I know it's early, but what Civs do you plan on going for your first game?

I usually play Rome first.

It's too early to say what later options look the most appealing... and, if the game works as it probably should, it will depend on how that first Age plays out.
Sid Meier would be proud. He's said in interviews Rome is his personal favourite civ - without specifying iteration.
Revolutionary Napoleon and either Rome or Greece to start, leading to Norman, then France. I've played France first every time since Civ I.
Your user name checks out. :D
I will want to play the Normans, so any path that leads through them. Although I might just go all in and try the maddest switching combos I can, right off the bat.
The Greek, perhaps? Am I mistaken, or is the guy in your avatar the French founder of the Modern Olympics?
As always: random civ, random leader.

You in fact have never done that (in quite the way you will in Civ VII anyway), but I know what you mean. And I play the same way.

In five years of playing Civ III and ten years of playing Civ V, I have never chosen a civ--always played what the game assigned me.

But hey, us random players are going to have double the fun at the start of our games now.
You in fact have never done that (in quite the way you will in Civ VII anyway), but I know what you mean. And I play the same way.

In five years of playing Civ III and ten years of playing Civ V, I have never chosen a civ--always played what the game assigned me.
I'm even thinking of rolling the dice for choosing the civ for the next age. But this will rob some part of the fun, so I haven't decided on that yet.
Hmmm. That's an interesting point.

No, by that stage of the game, choosing my next civling is part of the game dynamics, so I'll do it the way I choose a social policy tree or ideology.
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Basically, since they started beating the drum of "City built on itself," I've had a hankering to try to make Ankh-Morpork happen in this game. (For those who don't know the Discworld series, Ankh-Morpork is the central location of many if not most of the books, a coastal trading hub that has become the hegemonic power in its part of the world through economic prowess, and is repeatedly stated to be built mostly upon itself.) So my previously-stated preference for Aksum is largely about that (though I also love trying out new African civs!) and Amina just seems like she's going to synergize really well with the economic aspects there.
The Greek, perhaps? Am I mistaken, or is the guy in your avatar the French founder of the Modern Olympics?
Heh, I don't know, to be honest - if I recall, when I joined I simply searched "man with top hat" and used the best image I could find. No one can deny the excellent "top hatedness" of the fellow.

Basically, since they started beating the drum of "City built on itself," I've had a hankering to try to make Ankh-Morpork happen in this game. (For those who don't know the Discworld series, Ankh-Morpork is the central location of many if not most of the books, a coastal trading hub that has become the hegemonic power in its part of the world through economic prowess, and is repeatedly stated to be built mostly upon itself.) So my previously-stated preference for Aksum is largely about that (though I also love trying out new African civs!) and Amina just seems like she's going to synergize really well with the economic aspects there.

I love this. <3
I need to see the victory conditions for the Modern Age and I'll go for whichever seems most novel compared to V and VI, and I'll pick a civ path with the relevant attributes, and if possible using a civ that wasn't in Civ VI, but the victory condition takes precedence.
Austin Lane Crothers, Governor of Maryland.

(Google image search tells me. I'm not pretending to know this.)
Oh, nice. I cooked Max Miller's tuh'u recipe a few years ago, and it was genuinely delicious. I keep meaning to make it again.
That's the one I made! Cross-compared with the written account from the Biblical Archaeology Society from a couple years before Max covered it. Made it for the first time in March or April so that's twice in about six months.

Also made some minor changes this time: golden beets --> red beets, and lamb shank --> leg of lamb. Aside from the much redder color, the flavor is much the same. The coriander seeds are my favorite ingredient, they really set it off.


As for second/third era civs... no idea yet. In games where I swith civs/leaders, like Age of Mythology and Humankind, I tend to like to decide based on the in-game situation.
hat's the one I made! Cross-compared with the written account from the Biblical Archaeology Society from a couple years before Max covered it. Made it for the first time in March or April so that's twice in about six months.

Also made some minor changes this time: golden beets --> red beets, and lamb shank --> leg of lamb. Aside from the much redder color, the flavor is much the same. The coriander seeds are my favorite ingredient, they really set it off.
I used red beets as well, and I used fewer leeks than the recipe called for. I agree that the coriander seeds were delicious and a fun texture; the wheat beer was a surprising standout as well, speaking as someone who generally does not like the taste of beer.
One hat to top them all, one hat to fit them, One hat to captivate them all, and in the style bind them.
In the land of Mordor, where the milliners lie.
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