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How can i play an epic game with Corruption issues?


Jul 21, 2002
I had previously held off on buying Conquests because of reading about the corruption bugs with RCP and FP and SPHQ. I assumed that these issues would be fixed in a patch before the winter break from college, but now we probably will not get a patch until the end of January!!! :mad: In the meantime, I would really like to play a Conquests epic game, but not quite sure how to go about it with these problems. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around these corruption issues to play an enjoyable epic game?? (besides playing on an extra small map :D )
Well, I normally play on large maps but will rarely have more than twenty cities. Building a courthouse first is pretty much essential. Hopefully you can build a far away city by forest tiles so you can pick up some quick shields.
I would say that, if you are looking to play for high scores, then don't bother. Once the patch is released pre-patch scores will be redundant.
I still find the game playable, regardless of the corruption and gpt bugs.

Granted it is maddening sometimes to find cities which should have fine production instead producing only one sheild and commerce.

But it's not so maddenning to find myself with upwards of an undeserved 30,000 gold due to the gpt bug. :) Still, of course, it would be better if this were fixed...

What's cool is, with the two bugs in combination, I can afford to just rush everything in my corruption-buggy cities! lol

The game is still playable, With Engineers available, you can convert a citizen to an engineer and gain two uncorruptable shileds per turn per engineer. Almost balances out the fact that you can't build a forbidden palace.

And whatever you do, DON'T build the FP. You'll regret it.
Is it a sure thing that this is a bug? In my oppinion corruption in PTW was way too low, making the game too easy. Now you actually have to think about how to generate a WLTKD in the most corrupted cities and building courthouses by planting and cutting forrests. Also I have noted that the forbidden palace removes corruption from the city it is built but the total corruption of the empire is the same, hence some cities might experience more corruption in exchange. Or am I misinformed?
You're misinformed.

The FP bug is real. Building the FP in a remote part of your empire can substantially increase the corruption of cities close to your capital. I've seen cities go from 1 shiled corruption to 80% corruption, just because I built the FP on the other side of my continent.

The FP should not increase the corruption in any of your cities, ever.
Originally posted by pjmcb
You're misinformed.

The FP bug is real. Building the FP in a remote part of your empire can substantially increase the corruption of cities close to your capital. I've seen cities go from 1 shiled corruption to 80% corruption, just because I built the FP on the other side of my continent.

The FP should not increase the corruption in any of your cities, ever.

Says you. However the way the Forbidden Palace works now is that it removes corruption from the city it is built in save perhaps a shield and a couple of golds, and reduces the corruption in the cities around that forbidden Palace. The way I see it, since curroption for the whole empire stays the same, then naturally the cities around the Capital must increase.

I am not sure this is a bug, but rather a change to the game. When the original game came out people were screaming and shouting that corruption was too high, and in the subsequent patches and the PTW expansion it was decreased. To a ridicuously low level I think. So this is not a bug and it should stay as it is.

This would balance out multiplayer games more, as a lucky leader generation will not upset the game too much, since the rushing of a Forbidden Palace will not increase total output, but merely even out corruption across the whole empire.
Well, it is a bug in that Firaxis has announced that they are working on a patch to fix the problem. See the front page of this site for details.
Originally posted by Dr. Dr. Doktor

Says you. However the way the Forbidden Palace works now is that it removes corruption from the city it is built in save perhaps a shield and a couple of golds, and reduces the corruption in the cities around that forbidden Palace. The way I see it, since curroption for the whole empire stays the same, then naturally the cities around the Capital must increase.

I am not sure this is a bug, but rather a change to the game. When the original game came out people were screaming and shouting that corruption was too high, and in the subsequent patches and the PTW expansion it was decreased. To a ridicuously low level I think. So this is not a bug and it should stay as it is.

This would balance out multiplayer games more, as a lucky leader generation will not upset the game too much, since the rushing of a Forbidden Palace will not increase total output, but merely even out corruption across the whole empire.

You're misinformed.
Why would they design it so that corruption stays at the same level after building the FP, anyway? There would almost never be a reason to build the FP in that case--sense the cities around your capital have had the most time to develop, building the FP would be like undoing all that work and starting over from scratch somewhere else. That would almost never be a good idea.

Is there any distance away from the capital where it would not hurt you to build a FP? Say pretty close to the capital?
I built the FP right next door to my capital in my current game (Dutch, ended up on a fairly small island on a continents map) and the effect was negligible.
Eventually I want to go out and conquer someone, but I'm not sure what's going to happen should I decide to jump the palace to another continent :confused:.
Originally posted by Dr. Dr. Doktor
I am not sure this is a bug, but rather a change to the game ... the rushing of a Forbidden Palace will not increase total output, but merely even out corruption across the whole empire.
Why, why, oh, why would you want to spend 200 shields to not actually gain any net output? If the FP cost 20 shields, then I might concede your point, but 200? Do you realize that's what the Colossus and the Mausoleum cost? That's right, as of now the wretched Colossus of Rhodes has a greater return-to-investment ratio than the Forbidden Palace. Good gods, you could build 200 shields worth of Wealth, then rush a Temple and get more bang for your buck than by building the FP.
Originally posted by Dr. Dr. Doktor

Says you. However the way the Forbidden Palace works now is that it removes corruption from the city it is built in save perhaps a shield and a couple of golds, and reduces the corruption in the cities around that forbidden Palace. The way I see it, since curroption for the whole empire stays the same, then naturally the cities around the Capital must increase.

I am not sure this is a bug, but rather a change to the game. When the original game came out people were screaming and shouting that corruption was too high, and in the subsequent patches and the PTW expansion it was decreased. To a ridicuously low level I think. So this is not a bug and it should stay as it is.

This would balance out multiplayer games more, as a lucky leader generation will not upset the game too much, since the rushing of a Forbidden Palace will not increase total output, but merely even out corruption across the whole empire.

I think that the assertion in the last sentence of the first paragragh ("...since curroption for the whole empire stays the same") is not true.

Look at the overall civ output before and after constructing the FP, once you've expanded significantly away from your capitol (that limitaion may not make a difference, actually). In the original C3 ("vanilla") output always increased after building the FP. Thus corruption in the entire civ is not constant, thus building the FP should not result in increases in corruption near your capitol due to decreases near the FP.

We should ask the Forums widely acknowledged Expert on corruption, Alexman.

Alexman, whats your view on this issue? *IS* the point of the Forbidden Palace to "... merely even out corruption across the whole empire."?
I have been playing conquests since it came out and in my experience corruption is less of problem than it was in civ3 ptw. For four very specific reasons: Taxman, Scientist, Policeman, Engineer. It wasn't talked about much in the list of changes but now scientists give THREE uncorruptable beakers and taxemen give TWO. While this does change the strategies you have to use (that food is very important for distant cities) I think overall you can feel less corruption.

Don't be fooled by all the people on these forums complaining so much about the "major" corruption bug. Most of the people that were complaining the most didn't even have the game yet. . For me the corruption bug is very minor and a low priority compared to the double income from trading bug and AI use of artillery.
So, does this "corruption bug" only apply when one builds the forbidden palace?

Also, what is the "gpt" bug?

I have the game, I just didn't know about these.
Originally posted by doubtsalmon
I have been playing conquests since it came out and in my experience corruption is less of problem than it was in civ3 ptw. For four very specific reasons: Taxman, Scientist, Policeman, Engineer. It wasn't talked about much in the list of changes but now scientists give THREE uncorruptable beakers and taxemen give TWO. While this does change the strategies you have to use (that food is very important for distant cities) I think overall you can feel less corruption.

Don't be fooled by all the people on these forums complaining so much about the "major" corruption bug. Most of the people that were complaining the most didn't even have the game yet. . For me the corruption bug is very minor and a low priority compared to the double income from trading bug and AI use of artillery.

Sorry, I have to disagree. Corruption is deplorable. I shouldn't have to be using taxmen and scientists on size six cities. A good example of the overwhelming corruption can be seen in the Middle Ages scenario. Maybe I'm wrong and this was somehow intentionally programmed into the scenario, but if you build a city due south of Athens (to the right of the wine hill), you'll only be getting two shields and two gold because of the corruption and waste -- and that's with a town hall (courthouse). Perhaps it has to do with proportionality and distance on the map, but, in my view (I'm a casual player and don't count the tiles and don't know anything about equi-distance or rings or whatever) that city isn't too far from the capital (Constantinople).

Screenshot: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads6/corruption.JPG

City: http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads6/corruption2.JPG
IMO corruption is greater at the moment, but it is still valid to build the FP when using large numbers of cities. Every time I have built the FP it has reduced my corruption. There are still issus with it, but it does. I have no problems playing epic games on Monarch, and I am not that experienced a player. Carry on playing epic I say.
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