How fast can you win?

Kool Keith

Dec 21, 2005
Metro Detroit
This question is for the good players only. ;)

Monarch level. Standard map size, continents, everything standard. How fast should a good player be able to win?

Also, how much do you develop your cities with improvements, etc.?
Monarch level. Standard map size, continents, everything standard. How fast should a good player be able to win?

In real time? Like, play the game as if it was a RTS?
Or counted in number of turns? Regardless of how much real time it took.

For the later, you can check the hall of fame here at CivFanatics for an answer.
checking for earliest win on monarch.

Also, how much do you develop your cities with improvements, etc.?

Only cities that will pump settlers for an extended period of time will get a granary.
Only cities that will be pumping military units will get a barracks.
Only core and semi core cities will get a market place and a library eventually.
Only half-corrupt (semi-core) cities will get a courthouse.
Only core and semi-core cities get an aquaduct and then only when there is enough food around for it to grow past size 6.
Only after a lot of considerations will some of my core/semi-core cities get a hospital and or a factory. Largely depending on whether this would increase the production enough to reduce the turns needed to produce a unit. without compromising neighbouring cities.
All core and semi core cities that are coastal, and where some citizens work on the water, will get a harbour eventually.

Only when I try a 100K culture victory will I build other cultural structures, and then only after I conquered a large amount of land, and stop further conquest at that point.

Cities that are outside of my core and semi-core area will be turned into specialist farms and will get no city improvements at all.

When to build a structure, if it is build at all, is just as important a question.

(though I sometimes play a variant game where I don't follow these rules.)
Also, how much do you develop your cities with improvements, etc.?
If I were playing to win in the fastest real time, I'd develop all my cities with every improvement possible. All one of them. If I get a few breaks, I could win in an hour. If I get a bad break, I could lose.

If I was playing to win in the fewest turns possible, I guess I'd try to do what you're supposed to do -- build lots of cities, barracks, and units, and conquer the world. However, I've never really done that before. I have, however, gotten Diplomatic wins in three digit years, which is probably faster than I could get a conquest win (in your conditions).
If you are looking for turns it depends on skill and victory condition

If your looking for realtime itvdepends on if you MM, if your throw that out the window, skipp unit animations, build last unit, no unit animations. These would help with realtime.
yes - early domination and conquest is a pangea map.

On continents, I would assume that a conquest win is sometime between 500 AD and 1000 AD would be good, depending on the civ (some civ traits are better for research than others)
I am a builder and I'll probably never find the answer to this question, no matter how good I'll get.

Often I try to win as late as possible... my favorite win is the turn before someone else are ready with their spaceship or something like that. :king:
Also on continents it's possible to win in the BC's, for HoF everyone will play pangea though as it will be slightly faster. Also everyone will play 80% water, improving the score even more. On pangea even large worlds can be done in the BC's.
The great scholars of antiquity already contemplated the question of how fast a good player should win, and these are the answers they came up with:

By the "great scholars" I of course refer to the Game of the Month staff, and by "antiquity" I mean before the release of C3C. So I don't know the figures they use for the new difficulty levels and traits, and whether dates have been revised in other areas. For instance, 100k should come much earlier under C3C because one can use feudalism to do the deed rather than communism.
Some weird numbers there. A 60% Pangaea conquest would be faster then a 80%? Huge science games faster then smaller sizes?
But doesn't 60% pangaea mean shorter traveling distances for your horsies- ie smaller gulfs to run around?

(Not that I'm in the running for HoF yet)
60% mean 60% water.
That is 2 times as much land tiles as a map with 80% water.

That usually means there is more land, thus more cities to conquer.
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