• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

I confess, the game is growing on me.

Yeah I do love war in Civ V, even if the ai can be really stupid about it sometimes.

Has anyone else found that the "sound" that is played when the game notifies you that someone else has completed a wonder really kills their mojo and in-game feel of happiness? I know that sounds lame, but whenever I hear that damn sound go off I get this Pavlovian response of "oh no, what did I screw up or do wrong now" and it breaks my concentration. Feels like I'm being yelled at by the game lol. I never had that issue with civ iv... Why does civ 5 hate me?
I've put in over 100 hours and still having fun. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Just hope the peace I stuck didn't trigger the constant peace bug.

By the way from what I can tell the "peace bug" will only happen 20 times then goes away. From what I can tell it's because the peace treaty is for 10 turns while any resources/gold they give to you as part of the negotiation is for 30 turns. Game gets confused and keeps telling you peace treaty expired from turn 10 all the way until turn 30.
Yeah I do love war in Civ V, even if the ai can be really stupid about it sometimes.

Has anyone else found that the "sound" that is played when the game notifies you that someone else has completed a wonder really kills their mojo and in-game feel of happiness? I know that sounds lame, but whenever I hear that damn sound go off I get this Pavlovian response of "oh no, what did I screw up or do wrong now" and it breaks my concentration. Feels like I'm being yelled at by the game lol. I never had that issue with civ iv... Why does civ 5 hate me?

lol. I got that feeling everytime someone discovered Liberalism or circumnavigated the globe before I did in Civ 4.
lol. I got that feeling everytime someone discovered Liberalism or circumnavigated the globe before I did in Civ 4.

lol, yes, someone understands! I forgot about those two events in civ iv. They caused the same exact feeling for me then too. Except in civ iv it only happened 2 times in a whole game. Now, it's like...every 10 turns...
I meant specifically later in the game.

me too, all the way through until end game. I never had enough of a wait to annoy me. 5 seconds, if that.
I'm kinda the opposite of most people so far. I started off liking it a lot, but after 45 hours I've noticed more than a few gameplay mechanics that I either disagree with, or are bugged outright. Nothing to do with the "dumbing down of Civ" or whatever cliche that keeps getting repeated, just things I would like changed even if Civ4 didn't exist.

That being said, I think Civ5 is a better base to build on than Civ4. If they fix a few things and maybe bring back some old features like religion and espionage in a way that adds some more depth but isn't super annoying to use, it'll be pretty epic.
You know, normally I don't much listen to what other people say. But as this came out and I read these forums I started thinking "oh, crap, this is a debacle on the order of Hearts of Iron 3." But then I gave Civ V an honest try during my extremely limited free time and have come to really like it after two more or less full games.

Other than the stability issues I think this game is rock-solid. I think most of the problems can and will be patched. And I really appreciate the added dynamic of the social policy trees after running through a couple games.

Is it that Civ V is "dumbed-down" and not complex enough and that is what I like? Well, just take my word for it that what I do for a living is probably quite analogous in complexity to what I would imagine that earlier MIT guy has going on.
Other than the stability issues I think this game is rock-solid. I think most of the problems can and will be patched.

This is where I stand with the game right now - it's got a few issues (most of which involve the AI), but the fundamental design (stuff you can't change - imagine hex-ing Civ4...) is fantastic. Once the bugfixes settle down and a game mechanic patch or two come around, it'll be an incredible game. As is stands, it's plenty enjoyable, but I'm very optimistic for its future.
i was waiting a good minute between turns on the large map, so i switched to a small map with minimal civs and its going so much better. i can actually get past turn 200 now :)
its not as fun being so small but its better then nothing at all
This game has grown on me considerably. I wasn't in the I-hate-it-i-hate-steam-i-have-rabies crowd, but I was at a point where I couldn't pinpoint what it was that I didn't like about V.

I kept playing and realized it was merely the missing aesthetics-- the lack of religion and very predominant leader traits. As I played Civ V more and more, it dawned on me how shallow those mechanics were. I enjoyed them in Civ IV, but could never go back. With the implementation of Social Policies, I create my own leader traits-- ones that evolve according to the geographic and political climate in which I am placed.
It's certainly growing on me too. There are a lot of annoying bugs and issues, but patching should fix that up. At present it's not in the same league as Civ4 BTS, but with an expansion or two and plenty of patches Civ5 certainly has the potential to surpass its predecessor. I just hope that all the new fixes and improvements to Civ5 won't be broken down into little chunks which we have to pay through the nose for as DLC. That would not be cool.
Some of you mentioned archipelago maps not worth playing. Well one of the funnest CIV V games I have played so far was on an archipelago map, a one city challenge and it rocked. I can find the thread if anyone else wants to try it, someone posted it here a while back and I found it was a good play.
Thanks for posting this, I'm glad you're enjoying the game more. I suspect many more people will have a similar experience to you, but I'll bet few will actually bother to post.

So, thanks!

I can't stop playing it now. I only wish the wait between turns was shorter :crazyeye:

I wont say its a perfect game however, because it's definately not. I still dont think it's better than Civ4... yet.

But, after playing a few complete games.. and learning the mechanics alittle better.. i can start to understand the reasoning behind some of the changes and its not really all that bad, some of them are even really good. Im quite surprised how much i've grown to like some of them now compared to my initial reaction.

That said, the game DOES need some balancing and fleshing out. And the UI needs some serious work as well to make it less combersome and provide some missing info. I wont list any specific greivances here.. because im sure they've been said a thousand times around here. Especially when it comes to the AI.

So whats my point with this post? None really. Just saying that while i did gripe around here the first few days.. i HAVE found enjoyment with it. And to anyone else who spends more time in the forums moaning than in the game... just play it.

After a few games you might start to appreciate why they did some of the things they did. It took me two complete games to "get it".

Hopefully we'll see some expansions in the near future to add in some more gameplay elements.
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