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Howard Deans legacy as DNC chairman...

I wouldn't say North Carolina is moving towards the Democrats, they do have a Democratic Governor, but thats about it.

Colorado is, Virginia might be (Kaine winning, NoVA's growth, and Warner's popularity), and I'm not sure about Florida.
Warner? I don't want a DLC repuke-lite.


The only reason lower-income suburbians vote Republican is because the "Family Values" BS they spew and because the Repukes have convinced the gullible that all people on welfare are lazy people who don't work, which is, of course, BS.

States Drifting Democratic:

Ohio (largely due to recent Ohio Republican Party scandals)
New Hampshire

States Drifting Republican:


I've left New Mexico off because it is arguable in either direction.
Dean is an excellent party chairman. He would of been an even better president, but the corporations say his progressivism as a threat to thier Neo-Con buddies and had the Corporate Media distroy his campaign (I thought the Dean Scream was awsome, but the Media morphed it into somehow showing him as crazy or unscrewed).
My generation, the people born in the 80's, are the most progressive on social issues yet, so they days of the culture wars are numbered. The republicans either have to become more libertarian, or will decline as the current surge of fundies die down.
Dawgphood001 said:
Republicans break all kinds of wonderful records. Jack Abramoff is sort of like the 'roid dealer for their olympic team, figuratively speaking.

Uhm...he was the roid dealer for boths teams actually.
Odin2006 said:
The only reason lower-income suburbians vote Republican is because the "Family Values" BS they spew and because the Repukes have convinced the gullible that all people on welfare are lazy people who don't work, which is, of course, BS.

Uhm......why are family values BS? I dont think people need to be gullible to want good things for their family. As for people on welfare...welfare is supposed to be a way out of poverty, not a crutch meant to keep you there. The good the program does is also mitigated by the amount of corruption and fraud that it experiences. When we removed the stigma from welfare it became ok to feed off the governments tit as long as possible...never a good thing for anyone. Being on welfare should never be "acceptable". I agree, not all people on welfare are lazy schlubs, but being on welfare should never be ok either.
I'm not sure on this, but I think fewer than 11% of people on welfare in the state of Georgia actually work. I saw it on the news a few days ago, and I was stunned. Georgia is third-worst in the nation for that particular statistic.
MattBrown said:
oh, dont play this stuff with me Mobboss, we're both smarter than this. Yes, there are a few democrats who are crazy mad wealthy. Are they base of democratic party? No.

Who IS the base of the American Left? Think hard Mobboss. It might be...poorer people!

More specifically, the base of the American Left is urban poor, and the base of the American Right is rural poor. The Republicans feed off corporate deep pockets, and the Dems feed off organized labor and media deep pockets.
IglooDude said:
More specifically, the base of the American Left is urban poor, and the base of the American Right is rural poor. The Republicans feed off corporate deep pockets, and the Dems feed off organized labor and media deep pockets.

Excellent observation Igloo and I cant really disagree with it.
IglooDude said:
Dems feed off organized labor and media deep pockets.

The Media? :lol: The Media is owned by multinational corporations that love the Neo-Cons. The NY Times criticizing Bush does not equal the "Evil Librul Media" BS the lying conservative airhead whine about.
Odin2006 said:
The Media? :lol: The Media is owned by multinational corporations that love the Neo-Cons. The NY Times criticizing Bush does not equal the "Evil Librul Media" BS the lying conservative airhead whine about.

Does Dan Rather presenting false documents qualify? Anyway, its pretty hard to argue that the media isnt liberal with very few exceptions. Thats why Fox News does so well, its unique out there in a sea of liberalism.
MobBoss said:
So democrats are both more educated and more poor?:rolleyes:

Poor people are not the base of the democrat party by any means. Unless of course you want to portray the democrat party as the hand-out party.

Actually, the democrats have so alienated themselves from middle America it could very well be difficult to pinpoint the "base" of the democrat party. Is it the rich snob base of Kerry and Kennedy....or the rich ambulance chaser base of Edwards? Or the flat out obscene billionaire base of Soros? Or the hollywood elite base ala Streisand, Speilberg, and Redford?

have I, on this thread, claimed that democrats are more educated? no. They only have an edge in the post-graduate degree department.

Partisan jabs aside, its pretty easy to look at where the bases are for the Democratic party. First, we have minorities. Then we have labor, educators, the poor (I'm not asking if you think poor people should vote democratic, or if the democratic party even cares about them. Thats where the votes are), young people and Urbanites. Nothing partisian about it...just look at voting patterns, and the policy goals of each party.

Seeing as the typical democrat, looking at the bases, is going to be less off than a republican (who is more likely to be in management), then it shouldnt surprise you that republicans have more disposible income to donate, baring a few outliers (Soros, et all)
IglooDude said:
More specifically, the base of the American Left is urban poor, and the base of the American Right is rural poor. The Republicans feed off corporate deep pockets, and the Dems feed off organized labor and media deep pockets.

only sort of. Even is rural Ohio, its Union country. organized labor has deep pockets, but not the indiviudal union man....thats the real key.
You guys are really in denial if you think Dean is doing a good job. Hell, even members of his own party have publicly said he should shut the hell up. They distance themselves with him routinely. The democrats had more money than the republicans in 2004 but now under Dean they are hurting compared to the republicans....yet you guys think Dean is doing a great job. Heh, fine, let him do that "great job" and when we go into 2008 and the republicans have double the money the democrats do we will see how well the election goes for them.

Have you changed your mind about Howard Dean yet?

How did the 2008 election go for the Democrats by the way?
States like Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, and Colorado are moving to the Democrats. Also Southwestern, immigrant heavy states like Nevada and New Mexico are also moving towards the Dems.

Take a look at the outcomes of Election 2004. Colorado and Virginia were as close as was Missouri, traditionally considered a swing state.

:eek: WOW, spot on prediction! Add Indiana, Ohio and Nebraska-02 to that list though. :goodjob:
Have you changed your mind about Howard Dean yet?

How did the 2008 election go for the Democrats by the way?

The 2008 election turned into a fairly close election that should have been won by a landslide by the Democrats considering the unpopularity of the Bush Administration.

And the credit for the win goes to Obama's campaign staff and choices therein - not in anything that the Deanster did.

And no, I havent changed my mind about Howard Dean and apparently, neither has Obama since the President has declined to offer Mr. Dean a position in his administration (even though Dean wanted one very badly).

And I guess my prediction of you necro'ing more useless old threads came true. How about that. :rolleyes:
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