Hit Movies/Singles....huh?

Acorrding to the RIAA when you get the Al Gore internet the bonuses from music and movies should be reduced to almost nothing.:rotfl: :rotfl:
Venger said:
This is in my opinion the single gayest concept Civ has ever seen. Of all the things added in Civ4, and I love 90% of them, this is probably King Goofy.


I think it is a great concept to display something that would make people in modern times happy. In a modern, developed society food isn't going to make people happy anymore, we take it for granted that it is available. Music, movies and theaters have been a great way to make entertainment. I also think the colosseum should get replaced with a soccer/football/baseball stadium or something after a certain technology. I mean I would personally like to see a colosseum to be built in my city anno. 2005 with gladiators killing each other, but I doubt it would be very acceptable type of entertainment in a world like today.
henry k c said:
How do you trade a movie, really.

That is what you would call... globalism. A movie is a good, like computers, cars, etc. It can be exported to other countries or imported by other countries.
Multiplicity said:
That is what you would call... globalism. A movie is a good, like computers, cars, etc. It can be exported to other countries or imported by other countries.

Exactly, for example Hollywood is very good at exporting movies all over the world. It generates commerce +1 gold per turn and here it definitely increases happiness, because if I would have to resort to watching these crappy Dutch productions I definitely wouldn't enjoy doing so.
Sorry, just find the concept in general lame. Just my opinion. I don't need a Playstation wonder, I don't need a Pokemon tile improvement, not interested in building a Gamestop building in every city, or holding out for the Netflix wonder that puts a Blockbuster in every city... it seems so utterly banal, so un-Civ like to me. Pop culture as commodity and in fact tradeable luxury seems misplaced and too self-aware of current times - gems and gold have been traded for centuries, whereas I can get the Jean Claude Van Damme collection for $5 a movie at Wal Mart.

Just not the way I would've gone...

Oh, and the Colosseum is just a sporting arena, I think the concept lasts over the ages quite well without an NFL improvement or having to research "Luxury Boxes"...

Venger said:
Sorry, just find the concept in general lame. Just my opinion. I don't need a Playstation wonder, I don't need a Pokemon tile improvement, not interested in building a Gamestop building in every city, or holding out for the Netflix wonder that puts a Blockbuster in every city... it seems so utterly banal, so un-Civ like to me. Pop culture as commodity and in fact tradeable luxury seems misplaced and too self-aware of current times - gems and gold have been traded for centuries, whereas I can get the Jean Claude Van Damme collection for $5 a movie at Wal Mart.

I still simply don't understand. You are not building Pokemon and Netflix and Blockbuster and playstations and so on, you're builing three fairly generic items meant to represent modern non-necessity, cultural products. Those items pre-date lots of other canonical Civ concepts like nuclear technology, jet fighters --- and spaceships to Alpha Centauri! --- so it isn't clear why you're upset about them but not these other Civ concepts. Sure, you can buy DVDs at Walmart; you can also buy all sorts of other stuff in the game, like many of the food products, at Walmart. The fact that the cultural commodities are commonly purchased in modern society whereas gold, gems, incense and suchlike are relatively esoteric strikes me as a reason to put them in the game, not exclude them.
crazy stuff

its like being a Canadian living in the Vancouver area and finding yourself in the US Seattle area because "Wake me up when September ends" tore up the pop charts and the borders got pushed up. :eek:
Rellik said:
crazy stuff

its like being a Canadian living in the Vancouver area and finding yourself in the US Seattle area because "Wake me up when September ends" tore up the pop charts and the borders got pushed up. :eek:

*giggle* maybe when you trade music and movies the one that's receiving the trade should get +happiness but -culture!
Hollywood should increase corruption and raise war weariness :mad:
henry k c said:
This is a good idea: once you research movie pirating you can steal movies from other civs for free.


Does this mean China starts out with this ability?
DBear said:
Hollywood should increase corruption and raise war weariness :mad:

That may be true of recent film trends, but back in the 40s, Hollywood was used for precisely the opposite. Gung-ho movies (like the original Gung Ho), training films provided to the armed forces at no charge, and of course, the USO, which brought movie stars out to the sioldiers.

With very recent entries such as Band of Brothers and Jarhead, we may be seeing a rebirth of the collaboration between Hollywood and the military.
crazybeard said:
That may be true of recent film trends, but back in the 40s, Hollywood was used for precisely the opposite. Gung-ho movies (like the original Gung Ho), training films provided to the armed forces at no charge, and of course, the USO, which brought movie stars out to the sioldiers.

With very recent entries such as Band of Brothers and Jarhead, we may be seeing a rebirth of the collaboration between Hollywood and the military.

Also, Hollywood was closely tied with the military back then. They still have ties today as well.
damxam said:
Maybe he liked the concept and meant it was the happiest concept of all in Civ4.

Hey, any time you can build Hit Musicals...

Skedastic said:
I still simply don't understand. You are not building Pokemon and Netflix and Blockbuster and playstations and so on, you're builing three fairly generic items meant to represent modern non-necessity, cultural products. Those items pre-date lots of other canonical Civ concepts like nuclear technology, jet fighters --- and spaceships to Alpha Centauri! --- so it isn't clear why you're upset about them but not these other Civ concepts. Sure, you can buy DVDs at Walmart; you can also buy all sorts of other stuff in the game, like many of the food products, at Walmart. The fact that the cultural commodities are commonly purchased in modern society whereas gold, gems, incense and suchlike are relatively esoteric strikes me as a reason to put them in the game, not exclude them.

I tried to be clear - the notion of these items as luxury commodities is a dubious decision. That they predate nuclear technology is not a sufficient reason to include them, as toilet paper also predates nuclear technology and is surely more responsible for happiness than any Hit Musical...

Including Hollywood as a wonder is okay, I guess, but a bit kitschy - if you confined it's effects to culture points. But building "Rock and Roll"? Jeez... where was rock and roll built precisely? Because every other wonder in the game actual EXISTS as a CONSTRUCT. This is vulgar haute couture - where is the Symphony wonder? It's been around for centuries longer than Rock and Roll... hey, will you trade me your Hit Singles and 2 gold per turn for my *****in' Video Games and my Collectible Card technology?


i agree with venger, apart from hollywood the modern luxury producing wonders are terribly out of place. hollywood's even questionable really, considering the gaming industry pulls in more per year than hollywood now.
Inflammatory said:
Trading hit singles... Isn't that what they do on DC?

True, you would think that getting trade benefits from Hit Singles would end after someone builds The Internet wonder. :lol: But seriously, it probably would have been better to portray the concept of entertainment 'soft power' as some sort of enhanced/long range cultural bonus (not just the 50% to city boost from the wonder) from exporting your movies, music, and theatre around the world. Or in earlier times, having your language be the medium of cultural discourse and writing of poetry and plays, ala Greek then Latin in ancient times. It's likely not workable in the game mechanics though.
Venger said:
This is in my opinion the single gayest concept Civ has ever seen. Of all the things added in Civ4, and I love 90% of them, this is probably King Goofy.


I agree 100%.
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