How White and Nerdy are you?

Oh, right. Those grills. 2.5, I guess. :lol: though I think I might need to take away a half point back down to 1 for reading that wrong, 2 ways, before the teeth thing.
It's in the OP
I never really considered how a good number of these are US-centric. But I'm not sure what the foreign equivalents for the US-specific options would be.

Give yourself one point for this unless you wear one of these things
View attachment 677534


edited again: in fact give yourself 2 points since you probably didn't know what this was referring to

The x means one point. I realize I didn't explain x=1 properly and that may have been confusing.

Less than 5

In the time since this song came out fanny packs have swung back around and are in fact cool again

I hardly ever see people wearing them where I am.
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I hardly ever see people wearing them where I am.

They're more frequently worn as over-the-shoulder slings these days, but they're still basically fanny packs. Functionally they're just a cross body purse with a different silhouette.

My partner has a colorful one from Cotapaxi and gets compliments pretty much every time she wears it out.
Spoiler space :

Mow your front lawn - 0 no
First in class - 0 no
At MIT - 0 lol no
Champion at D&D - 0 no
Escher is favorite MC - 0 who?
Earl grey tea - 0 no
Stationary rims - 0 no car
Cherry action figures - 0 what?
Stephen Hawking in library - 0 I don't think so, more a humanities guy.
Pimped out MySpace - 0 I was aware of it, but it fell out of relevancy before I was really into social media.
People begging for Top 8 spaces - 0 see above
Know pi to 1000 places - 0 I hate Math
No grills - 1 yes
Still wear braces - 0 Nope, not for a while
Order all sandwiches with mayonnaise - 0 no, just tuna.
Whiz at Minesweeper - 0.5 Eh, okay at it.
Number one at Pascal - 0 What?
Vector calculus just for fun - 0 Once again, Humanities Guy, hate Math
Don’t have a gat - 1 Yes
Have a soldering gun - 0 no
Happy Days is favorite theme song - 0 no
Could kick butt in a game of ping pong - 0 no
Ace any trivia quiz you bring on - 0.5 dependent on subject
Fluent in JavaScript - 0 no
As well as Klingon - 0 no
Roll on a Segway - 0 lol no

X-Men comics - 0 not into superhero stuff.
Pocket protector - 0 no
Ergonomic keyboard - 0 Just image searched them: :vomit:
Shopping online for deals on writeable media - 0 no
Edit Wikipedia - 1 Yes
Memorized Holy Grail - 0.5 the best bits
Business doing websites - 0 no
Homepage for dog - 0 cat person
Got a fanny pack - 0 no
From the gap - 0 See Above
Nights popping bubble wrap - 1 Yes
Nerdy in the extreme - 0.5 probably
Whiter than sour cream - 0 I walk a bit
AV club - 0 no
Glee club - 0 no
Chess team - 0 no
Only hard question do you like Kirk or Picard - 0 no
Weekend at the Renaissance fair - 0.5 more like a day
Name on underwear - 0 lol no

So assuming I counted right, 6.5?

Aside from US-centric, a lot of the concepts of nerdiness are based on older depiction of media.
My score:

6 ı think . Never had a need to learn Klingon as my Klingon Spacemarinechick dates already knew Turkish , so that still counts .
This is a fun idea. There were always a bunch of the items in the song that at least partially applied to me, but I never counted how many. Scored a 14.5.

Probably the nerdiest are that I was indeed captain of the chess team back in high school, and knowing a lot of digits of pi, though not 1000. Also good at non-pop-culture-related trivia, and am a software developer which gets a few points, and like Earl Grey tea.

Oh, and I've been typing from an ergonomic keyboard for quite a few years now.

Do they not have chess teams down under? I can't think of any top-flight Aussies on the world stage off the top of my head but I would have assumed recreational clubs existed.
I was enough of a chess-nerd in sixth grade that I bought chess books and learned openings, etc. One of the books had, as a curiosity, an illustration of Fool's Mate. At a chess tournament, I played it. The other kid was just a kid and made the one bad move that allows Fool's Mate to work. When you mated your opponent, you were supposed to inform the teachers who were overseeing the tournament. I called it out so quickly nobody could believe that a game could have already concluded. Even the adults were puzzling over how it happened. (They themselves must not have known Fool's Mate, but they could see that the position on the board was a checkmate.)

That's pretty nerdy, I'm thinking.
I had this idea around a decade ago and never got around to posting it, but now I want to post it. Basically, it goes through the lyrics of Weird Al Yankovic's song "White and Nerdy", a parody of Chamillionaire's song "Ridin'". For each part of the song, give yourself one point if you fully align with the lyric, and 3/4, 1/2, or 1/4 point if you feel you partially align with it. You can elaborate more on how you align with it in the comments. This scoring is subjective and not meant to be taken seriously. But you can compete to see who's the whitest and nerdiest of CFC!

Mow your front lawn
First in class
Champion at D&D
Escher is favorite MC
Earl grey tea
Stationary rims
Cherry action figures
Stephen Hawking in library
Pimped out MySpace
People begging for Top 8 spaces
Know pi to 1000 places
No grills
Still wear braces
Order all sandwiches with mayonnaise
Whiz at Minesweeper
Number one at Pascal
Vector calculus just for fun
Don’t have a gat
Have a soldering gun
Happy Days is favorite theme song
Could kick butt in a game of ping pong
Ace any trivia quiz you bring on
Fluent in JavaScript
As well as Klingon
Roll on a Segway

X-Men comics
Pocket protector
Ergonomic keyboard
Shopping online for deals on writeable media
Edit Wikipedia
Memorized Holy Grail
Business doing websites
Homepage for dog
Got a fanny pack
From the gap
Nights popping bubble wrap
Nerdy in the extreme
Whiter than sour cream
AV club
Glee club
Chess team
Only hard question do you like Kirk or Picard
Weekend at the Renaissance fair
Name on underwear

Spoiler My results spoilered for space :

Mow your front lawn 1/2 (mowed my parents' law as a teen but now live in an aparment)
First in class
Champion at D&D x (I've played since freshman year of college)
Escher is favorite MC x
Earl grey tea x
Stationary rims x
Cherry action figures
Stephen Hawking in library
Pimped out MySpace
People begging for Top 8 spaces
Know pi to 1000 places 1/4 (memorized it to ~30 places in 4th grade)
No grills x
Still wear braces
Order all sandwiches with mayonnaise
Whiz at Minesweeper x
Number one at Pascal
Vector calculus just for fun 1/4 (I know it but don't do it for fun)
Don’t have a gat x
Have a soldering gun
Happy Days is favorite theme song
Could kick butt in a game of ping pong (I like ping pong but am bad at it)
Ace any trivia quiz you bring on 1/2 (my friends and I usually get 2nd or 3rd at bar trivia)
Fluent in JavaScript
As well as Klingon
Roll on a Segway

X-Men comics
Pocket protector
Ergonomic keyboard
Shopping online for deals on writeable media
Edit Wikipedia x
Memorized Holy Grail 1/4 (haven't memorized it but like it)
Business doing websites
Homepage for dog
Got a fanny pack
From the gap
Nights popping bubble wrap
Nerdy in the extreme 1/4 (somewhat but not super nerdy)
Whiter than sour cream
AV club
Glee club
Chess team x
Only hard question do you like Kirk or Picard
Weekend at the Renaissance fair 1/4 (enjoy them but only go annually)
Name on underwear

Total points: 11 1/4


Not quite the number I was expecting, but I checked the math, and the numbers don't lie.
I identify as white and nerdy, yet I gun (doesn't count here), I'm fluent in Python but not JS, so that's 0.5... sometimes I'm too damn white, and I was actually in a chess club for a while... so... 2.5 points?
Do they not have chess teams down under? I can't think of any top-flight Aussies on the world stage off the top of my head but I would have assumed recreational clubs existed.
It's not really associated with schools and universities that I can recall
Spoiler My Score :

Mow your front lawn - 1
First in class
Champion at D&D
Escher is favorite MC
Earl grey tea
Stationary rims
Cherry action figures
Stephen Hawking in library - 1. I read A Brief History of Time but that was a long time ago. Still have the book
Pimped out MySpace
People begging for Top 8 spaces
Know pi to 1000 places - Only 7 places.
No grills - 1. I assume this is those things you put on car tires.
Still wear braces
Order all sandwiches with mayonnaise - 1/2 Mayo is great but I wouldn't put it on all sandwiches.
Whiz at Minesweeper
Number one at Pascal
Vector calculus just for fun - 1/4. Sometimes I get interested in a math topic for a short period of time for no reason other than curiosity
Don’t have a gat -1. I assume this is a type of gun and I don't own guns.
Have a soldering gun
Happy Days is favorite theme song
Could kick butt in a game of ping pong
Ace any trivia quiz you bring on
Fluent in JavaScript - 1. Yup. Necessary for my job.
As well as Klingon
Roll on a Segway

X-Men comics - 1/2 no comics but I like the movies.
Pocket protector
Ergonomic keyboard
Shopping online for deals on writeable media
Edit Wikipedia
Memorized Holy Grail
Business doing websites
Homepage for dog
Got a fanny pack
From the gap
Nights popping bubble wrap
Nerdy in the extreme
Whiter than sour cream
AV club
Glee club
Chess team
Only hard question do you like Kirk or Picard - 1/4. I have my opinion (Picard) but it's not hard and there are many other harder questions.
Weekend at the Renaissance fair
Name on underwear

So 5.5
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