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Helen of Troy Animated Leaderhead Preview.

Now look what you've done. Rambuchan will never be the same again. Don't you know he's specifically not allowed to be exposed to such booby boobs, on doctor's orders?

I have to say, we see big bumps in the unit forum on a regular basis, but I don't think I've ever seen a preview thread bumped like this before. And yes, I do believe that LH is available somewhere or other, just not here.
I think I'll manage Plotinus. If I said that some field training had hardened me to the task, you'd probably think I was being smutty, and you'd be quite right. So let's just say that I'll make it through this encounter, I'll live another day, to see another boob (or two).

Now, what bumping this thread has done is got me to complain about the state of the Leaderhead library that's stickied to this forum. Frankly, it's a bit of a shambles. Have any of you guys checked it out?
It is wholey in shambles.... tottaly. Maybe someone should go and start a good library.. and..

*sigh* I'll do it... Just give me some time.
sorry, I know I shouldnt have Bumped it, but I REALLY WANT THIS LH, to me it was worth it, once again sorry, I know im not a noob(Thinking Within "but if I was? humm)
odintheking said:
Like Pamela Anderson?
Now that is freakish! *cringe*
Oh no, it's the face that does it. The "hole-in-an-oil-tanker" eyes, the "collagen-and-punched-in-the-mouth" lips and the train wreck in-between. Talk about not aging gracefully!
Mithadan said:
Oh no, it's the face that does it. The "hole-in-an-oil-tanker" eyes, the "collagen-and-punched-in-the-mouth" lips and the train wreck in-between. Talk about not aging gracefully!
Brilliant! Simply brilliant! :rotfl:
Why thank-you. I was especially proud of Pammy when she attacked the annual Newfie seal hunt whilst hosting the Junos. Obviously she's got a brain match the face!
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