How Are You Liking The Barbarians Game Mode?

How Do You Like Barbarian Game Mode

  • I love it! I will use it in every game.

  • Meh.

  • I may use it every now and again.

  • I won't use it.

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Grr. Has anyone experienced bribed barbarians attacking you anyhow? I was caught between a barbarian horde and Kongo so I figured I'd buy off the barbs but I just lost two units to barbarian attacks this turn. Grrrr.

Yup. Bribing barbs just prevent them from attacking your cities.
But they will attack your units if they're outside your borders.
Some additional clarifications:
Barbarian_ClansMode_Events.csv does indeed keep track of HIRE and INCITE actions (when done by the player that is, because the AI apparently never uses those).
Also, you can apparently INCITE a camp against a civilization that has just previously BRIBED them for protection (I had no idea I had done this until I looked into the log; looks like the barbarians are double-crossing backstabbers after all).
Spoiler :

UPDATE GlobalParameters
SET Value = 25

UPDATE GlobalParameters
SET Value = 100

Well.. just gave this suggestion a quick ride through a small SQL file edit from Nere's BCM mod & it simply doesn't work altogether.
Ideally some real solution could be created (similar to what "Closed Country" Policy trick does for Monopoly Tourism flawed maths) to perform ONE simple task;

-- Block Barbarians from converting into CS completely or for much longer number of turns at least.
-- Refine map conditions & other settings/config factors to adapt multi-spawning of Camps below their current crazy margins upon start.

Considering how the CS gameplay dynamics (specially Favor and many Diplo variations) get twisted sooooo heavily under our boots.. i'm seriously on track to just stop using that silly mode. Too bad because the variety in Camps was really cool and fun to watch.

PS; Ooooopppsss.. i know why the modded corrections didn't work as intended. Since Nere's mod is declared as "Affect Saved Games" & i was re-starting everything via Load-Configuration saves the previous instructions were continually re-loaded.
Took this habit because my Leader Pool(s) + custom NW choices cannot persist through selectable conditions as defined at least once.

Duh -- Firaxis, give us re-selectable lists (NW+CS+LP) we can keep in a proper format that can be saved for immediate variety as we go through the Advanced Setup options before our games.
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Thinking about it more, it's really very sensible. Without it, you can get a barbarian camp spawning in the modern era with modern era weapons. Is that really likely? With the new mode, barbarians are a problem in the ancient era and maybe the classical, but after that they become civilised. Seems to me to be rather more realistic.
Thinking about it more, it's really very sensible. Without it, you can get a barbarian camp spawning in the modern era with modern era weapons. Is that really likely? With the new mode, barbarians are a problem in the ancient era and maybe the classical, but after that they become civilised. Seems to me to be rather more realistic.


Its nice to play a game where barbs are gone by the later eras. The only thing is you do have keep on top of it and clear out those barb camps. O/w you're in trouble.
Having played a few games now, the polar city states that evolve from camps are kind of wacky.

IMO that's fine. Cos the city states spawn in locations you don't want to settle.
Normally city states spawn on quite desirable locations (for luxuries and/or strategics). Now, with Barb Mode you can raze a couple of them and have them respawn elsewhere.

Barb Mode seems to be particularly suited to maps with lots of barren land (like ice/snow and lots of desert).

In fact I played a game on Scrambled Australia (one of my map scripts/mods) and it was really quite nice. Barbs spawned in the middle of the desert, where you avoided settling anyway, which was perfect.


I think you'll get similar results on Scrambled Greenland and Scrambled Antarctica.
IMO that's fine. Cos the city states spawn in locations you don't want to settle.
Normally city states spawn on quite desirable locations (for luxuries and/or strategics). Now, with Barb Mode you can raze a couple of them and have them respawn elsewhere.
Only if you raze them early though, they stop spawning pretty quickly.
Thinking about it more, it's really very sensible. Without it, you can get a barbarian camp spawning in the modern era with modern era weapons. Is that really likely? With the new mode, barbarians are a problem in the ancient era and maybe the classical, but after that they become civilised. Seems to me to be rather more realistic.

Is this some weird kind of joke? You think barbarians became 'civilised' during the classical and medieval eras and disappeared? Do you live on Earth?

Modern barbarians represent insurgents, uprisings, pirates, religious zealots, militia groups, CIA, etc.
I thought someone would say this (though more politely would have been nice). These are all not barbarian clans. More like free cities, to be honest.
Not really, because those groups don't hold cities. Apart from maybe Somalia, it's free cities that don't really exist anymore.
I do think that barbarians convert to CS's too quickly. I'd like more time to flesh out the experience before they become civilized, lol!

Some questions:
  1. Has anyone actually witnessed a Chariot or Jungle Clan in the game? Desert/Horses and Jungle/Ivory are very specific combinations with low probabilities...
  2. Does inciting a camp actually do anything? I fail to observe any change: camps do not seem to spawn additional units, no change of to the behavior of units already spawned, etc.
  3. Does anyone know why raiding a camp sometimes provide 30 or 50 gold? Have you observed a different amount of gold provided? What could be the factors affecting the amount of gold provided for raiding?
  4. Has anyone witnessed a unique unit fortified in a camp?

1. Not so far, but I do like the idea of barbarians with elephants.
2. I've had someone incite barbarians onto me, and then experienced a pretty intense barbarian invasion, so I think it is working...though I wonder sometimes what's actually happening in the fog of war when I've incited them to attack another civ.
3. Were you playing on different difficulty levels? Otherwise, I'm not sure.
4. I've see UU's but trying to remember if any were fortified in a camp...
Rather disappointing; camps die too easily and I'm just not seeing that many changes.
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