Help a newbie make his first scenario

Anyways, does anyone know of any plantation buildings for me to use?
You might consider borrowing one or more of the graphics used for the various Luxury-dependent Treasure-producing buildings in the Age of Discovery Conquest — even if only as temporary placeholders, while you look for something more to your liking.
The mod CCM 2.50 holds tons of plantation, mines and trading buildings for that purpose. Per example in the screenshot of era 2 in the techbox of tech Mercantilism (in the spoiler) you can see the images for the tobacco plantation and the coffee plantation.
How do i make a resource only usable in a specific city's surrounding without the other cities being able to use it
How do i make a resource only usable in a specific city's surrounding without the other cities being able to use it
Usable how?

For resource-requiring buildings, you simply check the box that says "Required resource must be within city radius". That way, any town which doesn't have the required resource with the 20 tiles it could work, will not be able to build that building.

For units, if you want e.g. Swordsmen to be only buildable near Iron, you can either (1) make Swordsmen non-buildable, but instead autoproduced by a building which requires Iron-within-the-city-radius, or (2) apply one of the more recent versions of the Flintlock patch (for the GOG/Steam edition of C3C) which limits where units can be built, based on local resource availability.

Either way can be exploited by the human, though — by founding up to 4 towns directly adjacent (C1 pattern) to the resource (R), or up to 6 towns within 2 tiles of it (C2 pattern), like this:

x . C2 . x . C2 . x
x . C1 . x . C1 . x
C2 . x . R . x . C2
x . C1 . x . C1 . x
x . C2 . x . C2 . x
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Keep in mind that just because you are not making money on someones work, does Not mean it does not hurt them or OK.
Reason... Because if others can gain their work for free, they do not need to buy it or anything that uses it that costs money.

Best to avoid what isn't Free to distribute.
How about: "if you're not hurting people, you're not hurting people."
IMO, putting music in a mod for a 20 yo game isn't going to hurt anyone.
And if it inspires someone to become a fan, it might even help. Yay!
Theov... While I Understand and basically Agree, The Law does Not care about Opinions and there are some people who would create a Lawsuit.
Just saying Beware.
I understand.
That's why I didn't say what someone should do, but what I think of the situation.
Quick update:
View attachment 649176
The map looks like this now.

New Civs:

Should i add a aboriginal australia civilization
Map looks great!

Maybe you can find some use for my Chinese/Japanese/Polynesian cities :D (link in signature)

Lets just hope the Qing Dynasty isnt going to rise up from the dead to sue me for using their anthem
The people performing it might thought. Their performance would be what would come under copyright protection. The date of the original music has nothing to do with it. The score for Beethoven's Fifth or Ninth Symphonies is in public domain, but any one performing it has their performance protected.
Are you still having music issues? I have created music for scenarios I have made in the past and know that there are some tricks to making sure everything works. Even if the music is in the proper format, keep in mind you must define the playlist in a text file. The the filenames must match exactly to the play list song names.
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