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History of DoC


awkward cat
Sep 25, 2010
In DoC project, we are talking about histories all the time...
Have you all ever wonder about history of the DoC itself?
Answered so far...

Q :When do you starts modifying a DoC (or DoC prototype) for the first time?
A: I remember drafting my first concepts of what I would change in RFC if I could (I couldn't back then) during the last German federal elections, which would make this September 2009.

Q : Why do you create DoC?
A : I think because I considered it a waste that several BtS civs are not in while they definitely should be. I started with several minor things, though, to learn the easier parts, inspired mainly by other modmods that were around at that time.

Q : When did you publish the first version of DoC?
A : I think the first release was in March/April 2010 (it's when the main thread here was posted)

Q : When was the v 1.73 released?
A : v1.7 was released in October 2010, iirc, not sure about v1.73.

It's also a history, right? :p

EDIT : Removing some redundancy questions..
EDIT : Updated with answers. More questions, folks? Let's make this more interesting...
In DoC project, we are talking about histories all the time...
Have you all ever wonder about history of the DoC itself?

-How old the DoC project is?
-When did Leoreth starts modifying a DoC (or DoC prototype) for the first time?
-When is the anniversary of DoC?
-Why Leoreth create DoC?

And many other milestones...

-When was the v 1.73 released?
-What's the strongest/most influential invention in v 1.73?
-What will the DoC's future looks like?

And many many version before...?
Gonna be interesting hearing Leo's answers :)

It's also a history, right? :p

There are also history.txt in ...Firaxis Games\Beyond the Sword\Mods\RFC Dawn of Civilization,right?
I didn't find it. Only the version-specific history files.
And it sure will be interesting to see an interview with Leoreth:D.

eh...I JUST MEAN the version-specific history files....

But I think an interview maybe interesting...
-How old the DoC project is?
-When did Leoreth starts modifying a DoC (or DoC prototype) for the first time?
-When is the anniversary of DoC?
-Why Leoreth create DoC?
-When was the v 1.73 released?
I remember drafting my first concepts of what I would change in RFC if I could (I couldn't back then) during the last German federal elections, which would make this September 2009. I think the first release was in March/April 2010 (it's when the main thread here was posted). Why? I think because I considered it a waste that several BtS civs are not in while they definitely should be. I started with several minor things, though, to learn the easier parts, inspired mainly by other modmods that were around at that time. v1.7 was released in October 2010, iirc, not sure about v1.73.
I remember Leoreth asking questions about modding in other threads, he didn't really know what he was doing and wanted to make some "minor" changes lol. Now this mod is the ultimate expression, imo, of what first Sid and then Rhye were after with this game. Seeing a thread by one of the newer fans asking about the history of this mod really cracks me up for some reason.

Even though I don't play civ anymore like I used to (hours a day), I still make a point of checking up on this mod from time to time, and it always pulls me back in. My wife hates you Leoreth lol
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