• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


von Bismarck

Jan 18, 2002
Since I´ve downloaded the newest patch 1.17 nothing is working any longer. If I want to start a new game, this game does nothing, no per-cent display, rerally nothing.
And my self-edited maps can´t be read (Version 3.00 is no longer compatible) like my savegames. S**t. (ERROR READING FILE!)
Help me please!!:confused:
Originally posted by von Bismarck
Since I´ve downloaded the newest patch 1.17 nothing is working any longer. If I want to start a new game, this game does nothing, no per-cent display, rerally nothing.
And my self-edited maps can´t be read (Version 3.00 is no longer compatible) like my savegames. S**t. (ERROR READING FILE!)
Help me please!!:confused:

It sounds to me like you edited your .bics with the bogus editor that came with the original 1.17f patch on 2/14.

You'll probably have to download the "newer" editor (v. 1.15) and start from scratch with your bic files.

This may be a pain in the a$$ to do, but you may also want to consider re-installing the game entirely, installing the 1.17f patch (available at Firaxis.com) directly over the original game.
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