I know it's early, but what Civs do you plan on going for your first game?

Nov 14, 2006
Las Vegas
I know it's early, but we are Civ fanatics after all. We don't know all the civs, especially exploration and modern era ones, but we can take educated guesses as to what the major ones will be. I see some people in the China thread already saying that will be their first game, so I figured it's time for a thread on this.

This is mostly your choices of what 3 civilizations you want to play first, but feel free to say what leader you'd like as well.

As for mine, tradition dictates I play as America first. I know I'm biased, but I've been doing it this way since Civ 2. Obviously to get there I'll have to go through 2 others first. I'm leaning towards Roman->Norman->America. Though it's tempting to go Greece->Norman->America. My leader will most likely be Ben Franklin.
I'll have to see the full roster before I decide. If Assyria is in the game and has a culture leaning, I'll almost certainly start there, but I did like what I saw of Han's design today.
Of course there is the question whether England will show up as an Exploration era civ. I'm expecting a United Kingdom as a modern era civ, but perhaps not. Though there is the possibility we get Exploration era England and modern era United Kingdom. But I'll probably still go for the Normans because they are new.
Of course there is the question whether England will show up as an Exploration era civ. I'm expecting a United Kingdom as a modern era civ, but perhaps not. Though there is the possibility we get Exploration era England and modern era United Kingdom.
They told us the Modern Age version of the civ is Britain and that their forerunner civ is the Normans. (I expect we'll eventually see Tudor England, though.)
In my first games I tend to give preference to generalist civs. I still don't know all the antiquity civs, but Egypt seems to be the most generalist one I've seen so far.
Take one look at my profile and guess who my Antiquity pick will be.

As for the Exploration Age, I’ll have to see. Byzantines would be cool, or a Central Asian or Iranian civ, but from my gathering neither of those have been expressly confirmed… yet.

We haven’t had much revealed for the Modern Age but I’ll be refraining from playing the imperial civs until I get to play smaller nations first. Just a personal preference.

Will definitely pick the same Antiquity and Exploration choices for the first few games to get a grip on things.
My first finished games of civ 5 and 6 were persia culture victories so I'll definitely be picking the Achaemenids in the antiquity era if they're available but I'm curious about what middle eastern options will be in the modern era.
Way too early to tell for me... I might be able to find a preference for antiquity civ since we already have quite a few of them revealed, but I'll wait a while before making my mind on explo and modern ages

I feel it'll be awfully tempting to go for the civs with Great People though... Egypt is tempting atm because it has both a unique quarter and Unique Civilian GP units.... as does Greece !
I feel it'll be awfully tempting to go for the civs with Great People though... Egypt is tempting atm because it has both a unique quarter and Unique Civilian GP units.... as does Greece !

Which has me rethinking starting as Greece actually. I do believe I want my first game to be peaceful rather than warmongering. Especially until I learn the systems better. I guess the concern is what if this is like Civ 5 where everyone hates you for warmongering and does embargo against you. I do see embargo is back in this game. I just remember hating the embargo in Civ 5.
I am going to turn off all options related to AI doing historic routes (if such options) exits. Then I am going to do some ”gameplay unlock” civ route related to warfaring and naval things.

So I need all revealed before decissions.
I'll probably pick the Han and go through a full Chinese game. Best to play to each civ's strengths assuming they're a little different, just to see how the switching impacts gameplay.
Probably Aksum, especially if I can progress to Swahili/Kilwa. Boats and trading seems very chill to me. So obviously wherever Tonga ends up will be one of my first choices.
My first game of Civ ever, with Civ III, was as America. I resigned in 1969 AD, after defeating a Chieftain-level AI's invasion of my continent with Riflemen with my Knights. IIRC, it was around that time that I saw that the AI now had modern Infantry, and concluded it was a lost cause.

The next game I played as Rome, learned from my experiences, and did considerably better.

I don't remember my first Civ IV game. My first Civ V game was at the Ottomans. I believe my first Civ VI game was as France, but my first completed Civ VI game was as Rome.

Not surprising given my avatar that Rome is often one of the earlier ones, so it probably will be in VII, too. But there is variation, particularly for the very first game. Based on my mood, based on what traits sound fun. Though Rome was in Old World, Egypt was the first civ I played in that game. It is, as the thread title suggests, far too early for me to predict accurately.

If Civ VII's debut were tomorrow, and they were an option, I'd play as Babylon, as I cooked an ancient Babylonian dish for dinner tonight, have leftovers, and am thus in the mood for playing Babylon in a game.
I'm thinking Greece to Normans to America. Gotta love those unique great people that Greece gets and Rome doesn't.
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