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I Can't Believe I Let You Talk Me Into This - Communist China HoI2 AAR


Apr 10, 2003
British Columbia
Yes, my second AAR. And of course, I let you guys talk me into doing something absolutely crazy. An Oncoming Train Wreck would have probably been a better title for this one...

Country Communist China
Difficulty Normal
AI Aggresiveness Normal
Version Doomsday v 1.3a (JCJS)

Table of Contents

Chapter I Prelude (1912-1936)
Chapter II Introduction (1936)
Chapter III An Uneasy Peace (January 1, 1936-September 1, 1936)
Chapter IV A Gathering Storm (September 1, 1936-June 2, 1937
Chapter V Renewing Hostilities (June 2, 1937-March 26, 1938
Chapter VI Onwards (March 26, 1938-September 9, 1939)
Chapter VII War! (September 9, 1939-April 1, 1941)
Chapter VIII Red China (April 1, 1941-August 29, 1942)
Chapter IX One Flag Over China (August 29, 1942-September 20, 1943)
Chapter X Decolonization (September 20, 1943-January 18, 1947)
Chapter XI Into India (January 18, 1947-October 20, 1947)
Chapter I - Prelude

In 1912, the Qing Dynasty, the last in line of the Chinese Imperial dynasties fell. With the fall of the empire, China entered the Republican Era. A new Republic of China was founded, with Sun Yat-sen as its first president. However, the new republic was still young, and faced many challenges. In 1913 a new revolution occured. Many provinces in the south rebelled, fielding armies of discontent soldiers. The rebellion was eventually put down, but in the end China was forced to give autonomy to Outer Mongolia and Tibet in order to achieve international recognition of their government.

A new nation forms

By the end of 1913, the new president, Yuan Shikai, forcibly dissolved the Kuomintang, a powerful political party in the country. He made many reforms, and slowly was moving towards giving himself the power of an emperor. Yuan quickly made many enemies. Sun Yat-sen and the Kuomintang reorganized, while the Progressive Party, who had previously opposed the Kuomintang, switched positions. The Beiyang Army, a powerful Western-style army equipped with Western arms, became alienated by Yuan's tax reforms.

In 1914, the Great War broke out. Japan entered on the side of the Allies, and seized German possessions in Asia. The Japanese pressured Yuan to meet some of their economic and political demands. The government rejected most of these demands, however they agreed to some of their territorial demands, namely Shandong, southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia. The acceptance of these demands were extremely unpopular.

By December of 1915, Yuan officially created a new Empire of China, crowning himself emperor. This caused rebellions to break out in numerous provinces. Yunnan declared itself independent and launched the National Protection War. Yuan's Beiyang Army, whose loyalty to the new emperor was minimal, did not aggresively attempt to stop Yunnan's National Protection Army. An 80,000 strong Beiyang Army sent to fight Yunnan's 20,000 were defeated. With this defeat, many other provinces felt confident enough to declare their independence. The provinces of Guizhou, Guangxi, Shanxi, Jiangxi, and Jiangsu all rebelled and declared independence. Yuan Shikai was forced to abdicate, bringing and end to the Empire of China.

With the fall of the Empire, China was plunged into the Warlords Era. Sun Yat-sen and the deposed Kuomintang parliament set up a new government in the south, while the other warlords continued to rebel. In the 1920's the new Soviet government began to support both Sun Yat-sen's government and as well as the newly founded Chinese Communist Party. The Soviets were hoping for consolidation, but were prepared for either side to emerge victorious.

By 1922, the Kuomintang-warlord alliance was ruptured. Sun Yat-sen was forced to flee, and he sought out Soviet assistance. Soviet advisers arrived to pledge Soviet assistance to China's unification. The Chinese Communists were instructed to cooperate with the Kuomintang.

The CCP was still a small party, many hundreds times smaller than the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang-CCP alliance continued under the leadership of the new KMT leader, Chiang Kai-shek. In 1925, Chiang launched the Northern Expedition against the warlords in the north. This proved very successful, and soon half of China had been conquered. By 1926, the CCP was beginning to grow. However, Chiang began to impose restrictions on the CCP. The Soviets still hoped to prevent a split in the alliance, and encouraged the Chinese Communists to continue to support the Northern Expedition.

KMT forces embark on the Northern Expedition

In 1927, the Kuomintang and Chinese Communists split. The CCP and left wing of the KMT moved their government to Wuhan, while Chiang moved his government to Nanjing. By the summer, however, the CCP's luck was changing. Chiang's forces had expelled them from Wuhan and now most of China was under his control. The Kuomintang soon received international recognition as the legitimate government.

Although the Kuomintang was nominally in control of the entire country during this period, large areas of China remained under the semi-autonomous rule of local warlords or warlord coalitions. The Kuomintang's rule was strongest in the eastern regions of China around the capital Nanjing. Various warlords still held control of various areas of the country.

KMT and warlord control in the 1930's

The Chinese Communist Party had been kicked out of Wuhan, and began the Long March. Under command of Mao Zedong, they retreated to the west and north for nearly 12,500 km. They eventually arrived in Shaanxi province, with only one tenth of the original force that they started with. For many months the CCP had traversed some of the most difficult terrain in all of China. They finally managed to reach Yan'an, a mountainous area in the north, where they could isolate themselves from the Kuomintang.

The Long March
Chapter II - Introduction

Deep in the mountains of central China, the Chinese Communist Party has established itself in the rough terrain of Shaanxi. The CCP has fortified the region and turned it into a fortress. Still recovering from the Long March, the region has proven to be ideal for the Communists to regroup and prepare for the fight ahead.

The hills of Shaanxi

It is a time of turmoil in China. The once great state has been divided between multiple powers. The Kuomintang remains the strongest of the Chinese factions, controlling most of the southeast. Xibei San Ma in central China are KMT puppets, allowing them to exert their control into the interior. In the south, Guangxi and Yunnan control the southern borders with Indochina, while Shanxi has control of much of the north. In the far west, Sinkiang and Tibet rule over the mountains of the Himalayas. Manchukuo is independent as a puppet of Japan, who took control of it in 1931, while Japan controls Korea, Taiwan, and other areas in northern China.

Political borders in China

War still rages in China. The CCP is fighting the KMT and Xibei San Ma. Despite an advantage in weaponry, the CCP is heavily outnumbered. So far, the KMT has been reluctant to attack the Communist stronghold in Shaanxi, as it has been heavily fortified. The Communists claim all the land of the former Qing Empire, excluding the now independent Mongolia.

Lands claimed by the CCP

The industrial heartland of China lies in the Southeast under KMT control. The interior is quite underdeveloped, with most of the factories in the more developed eastern regions. The superpowers of the region all dwarf the industrial capacity of even the KMT. The Soviets, Japanese, British, and French all control vast stretches of land in Asia, and have large industries to support their armies, while the CCP only has limited resources and factories at its disposal.

Industy in Asia

Back in Shaanxi, Communist forces have established a defensive line along the Huang He River. To the south the KMT have taken up positions while their Ma allies have positioned themselves along the western border. To the east and west, in the Shanxi Clique, who are currently not at war with anyone.

Area around Shaanxi

The government is led by Mao Zedong. A Stalinist regime, the CCP currently is not a member of the Comintern. Mao is a charismatic man, capable of enchanting the masses. He is also a very skilled politician. With years of experience, he has the unanimous support of the party.

The CCP government

The CCP's advantage in armaments is partly thanks to such skilled technologists as Deng Xiaoping and the General Armament Department. However, with only limited resources, the CCP is not able to invest many resources in research and development

CCP tech teams

The current army is small. Consisting of 12 Infantry divisions and 3 Mountaineers, it is much smaller than the army possessed by the KMT. However, the CCP has managed to get its hands on the most modern weapons available, while the KMT and other Chinese factions are still using First World War era weaponry. This technological advantage could prove to be quite beneficial to the Communist cause.

The forces of Communist China

The party has many skilled military leaders who gained important combat experience during the Long March. Arguably the best current leader is Zhu De, one of three generals in the People's Liberation Army. Mao Zedong is the the top commander in the CCP, having achieved the rank of Field Marshal.

Commanders of the People's Liberation Army
Of course. What would an AAR be without a Council of Doom?

Or in this case, a People's Council of Revolution.
Aww, I always like filling in that position in Subi's absence. I'll take General then. Similar enough positions :p

And erm, good luck old chap.
I'll be a general as well.
Can I run our fleet? As soon as we get one that is.
After you manage to take over Nationalist China are you going to assign their tech teams to Communist China? The Communist tech teams add a challenge but don't make much sense after you become the main chinese power.
Is it possible to do that in game, or are you talking about just switching the tech team files to give me Nationalist China's tech teams?
its much easier if you had Armegeddon, just beat the Nationalists, in Doomsday I really have no clue

how much time has passed? if you charge through San Ma and time it so you capture both VP at the same time you may be able to annex before the Nationalists can force peace

Edit: Application for Foreign Affairs Minister
I'm up to September 1, 1936. I didn't advance into Xibei, but just waited for the Xi'an Incident event to fire, then pulled of my cunning plan.
Chapter III - An Uneasy Peace

Communist and Kuomintang forces continued to take up positions in the mountains of central China preparing defenses. On March 15th however, both sides were shocked by the news that Chiang Kai-shek was arrested and kidnapped by Zhang Xueliang, in what would become known as the Xi'an Incident. Zhang was a former Manchurian warlord who sought to end the civil war. He believed that the Japanese and not the Communists were the true enemy of China and should that only a united China could stand against the Japanese. Chiang was pressured to form a united front with the Communists against Japan. Eventually the two sides came together and struck a truce. The two longtime enemies now were at peace, as they prepared for a potential Japanese invasion.

Soon after the truce, Deng Xiaoping succeeded in reproducing the advanced rifles carried by the infantry. With this new technology, the Communists could now produce new, advanced rifles to defeat their enemies.

With their border with the Nationalists now secured, Communist forces were now free to pursue other interests. Looking to take advantage of the situation, Mao led his army eastwards into Shanxi. With war officially declared, Communist forces marched into Shanxi held territory. The Communist forces marched onwards unopposed, as the poorly equipped soldiers of the Shanxi warlords were forced to retreat.

Within a few weeks, the Shanxi army had been pushed up against the Japanese border. Despite a numerical advantage, the Communists quickly gained the upper hand and overwhelmed the last remaining Shanxi strongholds. Armies were encircled and defeated at Jining, Beiping, and Jinan.

While the KMT and CCP had reached an unofficial alliance, the other warlords were still causing problems. In the south, the Guangxi Clique declared war on the Kuomintang. Guangxi fought hard, and after nearly half a year of fighting, the KMT had only made minimal gains. Divisions that had been guarding the northern border were redeployed to the south to fight the new enemy, but Guangxi continued to fight on.

While the KMT struggled to defeat the Guangxi Clique, the CCP quickly finished off the Shanxi Clique. The land was annexed, and now the Communists had increased their industrial capacity by five times. In addition, they gained control of various supplies of resources.

With the new industrial strength at their disposal, they could now put more funding into their research and development. While new, more efficient manufacturing techniques were developed, the General Armament Department began to investigate ways to make farming more efficient and increase the food production.

Now that we have a coastline are you going to make me some ships?
Now that we have a coastline are you going to make me some ships?

I think the most dangerous thing right now is the 38 Japanese divisions on the border. Any fleet built would be Great War standards and be annihilated by the Japanese carrier fleet.
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