Historical respawns


Jul 10, 2007
how about making historical respawns of civliziations? here are some ideas:

Rome: 1861 (Italian unification)

Greece: 1822 (Greek revolution)

Turkey: 1922 (the establishment of modern turkey)
You could have the chance of them respawning increase after those dates.

Turkey never goes away, so I don't see a need for that one.
I could see this if they were Independent, but to take them away from France/Germany/whoever else if they've been incorporated would be a little rough.
I agree that that's too deterministic but it would be cool if after the (first) discovery of nationalism, not immediately but after a few years of the idea 'spreading', independents like the ones you get in Italy and Greece would reform into a civilisation to represent nationalist movements.
I could see this if they were Independent, but to take them away from France/Germany/whoever else if they've been incorporated would be a little rough.

But taking Egypt away from whoever owns it is fine?
Rhye why don't you put an Italian civ after the fall of Rome? I mean, after 600AD when the Italian/Roman cities revolting they can evolved into Italian civilization insted the Roman one. Is it possible to make?
Saluti da Roma :D
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