How evil is your website?


are all 50% each
I shall resurrect this thread!

Our group wanted to know whether a crayfish would prefer a house that is facing the light or away from the light. This interested us because we wanted to know more about where a crayfish prefers to live. We hypothesized that the crayfish would go into the house facing away from the light, due to the fact that crayfish are nocturnal.
Our test of this theory was fairly simple. First, we placed two houses on one side of the bowl, one facing towards the wall and one towards the center of the container. We then placed the lid on the container ½ way, so one half was dark and one half was light, with the houses on the dark side. We then placed our crayfish in the middle of the two houses, on the light half. Occasionally we’d switch the way the houses were facing or, more rarely, where the crayfish started.
The results of this experiment were that our crayfish (small, energetic, one-clawed female) almost always went to the house that was facing her, not necessarily to the house that was facing to the light or dark. If both houses were facing towards her, she did not move.
This suggests that either she is lazy (unlikely) or that she is doing something engrained into her genetics to hide into a shelter on first opportunity (much more likely) due to her being prey to many organisms.
We would like to know whether if there was a predator around, if she would have behaved differently.

The text you sent is
61% evil, 39% good

LOL. I was in 6th grade when I wrote this... hmm... who knew?
I found this little site and decided to have some fun. is 50% evil
shadylookin is 1% evil is only 48% evil. is only 37% evil
jesus is 50% evil as well as God but allah is only 1% evil

at least i got a kick out of it, have fun
Originally posted by The Person

I hope no christians were hurt by making that statement...

No worries, I am a Christian myself, tho not a fanatic one...
Actually, my stating that and adding 'go figure' is a compliment to Christianity.

If necessary tho: No offense to any religion intended.
Why don't you go and join the Kill Everyone project there.
"You are just bursting with cuteness, Sakura-chan! Dressing the person I love in cute costumes, then getting to flim her, that is the epitome of my happiness! The epitome! You are so cute that I am getting dizzy!"

Is 54% evil, 46% good.


:lol: at the Bush/Kerry one.
useless is 1 %evil 99% good ! i knew!
real name 20% evil 80% good [pissed] :twitch: :hmm:
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