they are a fun unit and am glad they made a comeback to civ.
Something that is being overlooked is the Air Unit Capacity of Cities now (well if you don't count the exploit to get more than allowed in).

No longer can you take a city and rebase a huge bomber / stealth bomber stack there to be in range of your next target city.

I find it useful to be able to take an enemy city, and be able to rebase a stack of missiles there right away, with no airport. Especially with an intercontinental invasion.

With interception chances much higher now, if the enemy has aircraft I am usually going to rebase at least 2 fighters to the conquered city, that leaves room for 2 bombers. Having an extra 20 guided missiles or whatever can make a difference.

Also they Can kill.. not just damage but sink a ship.

In summary, with being able to pump them out in 1 turn in any decent production city, the high mobility of them being able to rebase to any city worldwide, no limit on how many you can have in a city like conventional aircraft, can't be intercepted, can actually kill a unit after it's been damaged enough, I think they are a fun unit and am glad they made a comeback to civ.

Added to this (not sure though)can you not also put them, like planes, on tiles with forts? The friendly civs in my games has built forts also and I stack my bombers there for closer ranges to the civs I want to aniahlate.
Maybe allow them to be targeted speciafically at a building? Like in Road to War... you could target one to take out a factory or forge or something...

And have the AI spam them on my cities ripping apart millenia old infrastructure in a couple of turns? No thanks.
You should be able to pick out a unit, building or defenses.
It would be interesting if the Mobile SAM could carry a few of these. Or perhaps if you could just buy missiles without having them clog up your build queue. I think it's a bit silly to buy a throwaway unit when you have cities developed so much they could spit out a tank in the same time. Perhaps a building (missile factory) that spawns a guided missile every x turns is what I'm looking for (much like that wonder in civ3 that spawns a special unit every x turns).
Yes and SDI should work against them as well. I mean it would be only realistic. I mean todays cruise missiles can go around the globe or at least half of it and target a specific buidling. I think they just have to increase the production cost.
It would be interesting if the Mobile SAM could carry a few of these. Or perhaps if you could just buy missiles without having them clog up your build queue. I think it's a bit silly to buy a throwaway unit when you have cities developed so much they could spit out a tank in the same time. Perhaps a building (missile factory) that spawns a guided missile every x turns is what I'm looking for (much like that wonder in civ3 that spawns a special unit every x turns).

I look at the guided missiles as (mostly defensive) unit where you place a couple or more in every border city for detering the incoming stacks and to soften them up before they get to your city defenders/attackers range.

But still I use them from friendly civs and get the added protection there too, and since they are really cheap at 1 per turn...
Maybe allow them to be targeted speciafically at a building? Like in Road to War... you could target one to take out a factory or forge or something...

But to make it realistic, sometimes you don't hit the target. "Your guided missile has failed to destroy the factory in Susa. Instead, it has destroyed a hospital."
But to make it realistic, sometimes you don't hit the target. "Your guided missile has failed to destroy the factory in Susa. Instead, it has destroyed a hospital."

Oh yeah, definitelty. and sometimes misses everything. It should have, lets say, a 15% chance of hitting nothing and a 10% chance of hitting another building instead
These ideas sound good. Sure would improve the guided missiles, which seem close to worthless now.
Yes and SDI should work against them as well. I mean it would be only realistic. I mean todays cruise missiles can go around the globe or at least half of it and target a specific buidling. I think they just have to increase the production cost.

No it wouldn't. The whole point of cruise missiles is that they fly close to the ground to avoid radar detection.
No it wouldn't. The whole point of cruise missiles is that they fly close to the ground to avoid radar detection.

Then I guess we also don't need that rocket shield here in Europe that has been planned by the Bush Administration, not to mention this high tech radar station in Czech Republic on which all the fuzz is about...;)
its not so much their range which annoys me as the fact that they are so weak. They should, at very least, be able to cause collateral damage or do 30-50% damage to a battleship, and not 20-30%. When my main production cities can build a tank in 2 turns, I don't see the advantage of building a guided missile in 1 turn. I would much rather have an extra tank/destroyer than 2 missiles.
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