It's probably for the better that they refer themselves only to properly moderated spaces for feedback; I saw the youtube live chat when the first gameplay trailer premiered, and those comments were utterly vile.
Also no, I don't think players who want more inclusiveness & diversity are over-represented in the voices the devs listen to, at least not enough that it matters. And I wasn't suggesting the devs aren't listening to "patriotic" players enough. In case you couldn't tell, I don't have particularly positive opinions about nationalism as a concept (even when it's called "patriotism", it's still tribalism at an institutional level), and I would honestly love to see a 4X game that properly explores the themes of nationalism and its potential consequences. The game I can think of that probably has gotten closest to that, must be Stellaris; I've seen very few games be so frank about how the logical extreme of "loving your country" basically means the enslavement and/or genocide of anyone considered not belonging to said country.
Anyway, my complaint isn't that there's too much focus on "new diverse options" like the Mississippians. My complaint is that there's too much focus on the leaders. I'm of the minority opinion that leaders should've been ditched altogether, that each civ should've been identified through its architecture, music, cuisine etc, rather than a political and/or spiritual figurehead, whose inclusion I think only reinforces the tired old myth about history supposedly being shaped solely by a small number of individuals at the top of the food chain